Wednesday, 17 June 2020


June 17, 2020 at 07:47 …… having more of a say on
Further to the above post ….
Here’s a brief concise relatively modern history of the foundations for such as be the bastard lovechildren of Surreal Presentation and Practical Remote Virtual Realisation aka Politically Incorrect Failed State Propaganda, or if you prefer to like, Geopolitically Adept Anonymous Semi-Autonomous State Intervention ….. The Enemy Within: A Story of the Purge of American Intelligence
However …… whenever one cannot handle the truth and would strive to deny and quarantine its existence, is all lost to such competition and opposition. It is only natural ….. so take care out there, IT is a veritable mined mind field and it doesn’t suffer useless fools with useful tools.
amanfromMars 1 Wed 17 Jun 09:15 [2006170915] …… opening up on
Keep IT Simple, Stupid ……. for IT and AI Makes Life So Much Easier whenever Complicated
“perhaps they need a more mature, resilient, and monitoring tracking system empowered with AI and automated detection to identify these abuses.”
Or perhaps they need a more mature, resilient monitored mentoring system empowered with AI with automated detection which identifies abuses and misuses.
Thus to render the need for a retroactive and reactive [after the fact] human operations basically unnecessary.
Are cloud providers are aware of this issue?

amanfromMars 1 Wed 17 Jun 16:39 [2006171639] ….. asking on
Re: Venus and Mars
Gravity is so low on Mars as to make the comparison reasonable: human life on Mars is nothing but a fantasy. ….. Charlie Clark
How about, Charlie Clark, Martian Life on Earth ? What are the chances? Be honest now?
Another fantasy for Fantastic Stealth?
amanfromMars 1 Wed 17 Jun 16:42 [2006171642] …….. just saying on
A Deep Dark Cloistered Secret ???????
Getting to them is, however, quite another kettle of fish
It helps immensely to be au fait in the Way of Transubstantiation.
If in doubt, just ask the truly devout in brothers and sisterhoods.

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