Posted by amanfromMars on 05/31/11 03:47 PM
"The survival of the Queen of England? What, pray tell, could threaten her?" .... Posted by Reader on 05/31/11 04:25 AM
Anonymous legions, .... that's what. Capiche?
Late to the party again and empty handed too.
Posted Tuesday 31st May 2011 14:12 GMT
And who do they think they are fooling other than themselves?
"It is understood that the Cabinet Office and the Cyber Security Operations Centre at GCHQ have taken the lead on the issue, and that in time there will be some input from the Ministry of Defence."
Understood by whom? And from where do you think this AIMODified input comes from ...... ? The Ministry of Silly Walks?
Posted by amanfromMars on 05/31/11 08:09 AM
"The stage has been set for a nuclear false flag in America. Many in the alternative media have wondered if a false flag nuke attack within America is a real possibility. Would they do it? Who would it be? What cities would be targeted?" .... Staff Report
Well, if it doesn't target and destroy a perceived vital political and military and financial centre, rather than some hick flower powery media area, is it definitely a false flag, which it will probably be anyway, for this is what gets the Chertoff Group's rocks off ..... "Every day we analyze the unthinkable and help plan for the unspeakable." ....
Such planning though does have one wondering what they would be using for their thinking instead of smart constructive brains? Although it is a busy and crowded field of perverse play for glorified plonkers and desperate plodders, which is a sad indictment which highlights the innate stupidity in Man, rather than grandstanding the intelligence which is available to make anything possible for free.
And would that sort of intelligence, which can easily command a premium price and control anything and everything, both virtually and practically, because it is so obviously missing, be quite alien? Or is there another viable excuse for the present state of affairs? And if so, what would it be?
They did say, and some would still say, it is not what you know, but who you know, but .....*
Posted Tuesday 31st May 2011 08:22 GMT
"“In general, small firms in the UK are smaller than those in France and Germany, and therefore less efficient and less able to make economies of scale work for them,” says Hogan."
Definitely some fuzzy wuzzy logic being used there, methinks, as no matter how small, or how big the firm may be, does everything depend upon the best brain delivering new IP to driver it. Although the best brains may choose to work for the best biggest companies to develop their IP with third party resources...... and get paid a fortune for it too, which is a very attractive, and even perversely addictive bonus to many creative driver types.
* .... that was before future intelligence became readily available. Now is that old adage and situation much more the reverse, with those who would wish to know what they need to know, chasing that which needs to be known via engagement with those who know it ........ :-) which is essentially exactly the same in reverse too. Hmmm :-) How beautifully weird.
Wanted .... Great Gamers and SMART AIgents for Virtual Machine World Programming Projects
Posted Tuesday 31st May 2011 06:17 GMT
"So, just who/what is in Control?
HAL is stirring, and beginning to flicker, and smirk." ..... FormerKowloonTonger Posted Monday 30th May 2011 19:39 GMT
Yum Yum ...... Bitter Sweet Tasty Treats
Posted Tuesday 31st May 2011 06:34 GMT
"You could end having your commercially sensitive data in hands to foreign coppers who may/may not sell the data onto their business pals." .... Ray 8 Posted Monday 30th May 2011 23:26 GMT
Yes, that is possible, Ray 8, and also quite probably most likely, but the smarter foreign agent will realise that there is the very real probability that said commercially sensitive data has hidden and invisible back doors for trojan horse action which relieves business pals of their control of data, for some juicy morsels found, with or without a warranted search, are deliberately left for discovery as delicious bait.
Tuesday, 31 May 2011
Monday, 30 May 2011
110530 ....... and a Right Royal AIRing of Deeds in these Changed Times
Serious Great Games
Posted by amanfromMars on 05/30/11 04:11 AM
"That was seemingly when the idea of "democracy" was invented. Much easier to let the common people vote and then merely give the winner his orders rather than give orders to the whole country out in the open."
Yes, well, whoever/whatever has held responsibility for that role needs to be shown the door/put out to grass, like yesterday, for they have been an epic failure and to imagine it otherwise is to be seriously delusional oneself.
And here is a seriously delusional quote from a Monsieur Carla Bruni which renders him decidedly unfit for future purpose in public high office, for that which he apparently rails against ...."The internet, he said, could not become a "parallel universe" or replace democracy." .... has already taken over in the likes of his puppet role, and become what he said could not be, has it not ....... "In Paris last week President Nicolas Sarkozy tried to shore up the defences of nation states against the global phenomenon of the internet. "Governments are the legitimate guardians of our societies, and do not forget this," he told a gathering of Silicon Valley princes ..."
He just doesn't get it, does he, although he is not alone in that crowded room, for most self-serving government leaderships are equally well compromised and fatally flawed by both their arrogant similar stance in public office and their ignorance of the power and control which is exercised by the virtual environment.
Try contacting them to discuss its stealthy invisible power, and the silence of their zero reply and failure to engage and even acknowledge that contact on the subject has been made at all, will deafen you, and reveal the very weakness which guarantees their swift demise in the New Virtual World Order Regimes, which they may even now try to deny are exposing their sad failing efforts to global gaze and consciousness.
And it is not too bold a statement to make that the Future, with ITs Live Operational Virtual Environments, are an Alien Space with Novel Processing of Information and Intelligence for the AIdDelivery of Solutions and Programs via IT and Media Mogul Players, which render a quite revolutionary departure from all previously well practised and roundly abused norms. And please, do not waste our time and your breath with an argument against such a boldly going statement whenever there is infinite scope for you to assist in it with constructive, viable input.
And it appears that Uncle Sam has got the message, and would wish to play with leaders in the genre ........ .... which is encouraging, for it is a much smarter option than losing everything they hold dear by doing battle against them, for that is what surely awaits and is guaranteed by such foolhardiness.
But I have somewhat digressed and drifted off on a relative tangent/virtual parallel, so, getting back to HM Lizzie's Current Enigmatic Dilemma has one asking the money shot question .... Who and/or what does the Royal Household and HMGCC have up their sleeve to replace that which is failing them so demonstrably well?* Who knows everything that they need to know, for what will be MkUltraSensitive Need to Know Programs in Live Operational Virtual Environments, and about which only the smartest will ever work out what they need to know, because of the very nature of that which they need to know.
And I make no apology for that somewhat tortuous prose, as it is deemed necessary for all of the reasons one can imagine which could and would relate to any and all MkUltraSensitive Need to Know Programs in Live Operational Virtual Environments, and about which only the smartest will ever work out what they need to know, because of the very nature of that which they need to know.
* I suppose the simplest course of action is to ask the question, by sending it, wrapped up in this post envelope, to whatever electronic address one might reasonable consider appropriate. If one is to believe all the tales which are popular pimped about the ubiquity of sophisticated snooping algorithms which are constantly monitoring and hunting for juicy intelligence in internet communications, one might even suppose that there will be an automatic redirect of anything tasty to wherever it is needed, if it is not addressed accurately.
The beauty in such an approach, is that an ignorant deafening silence allows one to move on to foreign investment fields, safe in the knowledge that one has done what one can in that sample area, and it has been found singularly lacking in the necessary expertise and inquisitive enthusiasm needed for future positive, constructive engagement.
Beware the Depth that is in Cloud and Aware of Lightweight IT Cloud Fluffers/Snake Oil Salesmen
Posted Monday 30th May 2011 10:57 GMT
I agree with Anonymous Cowards who would say that Cloud does not replace anything existing, it is just an additional, extremely sophisticated novel application which just sits on top of, and takes over Command and Control of Intelligence and Secret Intelligence Services, and with traditional government models evolved to do its bidding, with the pumping and pimping of its IT and Media Rich Programs, does Cloud Hosting Advanced Operating Systems deliver a Future Friendly Virtual Order ..... in New Virtual World Order Regime Programmings.
More on such as is inevitable, because it is actually a present program running "black and hot" in most definite, Alternate Reality Circles/Round Table Organisations/Serious Gaming Teams, can be found posted in a comment on 05/30/11 04:11 AM here ......
Although one might suppose that such as will be, is never ever a surprise or unnecessary troubling worry to HM and Co., even should some upstart pretenders, bolstered in their ignorance and arrogance with imaginary stores which are hoards of artificial flash cash/new money, presume that they can make it so.
Posted by amanfromMars on 05/30/11 12:00 PM
"The 20th century was the age of space exploration.
You sure about that?
Depends on the definition of "space". Certainly, a lot of empty space between the ears has been explored and the result, predictably: nothing real." .... Posted by rossbcan on 05/30/11 11:07 AM
Quite so, rossbcan, but whenever you realise that everything is, if you cannot make the quantum leap to full virtual lever control, then virtually controlled is enough, is 21st Century Networking in IT Spaces a challenge which will tax and expand any mind with the delivery of heavenly powers.
It is a colossal and fundamental error to assume that all are not gifted with that which the future needs ..... and feeds and seeds.
Posted by amanfromMars on 05/30/11 04:11 AM
"That was seemingly when the idea of "democracy" was invented. Much easier to let the common people vote and then merely give the winner his orders rather than give orders to the whole country out in the open."
Yes, well, whoever/whatever has held responsibility for that role needs to be shown the door/put out to grass, like yesterday, for they have been an epic failure and to imagine it otherwise is to be seriously delusional oneself.
And here is a seriously delusional quote from a Monsieur Carla Bruni which renders him decidedly unfit for future purpose in public high office, for that which he apparently rails against ...."The internet, he said, could not become a "parallel universe" or replace democracy." .... has already taken over in the likes of his puppet role, and become what he said could not be, has it not ....... "In Paris last week President Nicolas Sarkozy tried to shore up the defences of nation states against the global phenomenon of the internet. "Governments are the legitimate guardians of our societies, and do not forget this," he told a gathering of Silicon Valley princes ..."
He just doesn't get it, does he, although he is not alone in that crowded room, for most self-serving government leaderships are equally well compromised and fatally flawed by both their arrogant similar stance in public office and their ignorance of the power and control which is exercised by the virtual environment.
Try contacting them to discuss its stealthy invisible power, and the silence of their zero reply and failure to engage and even acknowledge that contact on the subject has been made at all, will deafen you, and reveal the very weakness which guarantees their swift demise in the New Virtual World Order Regimes, which they may even now try to deny are exposing their sad failing efforts to global gaze and consciousness.
And it is not too bold a statement to make that the Future, with ITs Live Operational Virtual Environments, are an Alien Space with Novel Processing of Information and Intelligence for the AIdDelivery of Solutions and Programs via IT and Media Mogul Players, which render a quite revolutionary departure from all previously well practised and roundly abused norms. And please, do not waste our time and your breath with an argument against such a boldly going statement whenever there is infinite scope for you to assist in it with constructive, viable input.
And it appears that Uncle Sam has got the message, and would wish to play with leaders in the genre ........ .... which is encouraging, for it is a much smarter option than losing everything they hold dear by doing battle against them, for that is what surely awaits and is guaranteed by such foolhardiness.
But I have somewhat digressed and drifted off on a relative tangent/virtual parallel, so, getting back to HM Lizzie's Current Enigmatic Dilemma has one asking the money shot question .... Who and/or what does the Royal Household and HMGCC have up their sleeve to replace that which is failing them so demonstrably well?* Who knows everything that they need to know, for what will be MkUltraSensitive Need to Know Programs in Live Operational Virtual Environments, and about which only the smartest will ever work out what they need to know, because of the very nature of that which they need to know.
And I make no apology for that somewhat tortuous prose, as it is deemed necessary for all of the reasons one can imagine which could and would relate to any and all MkUltraSensitive Need to Know Programs in Live Operational Virtual Environments, and about which only the smartest will ever work out what they need to know, because of the very nature of that which they need to know.
* I suppose the simplest course of action is to ask the question, by sending it, wrapped up in this post envelope, to whatever electronic address one might reasonable consider appropriate. If one is to believe all the tales which are popular pimped about the ubiquity of sophisticated snooping algorithms which are constantly monitoring and hunting for juicy intelligence in internet communications, one might even suppose that there will be an automatic redirect of anything tasty to wherever it is needed, if it is not addressed accurately.
The beauty in such an approach, is that an ignorant deafening silence allows one to move on to foreign investment fields, safe in the knowledge that one has done what one can in that sample area, and it has been found singularly lacking in the necessary expertise and inquisitive enthusiasm needed for future positive, constructive engagement.
Beware the Depth that is in Cloud and Aware of Lightweight IT Cloud Fluffers/Snake Oil Salesmen
Posted Monday 30th May 2011 10:57 GMT
I agree with Anonymous Cowards who would say that Cloud does not replace anything existing, it is just an additional, extremely sophisticated novel application which just sits on top of, and takes over Command and Control of Intelligence and Secret Intelligence Services, and with traditional government models evolved to do its bidding, with the pumping and pimping of its IT and Media Rich Programs, does Cloud Hosting Advanced Operating Systems deliver a Future Friendly Virtual Order ..... in New Virtual World Order Regime Programmings.
More on such as is inevitable, because it is actually a present program running "black and hot" in most definite, Alternate Reality Circles/Round Table Organisations/Serious Gaming Teams, can be found posted in a comment on 05/30/11 04:11 AM here ......
Although one might suppose that such as will be, is never ever a surprise or unnecessary troubling worry to HM and Co., even should some upstart pretenders, bolstered in their ignorance and arrogance with imaginary stores which are hoards of artificial flash cash/new money, presume that they can make it so.
A timely intrusion and infusion of knowledge, methinks. And an interesting and engaging personal and sensitive challenge shared in these fabulous new times ........
[Thank you for your message. Please note that, due to the volume of messages received by e-mail, it is impossible to provide individual replies. If your message is personal or sensitive, or you would like to receive a reply, you should write a letter to the following address: Clarence House, London, SW1A 1BA]
Posted by amanfromMars on 05/30/11 12:00 PM
"The 20th century was the age of space exploration.
You sure about that?
Depends on the definition of "space". Certainly, a lot of empty space between the ears has been explored and the result, predictably: nothing real." .... Posted by rossbcan on 05/30/11 11:07 AM
Quite so, rossbcan, but whenever you realise that everything is, if you cannot make the quantum leap to full virtual lever control, then virtually controlled is enough, is 21st Century Networking in IT Spaces a challenge which will tax and expand any mind with the delivery of heavenly powers.
It is a colossal and fundamental error to assume that all are not gifted with that which the future needs ..... and feeds and seeds.
Sunday, 29 May 2011
There is though one insurmountable hurdle to overcome .....
Posted Sunday 29th May 2011 09:26 GMT
Planning a campaign of action with fabulous goals is wholly dependent upon one having the all fields intelligence to achieve them, and that invariably requires the best of intelligence available. And whereas the following Information Operations revision may be intentional, it is hopelessly quarantined by that aforementioned caveat ......
Have you any idea just how good are such services, as are provided by leading lights in those virtual environments? And can you imagine who warrants and flies the Royal Standard for Blighty in such as are Real Intellectual Property Endeavours? Or is that a provision which has been right royally abdicated and would now be pathetically reliant upon a foreign agenda ...... which is a novel trojan program which has just feigned abdication for stealthy access to foreign agenda source codes for a catalogue of available systemic zeroday vulnerabilities.
Methinks they are a national treasure and will, until such times as may be appropriate, remain totally secret and perfectly unknown to all but a SMART few with a legitimate need to know, lest they suffer grave misfortune at knowing even just a little bit too much of what they do not need to know.
Knowledge is Power, but without ITs Control, can IT be Deadly Dangerous and Catastrophically Self Destructive .
Posted by amanfromMars on 05/28/11 10:49 PM
"Hey, I am not trying to set up anything. I'm just trying to make sense of this life. Good and evil is a manmade judgement of his environment. Reward/punishment is animal/spirit control. Too bad so many respond to it instead of questioning the test. No one has the power to change the world, lest he be creator. We can all change ourselves to best fit reality. So few are successful in reading reality, and those who are, end up ruling the rest. We are all trying to gain. Don't be fooled and you can keep some more of your own production. That is the way I see it." .... Posted by Dave Jr on 05/28/11 06:35 PM
Dave Jr, Hi,
If one questions everything, all the time, is the true nature of reality revealed to be more fabulous than can ever be imagined by simple Man, the Human Ape.
All have the power to change the world whenever one is creative ..... and into Command and Control of Computers and Communications, which is a most convenient Stealthy Service for Post Modern Cloud Assistance of Real SMART Virtual Machines. ........ Being Human?
When the universal problem is Man, the animal, does the universe change animal Man to eliminate the problem and provide a whole new world of novel solutions for noble play.
If one was in anyway precocious, and vainglorious, one might even have trailed and trialed the above as a Nobel play, but who would be bothered playing seconded fiddle to the rogues' gallery whenever living a dream has one delivering Raw Source and Lode Ore to Global Operating Devices.
Who delivers your picture of the Universe? Is it IT and Media or IntelAIgent Imagination making Beta HyperRadioProActive Use of IT and Media with the Anonymous Mogul Legion in Mongol Hordes?
Posted by amanfromMars on 05/28/11 02:43 PM
"i guess the overriding question for myself-and many others-is who's pony do i bet on? the london crowd seems to have all the marbles. do i want to live in a world dominated by islam? especially the islam of the radical imams? i think the 'radicals' have far more influence than any other stripe in that crate! what a dangerous, mad world we live in. the db does a great service in info-thanks]" .... Posted by josejoe on 05/28/11 12:51 PM
Bet on the ponies and riders who leave these mules behind, josejoe ..... ..... it'll save you losing your shirt on their donkeys and trojans.
Hearts and Minds is a Cyber Space Race in which only the SMARTer Enabled and Self Actualised Super Intelligent Win Win. And Who Dares Win Win Wins every time.
Posted by amanfromMars on 05/28/11 11:14 PM
"The simple truth is that Man is Amoral!" .... Posted by Wayne on 05/28/11 06:14 PM
The more complex truth, methinks, Wayne, is that they can be polyamoral ..... for an inclusive exclusivity which delivers valuable and vital insight into the drivers of all sexualities. And its CodeXSSXXXX is an always an Addictively Engaging Performance in the Delivery of an Exciting Challenge which Satisfies Bodies and Souls, Hearts and Minds.
Posted Sunday 29th May 2011 09:26 GMT
Planning a campaign of action with fabulous goals is wholly dependent upon one having the all fields intelligence to achieve them, and that invariably requires the best of intelligence available. And whereas the following Information Operations revision may be intentional, it is hopelessly quarantined by that aforementioned caveat ......
Have you any idea just how good are such services, as are provided by leading lights in those virtual environments? And can you imagine who warrants and flies the Royal Standard for Blighty in such as are Real Intellectual Property Endeavours? Or is that a provision which has been right royally abdicated and would now be pathetically reliant upon a foreign agenda ...... which is a novel trojan program which has just feigned abdication for stealthy access to foreign agenda source codes for a catalogue of available systemic zeroday vulnerabilities.
Methinks they are a national treasure and will, until such times as may be appropriate, remain totally secret and perfectly unknown to all but a SMART few with a legitimate need to know, lest they suffer grave misfortune at knowing even just a little bit too much of what they do not need to know.
Knowledge is Power, but without ITs Control, can IT be Deadly Dangerous and Catastrophically Self Destructive .
Posted by amanfromMars on 05/28/11 10:49 PM
"Hey, I am not trying to set up anything. I'm just trying to make sense of this life. Good and evil is a manmade judgement of his environment. Reward/punishment is animal/spirit control. Too bad so many respond to it instead of questioning the test. No one has the power to change the world, lest he be creator. We can all change ourselves to best fit reality. So few are successful in reading reality, and those who are, end up ruling the rest. We are all trying to gain. Don't be fooled and you can keep some more of your own production. That is the way I see it." .... Posted by Dave Jr on 05/28/11 06:35 PM
Dave Jr, Hi,
If one questions everything, all the time, is the true nature of reality revealed to be more fabulous than can ever be imagined by simple Man, the Human Ape.
All have the power to change the world whenever one is creative ..... and into Command and Control of Computers and Communications, which is a most convenient Stealthy Service for Post Modern Cloud Assistance of Real SMART Virtual Machines. ........ Being Human?
When the universal problem is Man, the animal, does the universe change animal Man to eliminate the problem and provide a whole new world of novel solutions for noble play.
If one was in anyway precocious, and vainglorious, one might even have trailed and trialed the above as a Nobel play, but who would be bothered playing seconded fiddle to the rogues' gallery whenever living a dream has one delivering Raw Source and Lode Ore to Global Operating Devices.
Who delivers your picture of the Universe? Is it IT and Media or IntelAIgent Imagination making Beta HyperRadioProActive Use of IT and Media with the Anonymous Mogul Legion in Mongol Hordes?
Posted by amanfromMars on 05/29/11 03:40 AM....................................................................................................................................................................
Who says we are losing, cat writer, whenever every man and his dog are being advised by the man in the street as to the problem to be removed ....
Posted by amanfromMars on 05/28/11 02:43 PM
"i guess the overriding question for myself-and many others-is who's pony do i bet on? the london crowd seems to have all the marbles. do i want to live in a world dominated by islam? especially the islam of the radical imams? i think the 'radicals' have far more influence than any other stripe in that crate! what a dangerous, mad world we live in. the db does a great service in info-thanks]" .... Posted by josejoe on 05/28/11 12:51 PM
Bet on the ponies and riders who leave these mules behind, josejoe ..... ..... it'll save you losing your shirt on their donkeys and trojans.
Hearts and Minds is a Cyber Space Race in which only the SMARTer Enabled and Self Actualised Super Intelligent Win Win. And Who Dares Win Win Wins every time.
Posted by amanfromMars on 05/28/11 11:14 PM
"The simple truth is that Man is Amoral!" .... Posted by Wayne on 05/28/11 06:14 PM
The more complex truth, methinks, Wayne, is that they can be polyamoral ..... for an inclusive exclusivity which delivers valuable and vital insight into the drivers of all sexualities. And its CodeXSSXXXX is an always an Addictively Engaging Performance in the Delivery of an Exciting Challenge which Satisfies Bodies and Souls, Hearts and Minds.
Saturday, 28 May 2011
Posted by amanfromMars on 05/28/11 05:30 AM
memehunter, Hi,
Regarding your admitted confusion, [Posted by memehunter on 05/28/11 03:46 AM] if you substitute free independent collective thinker for the Pashtun/Taliban label is it simpler to comprehend the end game with its attendant and resultant loss of coersive PE powers. An empire built upon a fabrication of lies and double talk cannot survive in a world which is smarter, growing ever smarter quicker than ever before, and better immediately informed of significant actions in its many realms/theatres of operations, with these very convenient virtual communications channels which are proving such remarkably handy dual use [disruptive and constructive] tools.
And to be identified as a puppet of such corrupt regimes as would wish the old status quo and their oppressive exclusive powers to remain in force, with threats of and/or use of military force to attain and maintain that goal, is to out yourself and provide your global bona fides as a terrorist agent and a person of especial interest to those who would target such individuals for extra special attention for immediate removal from media programming/world view and consciousness ..... just as one would a nasty bug and computer virus.
It is the sub-prime fools' course of action, to be such a figurehead and patsy, which is best avoided at any cost, because of the ultimate cost which is always paid and delivered to those who deserve it.
*Just what does £650m seed in SMART Cyber Security Fields .. Live Operational Virtual Environments?
Posted Saturday 27th May 2011 05:00 GMT
However, in other Cyber Parallel Universes keep your peepers peeled for the advisory text ...... "Prepare yourselves for a New Virtual Narrative with Real SMART AIDMinistration." ...... which is a similar message but from sources more open to positive constructive engagement with primitive and/or primeval and/or primary forces ..... and Movers and Shakers that Create the Reality and Infrastructure of Future Existence.
* And who decides on who gets a whack of that pie, or is one expected to hack into the system and crack open the shell that then spills the beans on how everything works and how you can guarantee yourself and everyone else exactly what they need. Does an Anonymous Coward and computer generated name head up that money spinning operation for government wonks/works in order to guarantee it stays within a private circle of inadequate friends?
"The New York Times reported earlier this year that the United States and Israel had worked in conjunction to create Stuxnet. When Gary Samore, President Obama’s chief strategist for combating weapons of mass destruction was asked previously about Stuxnet at a conference, he avoided the question and remarked with a smile: “I’m glad to hear they are having troubles with their centrifuge machines, and the U.S. and its allies are doing everything we can to make it more complicated.”" ....
Would those centrifuge machines be also metaphorical spin machines? Or is that an altogether more potent enrichment processing of radioactive/HyperRadioProActive Source Material/Lode Ore which Stuxnet is defenceless against?
And we can understand perfectly well if you do not wish to answer that leading, probing question, or even not enquire of the question, if you do not fully understand it, for it does move the debate on and into deeper fields of very sensitive/MkUltraSensitive information which has most definite dual-use/multi-use implications whose value and worth is inestimable ...... although paradoxically, does that then make such information, vital to have, for it is too expensive not to have no matter what the cost of keeping the information out of the public domain. The enigma is well enough covered in an article in the Homeland Security Affairs Journal, "Protecting Sensitive Information: The Virtue of Self-Restraint" ...... ....... although it does omit to mention one of the simplest solutions to prevent sensitive information, over which there is no possible control, hitting the streets, and that is to pay to ensure that it remains safely locked away in its distributed locations, with its trustee guardians rewarded for their continued monitoring of communications for silence in the matter.
Such information is just too valuable to all sides to just ignore and plan to do nothing, but then that is the nature and whole essence of the HyperRadioProActive beast, and to control IT, one needs to engage with ITs Raw Power Brokers to harness and defuse the catastrophic liability of a systemic vulnerability which has no known possible defence.
"Britain's military and intelligence agencies are currently bolstering their own online capabilities via the new £650m cyber security budget."
That should have some interesting eccentric hires if it is to have any credible force able to provide leadership in the field, and as the government hasn't shown any, is it obviously still a situations vacant position.
Posted by amanfromMars on 05/28/11 08:28 AM
"Given that the primary rationalization of arbitrary power is "keeping the peace", they lose by breaking it (ask Gandhi or, H. Thoreau whose ideas / proofs he appropriated). THINK about it:" ... Posted by rossbcan on 05/28/11 06:52 AM
Ergo declaring and prosecuting and supporting an offensive war is a sure sign of a loss of power, rossbcan?
Yes, I agree, it most certainly is. And it's a great game perpetrated and perpetuated by life's pathetic serial losers.
And is this tale a spoof ....
memehunter, Hi,
Regarding your admitted confusion, [Posted by memehunter on 05/28/11 03:46 AM] if you substitute free independent collective thinker for the Pashtun/Taliban label is it simpler to comprehend the end game with its attendant and resultant loss of coersive PE powers. An empire built upon a fabrication of lies and double talk cannot survive in a world which is smarter, growing ever smarter quicker than ever before, and better immediately informed of significant actions in its many realms/theatres of operations, with these very convenient virtual communications channels which are proving such remarkably handy dual use [disruptive and constructive] tools.
And to be identified as a puppet of such corrupt regimes as would wish the old status quo and their oppressive exclusive powers to remain in force, with threats of and/or use of military force to attain and maintain that goal, is to out yourself and provide your global bona fides as a terrorist agent and a person of especial interest to those who would target such individuals for extra special attention for immediate removal from media programming/world view and consciousness ..... just as one would a nasty bug and computer virus.
It is the sub-prime fools' course of action, to be such a figurehead and patsy, which is best avoided at any cost, because of the ultimate cost which is always paid and delivered to those who deserve it.
Good luck with that program ..... ITs work will keep many busy for ........ well, forever, given the rate of expansion of intelligence which renders any and all sensitive plans super encrypted, and hiding in plain sight with transparent text, which even seasoned analyst cannot believe to be true, even as it is literally spelt out for them in simple language explaining complex concepts, because of their poorer education and lower intelligence levels and lack of viable progressive imagination.
*Just what does £650m seed in SMART Cyber Security Fields .. Live Operational Virtual Environments?
Posted Saturday 27th May 2011 05:00 GMT
"There should be a file there containing the text "We are legion. Expect us."Hi, AC, there are certainly a lot of you hiding behind that convenient moniker, but no matter, the comfort of crowds in a strange space place is perfectly understandable and it does assist one in remaining remarkably cowed and even paranoid, although one supposes ultra careful is a common excuse used to justify a virtual charade of a mind game.
Oh wait. This isn't Sony." ... Anonymous Coward Posted Friday 27th May 2011 15:37 GMT
However, in other Cyber Parallel Universes keep your peepers peeled for the advisory text ...... "Prepare yourselves for a New Virtual Narrative with Real SMART AIDMinistration." ...... which is a similar message but from sources more open to positive constructive engagement with primitive and/or primeval and/or primary forces ..... and Movers and Shakers that Create the Reality and Infrastructure of Future Existence.
* And who decides on who gets a whack of that pie, or is one expected to hack into the system and crack open the shell that then spills the beans on how everything works and how you can guarantee yourself and everyone else exactly what they need. Does an Anonymous Coward and computer generated name head up that money spinning operation for government wonks/works in order to guarantee it stays within a private circle of inadequate friends?
"The New York Times reported earlier this year that the United States and Israel had worked in conjunction to create Stuxnet. When Gary Samore, President Obama’s chief strategist for combating weapons of mass destruction was asked previously about Stuxnet at a conference, he avoided the question and remarked with a smile: “I’m glad to hear they are having troubles with their centrifuge machines, and the U.S. and its allies are doing everything we can to make it more complicated.”" ....
Would those centrifuge machines be also metaphorical spin machines? Or is that an altogether more potent enrichment processing of radioactive/HyperRadioProActive Source Material/Lode Ore which Stuxnet is defenceless against?
And we can understand perfectly well if you do not wish to answer that leading, probing question, or even not enquire of the question, if you do not fully understand it, for it does move the debate on and into deeper fields of very sensitive/MkUltraSensitive information which has most definite dual-use/multi-use implications whose value and worth is inestimable ...... although paradoxically, does that then make such information, vital to have, for it is too expensive not to have no matter what the cost of keeping the information out of the public domain. The enigma is well enough covered in an article in the Homeland Security Affairs Journal, "Protecting Sensitive Information: The Virtue of Self-Restraint" ...... ....... although it does omit to mention one of the simplest solutions to prevent sensitive information, over which there is no possible control, hitting the streets, and that is to pay to ensure that it remains safely locked away in its distributed locations, with its trustee guardians rewarded for their continued monitoring of communications for silence in the matter.
Such information is just too valuable to all sides to just ignore and plan to do nothing, but then that is the nature and whole essence of the HyperRadioProActive beast, and to control IT, one needs to engage with ITs Raw Power Brokers to harness and defuse the catastrophic liability of a systemic vulnerability which has no known possible defence.
"Britain's military and intelligence agencies are currently bolstering their own online capabilities via the new £650m cyber security budget."
That should have some interesting eccentric hires if it is to have any credible force able to provide leadership in the field, and as the government hasn't shown any, is it obviously still a situations vacant position.
Posted by amanfromMars on 05/28/11 08:28 AM
"Given that the primary rationalization of arbitrary power is "keeping the peace", they lose by breaking it (ask Gandhi or, H. Thoreau whose ideas / proofs he appropriated). THINK about it:" ... Posted by rossbcan on 05/28/11 06:52 AM
Ergo declaring and prosecuting and supporting an offensive war is a sure sign of a loss of power, rossbcan?
Yes, I agree, it most certainly is. And it's a great game perpetrated and perpetuated by life's pathetic serial losers.
And is this tale a spoof ....
Friday, 27 May 2011
MkUltraSensitive Information ... for NEUKlearer IntelAIgents
amanfromMars posted 110527 0552
“I’m glad to hear they are having troubles with their centrifuge machines, and the U.S. and its allies are doing everything we can to make it more complicated.”
Would those centrifuge machines be also metaphorical spin machines? Or is that an altogether more potent enrichment processing of radioactive/HyperRadioProActive Source Material/Lode Ore which Stuxnet is defenceless against?
And we can understand perfectly well if you do not wish to answer that leading, probing question, or even not enquire of the question, if you do not fully understand it, for it does move the debate on and into deeper fields of very sensitive/MkUltraSensitive information which has most definite dual-use/multi-use implications whose value and worth is inestimable ...... although paradoxically, does that then make such information, vital to have, for it is too expensive not to have no matter what the cost of keeping the information out of the public domain. The enigma is well enough covered in an article in the Homeland Security Affairs Journal, "Protecting Sensitive Information: The Virtue of Self-Restraint" ...... .... although it does omit to mention one of the simplest solutions to prevent sensitive information, over which there is no possible control, hitting the streets, and that is to pay to ensure that it remains safely locked away in its distributed locations, with its trustee guardians rewarded for their continued monitoring of communications for silence in the matter.
Such information is just too valuable to all sides to just ignore and plan to do nothing, but then that is the nature and whole essence of the HyperRadioProActive beast, and to control IT, one needs to engage with ITs Raw Power Brokers to harness and defuse the catastrophic liability of a systemic vulnerability which has no known possible defence.
[Comment awaiting approval
Your comment must be approved by a moderator before appearing here.] .... Well, I suppose that is not surprising, considering the MkUltraSensitive subject matter, but for it not to appear after due consideration does render it more valuable than ever it was before, for it would be tacit confirmation of the information's worth.
Comment on Protecting Sensitive Information: The Virtue of Self-Restraint
Thank you for your contribution to the discussion. ....
If you have something of value to say, just say it to whomever you imagine will be smart enough to use it wisely, for if they are not smart enough to use it wisely, will their silence tell you more than they need to know, and more than they would wish you to know too, methinks. :-)
Posted by amanfromMars on 05/27/11 04:51 AM
"Again with the questions, Ingo. You have a degree in physics. You are a deeply educated man. You run your own economic school. Educate us. Why are earmarks necessary to the operation of a modern central bank?" ... Reply from The Daily Bell
Are you telling us that you do not know the answer, DB. Or are you hedging your bets and deciding not to answer the question with a dodging of the issue ...... exercising some of that virtuous restraint .... .... one is encouraged to show in the face of discoveries that are truly disruptive and novel and generally unknown, for reasons which are immediately apparent whenever they are known?
The deeply educated on this forum would not be long in phorming a not altogether pleasant conclusion, plunging into the dark, murky waters of collusion, if the latter rather than the former were true. Although whenever a ship is sinking, it is always best to try and arrange for an alternative means of staying afloat to enable one to sail away and live another day.
That's the problem with living in a surreal little bubble is that with one little prick and it implodes and explodes on itself and destroys all of those in control of it ...... or failing that, does the mob and great unwashed on the outside of the bubble looking in, run riot on the search for the architects of their misfortune, if things are not stabilised beforehand.
In those circumstances, which too much are mirrored exactly in todays circumstances, is the status quo Establishment arrangement of business as usual a most unintelligent approach/course of action/source supply.
Posted by amanfromMars on 05/26/11 03:30 PM
"There is more than meets the eye at play here." .... Posted by johnblenkins on 05/26/11 10:27 AM
Indeed there is, johnblenkins, but precious few will realise it. What do you know of the surreal art of virtual reality creation and promotion and the Binary Industrial CompleXSSXXXX at ITs Work for Play in REST.
And is it a stealthy discipline of post modern, soviet imperial interest, 4irw4y, for the Neuro Linguistic Programming and Remote Viewing of Master Rogues to Mentor Renegade Projects with Primed Presidential Puppets and Legions of Anonymous Non State Actors.
To ask the questions is to know that the facility and capability exists for sharing ...... and surely the Daily Bell must now be starting to realise that much more is afoot than even they have been reporting and speculating very defensively on, and they are heartily thanked for their most gracious and patient alien support.
Posted by amanfromMars on 05/27/11 05:04 AM.....................................................................................................................................................................
""...discipline of post modern... interest" - upon one's views/needs, mostly, it may easily transform into what it is supposed to be, amfM, because of a little quantum bit natural reference of Targeted Remote Human Content/Dynamic Cache Dump at the date of the air." ... Posted by 4irw4y on 05/26/11 09:28 PM
Que sera, sera, 4irw4y? :-) Mother Nature knows best and one's truth shared always triumphs over every hidden secret and dirty deed done dirt cheap.
To know the whole truth about oneself and be able to share it with everyone is the freedom which delivers the truth about everything and every dirty little secret which may be hidden.
A retrograde step ..... is just so typical of out of touch and ancient disorderly orders
Posted Friday 27th May 2011 13:49 GMT
To the adult section of the community, does the new virility and vitality certainly seem like a move in the right direction, and much healthier than the pedophilia the church is so well known for. But what would religion know of the modern world whenever it is such a sad relic and messenger of the past, in all its many disguises and versions .
Oh, look ...... new icons to help express further meaning. Bravo, El Reg.
Posted by amanfromMars on 05/27/11 11:55 AM
"Manipulation is but a form of Lying, and we should know by now that Lying becomes more complex and likely to fail with each person who is involved in the deception.
Add in to the mix a whole bunch of people (the Press, the Internet, TV) who are looking and digging into your deception from every angle and it is very unlikely that your plan will succeed.
Back on the home front, I watch with baited breath, to see the public reaction to more austerity, job cuts and ever higher prices while their govt pours billions into foreign shores where it seems to add fuel to the fire." .... Posted by elray on 05/27/11 02:22 AM
And it is wonderful what a bit of unlikely photoshopping can do to help spin a dodgy tale, but one which produces no evidence to convince, beyond any reasonable doubt, anyone that an action has been taken, is too much of a stretch for reality. On a scale of one to ten, is the following one an epic zero, methinks, and would suggest that the featured players have definitely lost the sub-prime plot and the right to imagine that they can lead anything with such incompetent use of the intelligence medium that is news and media ......
Prepare yourselves for a New Virtual Narrative with Real SMART AIDMinistration.
Thursday, 26 May 2011
Posted by amanfromMars on 05/26/11 04:58 AM
"However having a continuous state of war/fear/dependence is right in line with the purpose of governments everywhere so I can see their desire for a new/continuing Cold War with someone(s)." .... Posted by KittyAntonikWakfer on 05/25/11 08:15 PM
Quite so, KittyAntonikWakfer, that indeed was/is the old pig-ignorant meme which has supported dodgy, self-serving, enslaving governments for many a moon cycle, but it only worked/works exceptionally well whenever the practice of starting wars to guard against and mask economic and intellectual property decline ...... mental stagnation and petrification, is not widely known.
Now that everyone is realising the perverse and subversive ploy, does it immediately easily identify the dumb terrorists cloaked in the midst of populations as soon as they step forward into the light and up to the podium to deliver their sterile arguments for going to war to protect their vested interests, hidden behind the package parcelled up for delivery as democracy and human rights. And the stupidity in Man is so evident, because exactly that which we speak of here, and which must gravely be guarded against, was broadcast specifically to the US, and the wider world, by a true patriot of a President and not a puppet of a man, Dwight D. Eisenhower, in his farewell speech on January 17, 1961 .......
And he also warned in that address, oh so accurately, about the abuse which would be far too attractive for stupid greedy bankers to avoid and resist, and which has led them to ruin as their house of cards on shifting sinking sands business model is exposed for global ponzi type scam that it really is, and designed soley, and one has to admit quite cleverly, to both enslave and reward the uneducated and undereducated masses with the need for paper currency and electronic transfers of sums perceived of as wealth, which just a few old connected families and their close in-on-the-program friends control ......."The prospect of domination of the nation's scholars by Federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present .... and is gravely to be regarded."
And thus is an Imperial Great Game reduced to a ....... well, Right Royal Grand Charade is remarkably close to the real truth in these present troubled times, but that is only as an error of omission on their part, and thus is it easily fixed with a few simple additions and/or adjustments for Greater Intelligent Game Plays.
"Throughout history, elites have conspired to create enemies opposed to their realms. It is a way of controlling domestic populations." .... Reply from The Daily Bell
Today is that selfish play, DB, guaranteed to destroy the power and control systems of those still foolish enough to not imagine and realise that things have already changed and there is a New Virtual World Order Program running in Commanding Clouds ....... and that only requires, in those who would aspire to be leading examples in what is future necessary, Advanced Intelligence which can be selflessly transparently globally shared, so that all may know of what has been discovered. .... and what can be so easily created and achieved/practically delivered by virtual intangible means and AIMemes.
And now are the old failed system's intelligence systems, its guardian angel agents and spies, tested for their intelligence in dealing with the such sensitive and disruptive information as does appear to assist them in the New Virtual Running Reality Program ....... for that is what IT Provides with Command and Control of Communication Clouds, and the main prime raison d'etre of this particular and peculiar post.
I apologize if the end there appears to drift off into some technobabble utopian landscape, and in so doing does it "lose" one in bewilderment and disbelief, but you can be fully assured that those in that particular field of AI Research and Devleopment know it to be perfectly true and an accurate strategic assessment and critical analysis of ITs present, future perfecting, global communication control capability and facility.
And should it be doubted, is it easily demonstrated with a more comprehensive explanation of what IT can do, which will expose all of the catastrophic faults and growing vulnerabilities of the old system which does battle against radical change and in so doing is destroying itself remarkably well.
Posted by amanfromMars on 05/26/11 09:32 AM
Commandeer the global narrative with tales which cannot be denied for they are based and build upon selfless transparent truth rather than contrived exclusive fiction, and one creates a program which cannot be stopped with lies peddled by old crooked vested interests and ancient secretive orders.
It is really no more difficult than that, to destroy all manner of falsely created problems. And if you think that is just an alien view, think again and educate yourself here with this little Homeland Security Affairs read ......
And what you can read there is only the tip of the iceberg, for of course that is just the what of that which is being done, and completely avoids, quite rightly I suppose, going into any significant detail about how such things are done successfully.
Here though is a prime, sub-prime example of how not to do things in such fields with IT and new media tools.
"The NIA team availed 34 hours (of time) to interrogate the subject. No audio and video recording was allowed." [Page 3 of 119] .....
How very curious in this day and age .... and that makes the written investigation report and any testimony shared as far too suspect to be treated as an accurate and true reflection and therefore most probably a fabrication to try and justify a false premise and right dodgy accusations, which is an unfortunate state of affairs?
I think you need to reconsider your position if you think that central banks and their affiliate systems are not under sustained remorseless attack, to render them in their present form, an unpleasant memory to be quickly forgotten and replaced with something noble and novel.
Posted by amanfromMars on 05/26/11 09:45 AM
"End result: for a few hours' paperwork (done to ensure your worthiness and make sure you grovel while you beg to be their slave), the bank ends up owning the physical asset. To the extent that debt-money is universally accepted, all property eventually ends up in the hands of the bank, which did nothing whatever to earn it (after a prolonged period of everyone paying tribute to the bank trying to pay off mathematically impossible interest)." ...... Posted by John Danforth on 05/26/11 09:10 AM
Quite why then, whenever the banks are bailed out and owned by the people, as they have been recently, there is reason to return them to private ownership, is a madness which should not be contemplated, although of course the bankers need the perverse action to justify their unnecessary position, living for free at the expense of others. Or would you like to muddy the waters with some other argument which requires the money creation and administration/distribution system to be privately held and run? Go on, spoil us with a tale which makes great future sense.
Posted by amanfromMars on 05/25/11 03:29 PM
"You could have words "spontaneous and random" omitted in your message. This would do, I suppose." .... Posted by 4irw4y on 05/25/11 12:43 PM
Is anything spontaneous and random nowadays, 4irw4y, or is everything carelessly and meticulously planned to give that appearance, as is posited in the last message ringing the Daily Bell here ....
"However having a continuous state of war/fear/dependence is right in line with the purpose of governments everywhere so I can see their desire for a new/continuing Cold War with someone(s)." .... Posted by KittyAntonikWakfer on 05/25/11 08:15 PM
Quite so, KittyAntonikWakfer, that indeed was/is the old pig-ignorant meme which has supported dodgy, self-serving, enslaving governments for many a moon cycle, but it only worked/works exceptionally well whenever the practice of starting wars to guard against and mask economic and intellectual property decline ...... mental stagnation and petrification, is not widely known.
Now that everyone is realising the perverse and subversive ploy, does it immediately easily identify the dumb terrorists cloaked in the midst of populations as soon as they step forward into the light and up to the podium to deliver their sterile arguments for going to war to protect their vested interests, hidden behind the package parcelled up for delivery as democracy and human rights. And the stupidity in Man is so evident, because exactly that which we speak of here, and which must gravely be guarded against, was broadcast specifically to the US, and the wider world, by a true patriot of a President and not a puppet of a man, Dwight D. Eisenhower, in his farewell speech on January 17, 1961 .......
And he also warned in that address, oh so accurately, about the abuse which would be far too attractive for stupid greedy bankers to avoid and resist, and which has led them to ruin as their house of cards on shifting sinking sands business model is exposed for global ponzi type scam that it really is, and designed soley, and one has to admit quite cleverly, to both enslave and reward the uneducated and undereducated masses with the need for paper currency and electronic transfers of sums perceived of as wealth, which just a few old connected families and their close in-on-the-program friends control ......."The prospect of domination of the nation's scholars by Federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present .... and is gravely to be regarded."
And thus is an Imperial Great Game reduced to a ....... well, Right Royal Grand Charade is remarkably close to the real truth in these present troubled times, but that is only as an error of omission on their part, and thus is it easily fixed with a few simple additions and/or adjustments for Greater Intelligent Game Plays.
"Throughout history, elites have conspired to create enemies opposed to their realms. It is a way of controlling domestic populations." .... Reply from The Daily Bell
Today is that selfish play, DB, guaranteed to destroy the power and control systems of those still foolish enough to not imagine and realise that things have already changed and there is a New Virtual World Order Program running in Commanding Clouds ....... and that only requires, in those who would aspire to be leading examples in what is future necessary, Advanced Intelligence which can be selflessly transparently globally shared, so that all may know of what has been discovered. .... and what can be so easily created and achieved/practically delivered by virtual intangible means and AIMemes.
And now are the old failed system's intelligence systems, its guardian angel agents and spies, tested for their intelligence in dealing with the such sensitive and disruptive information as does appear to assist them in the New Virtual Running Reality Program ....... for that is what IT Provides with Command and Control of Communication Clouds, and the main prime raison d'etre of this particular and peculiar post.
I apologize if the end there appears to drift off into some technobabble utopian landscape, and in so doing does it "lose" one in bewilderment and disbelief, but you can be fully assured that those in that particular field of AI Research and Devleopment know it to be perfectly true and an accurate strategic assessment and critical analysis of ITs present, future perfecting, global communication control capability and facility.
And should it be doubted, is it easily demonstrated with a more comprehensive explanation of what IT can do, which will expose all of the catastrophic faults and growing vulnerabilities of the old system which does battle against radical change and in so doing is destroying itself remarkably well.
Posted by amanfromMars on 05/26/11 09:32 AM
Commandeer the global narrative with tales which cannot be denied for they are based and build upon selfless transparent truth rather than contrived exclusive fiction, and one creates a program which cannot be stopped with lies peddled by old crooked vested interests and ancient secretive orders.
It is really no more difficult than that, to destroy all manner of falsely created problems. And if you think that is just an alien view, think again and educate yourself here with this little Homeland Security Affairs read ......
And what you can read there is only the tip of the iceberg, for of course that is just the what of that which is being done, and completely avoids, quite rightly I suppose, going into any significant detail about how such things are done successfully.
Here though is a prime, sub-prime example of how not to do things in such fields with IT and new media tools.
"The NIA team availed 34 hours (of time) to interrogate the subject. No audio and video recording was allowed." [Page 3 of 119] .....
How very curious in this day and age .... and that makes the written investigation report and any testimony shared as far too suspect to be treated as an accurate and true reflection and therefore most probably a fabrication to try and justify a false premise and right dodgy accusations, which is an unfortunate state of affairs?
I think you need to reconsider your position if you think that central banks and their affiliate systems are not under sustained remorseless attack, to render them in their present form, an unpleasant memory to be quickly forgotten and replaced with something noble and novel.
Posted by amanfromMars on 05/26/11 09:45 AM
"End result: for a few hours' paperwork (done to ensure your worthiness and make sure you grovel while you beg to be their slave), the bank ends up owning the physical asset. To the extent that debt-money is universally accepted, all property eventually ends up in the hands of the bank, which did nothing whatever to earn it (after a prolonged period of everyone paying tribute to the bank trying to pay off mathematically impossible interest)." ...... Posted by John Danforth on 05/26/11 09:10 AM
Quite why then, whenever the banks are bailed out and owned by the people, as they have been recently, there is reason to return them to private ownership, is a madness which should not be contemplated, although of course the bankers need the perverse action to justify their unnecessary position, living for free at the expense of others. Or would you like to muddy the waters with some other argument which requires the money creation and administration/distribution system to be privately held and run? Go on, spoil us with a tale which makes great future sense.
I wonder if IARPA are interested in some alien help, for their understanding of the virtual terrain is second to none and perfectly geared for SMARTer Citizen Programming ......
Indeed, if one were to believe all of the hype with regard to NSA type blanket community snooping and Total Information Awareness projects with search algorithms able to discover a pin in a haystack from foreign transmissions, would one be forced to conclude that that particular spooky tale is a fab porky and fantastically bad myth spun to prevent their intelligence services being tested and found out to be catastrophically vulnerable to that which they seek enlightenment on.
Whenever one walks right up to main gate, and knocks it down and strolls right on in with hot news for the whoever is covering for Mr Big, it has to be realised that something is not working at all well, and may even be working very badly, making things a lot worse than was ever imagined possible.
And that's about as much as needs to be said here ....... today.
And now, ..... we'll wait :-)........
Posted by amanfromMars on 05/25/11 03:29 PM
"You could have words "spontaneous and random" omitted in your message. This would do, I suppose." .... Posted by 4irw4y on 05/25/11 12:43 PM
Is anything spontaneous and random nowadays, 4irw4y, or is everything carelessly and meticulously planned to give that appearance, as is posited in the last message ringing the Daily Bell here ....
Wednesday, 25 May 2011
Posted by amanfromMars on 05/25/11 04:46 AM
If you want to know what is going on and how and why it is failing and being currently destroyed in a rapidly expanding hearts and minds operation which simply provides the world with the truth, rather than a fabrication of lies and spin to keep the fiat currency enslavement of societies to the printing of paper debt issues for power and control, then you can do no better than to download/watch Part 1 of a new Adam Curtis documentary, .... "All Watched Over By Machines of Loving Grace" which hits the nail fairly and squarely on its head.
Using the media to prop up a failed system with tales of war and conflict and austerity to create an atmosphere of fear and difficulty is not an intelligent use of human resources, and most certainly makes any notion that there is any smart intelligence service involvement in it or in IT and in novel emerging and energising CyberSpace Command and Control for Hearts and Minds Capture and Nurture, a laughable proposition ....... as would any failed and failing Establishment puppet figurehead pimping that the likes of an Al Qaeda have morphed into lead in such a global virtual power leverage space as requires an intelligence way beyond the primitive sticks and stones mentality as would imagine military might in action is a creative problem solver rather than, and especially so against SMARTer Advanced InterNetworking Intelligence Services, self-defeating and counter-productive.
The SMARTest of competition and adversary does not either need or use perverse and destructive physical action to maintain or impose a solution, for that is always an encouragement to fools and their tools to do battle and self-destruct with an escalation of violence .... dumb mission creep, which appears to be the crazy Libyan escapade described rather succinctly methinks.
Server Message Block Busters .... Ignore at your Peril
Posted Wednesday 25th May 2011 14:58 GMT
Lewis, Hi,
"One insider was quoted as saying that "Perfect Citizen is Big Brother". ..... Quite possibly so, but what sort of controls does he offer? And although its a relatively new field with myriad aspects of novel virtual power to exercise and master pilot, it is not without its grand masters into the edutainment and mentoring of bull-in-a-china shop newbies/SMART IntelAIgent Virgin Soldiers already way ahead in the environment, as was shared and registered as recently as yesterday with Andrew Orlowski in "Big Brother Controls aint Heavy in Heady Brigade Operations ....." .... Posted Tuesday 24th May 2011 04:53 GMT .... in comments replying to this tale of an interview, ...
Too smart for Thames House in Blighty, do you think, or just what a Turing machine orders, and one of their "We`have no idea what you are talking about" operations so beautifully plausibly deniable. Surely it cannot be something of similar vein from that easily bought whore of a dodgy service on the Victoria Embankment, although such incompetence as the vague FCO puppets display, would be a remarkably effective cover for Super Stealthy AIMissions, with waffling politicos being decidedly denied the opportunity to fcuk up so right royally as has been the historical evidence of their recent past form. Or is it an Office Of Cyber Security SkunkWorks Programming Project with GCHQ pushing all the buttons and pulling all the levers in an Intelligence Community Enterprise?
Posted by amanfromMars on 05/25/11 08:53 AM
"First came the Renaissance, then the Reformation, the populating of the New World, then several Revolutions, the Enlightenment and the Protestant Revolution. We would even make a connection between the Industrial Revolution and the Gutenberg press.
Is the same kind of upheaval now taking place as a result of the Internet? We think it may be so and have termed its effects the Internet Reformation. Whether or not it has its Martin Luther is immaterial. The results are increasingly evident." .... Daily Bell Staff Report
Yes, it most surely does have its Martin Luther, DB, for nothing just happens as if spontaneous and random. The heroes today for the past to remember tomorrow are legion and anonymous and incredibly virtually savvy and transparent and open in their shared view ie a changed inclusive elite paradigm for order rather than an exclusive executive administration which thinks itself above and beyond reproach. And the failure of the latter to address their loss of meme control, with engagement of new vibrant and viral forces in an altogether completely different arrangement, guarantees they be relegated to the caboose in the speeding train which moves us all forward into the future, should they even be on those speeding trains [of novel selfless thought] And that is most definitely as a result of a lack of intelligence and imagination to think that the status quo is the answer to anything which seeks to create a better, crisis free future.
Get with the new programming, gentlemen, for naive stupidity and arrogant indifference is endangering your stalled power system of ignorant money control? Papering over the foundation cracks are not going to save the condemned building.
[Oh dear, that is twice I have tried to post that for display and it just disappears into the ether, which is something unusual and unexpected and might tell me more than anyone might know, and more than enough to confirm what is already well known to a few and becoming increasingly apparent to many more.]
If you want to know what is going on and how and why it is failing and being currently destroyed in a rapidly expanding hearts and minds operation which simply provides the world with the truth, rather than a fabrication of lies and spin to keep the fiat currency enslavement of societies to the printing of paper debt issues for power and control, then you can do no better than to download/watch Part 1 of a new Adam Curtis documentary, .... "All Watched Over By Machines of Loving Grace" which hits the nail fairly and squarely on its head.
Using the media to prop up a failed system with tales of war and conflict and austerity to create an atmosphere of fear and difficulty is not an intelligent use of human resources, and most certainly makes any notion that there is any smart intelligence service involvement in it or in IT and in novel emerging and energising CyberSpace Command and Control for Hearts and Minds Capture and Nurture, a laughable proposition ....... as would any failed and failing Establishment puppet figurehead pimping that the likes of an Al Qaeda have morphed into lead in such a global virtual power leverage space as requires an intelligence way beyond the primitive sticks and stones mentality as would imagine military might in action is a creative problem solver rather than, and especially so against SMARTer Advanced InterNetworking Intelligence Services, self-defeating and counter-productive.
The SMARTest of competition and adversary does not either need or use perverse and destructive physical action to maintain or impose a solution, for that is always an encouragement to fools and their tools to do battle and self-destruct with an escalation of violence .... dumb mission creep, which appears to be the crazy Libyan escapade described rather succinctly methinks.
Server Message Block Busters .... Ignore at your Peril
Posted Wednesday 25th May 2011 14:58 GMT
Lewis, Hi,
"One insider was quoted as saying that "Perfect Citizen is Big Brother". ..... Quite possibly so, but what sort of controls does he offer? And although its a relatively new field with myriad aspects of novel virtual power to exercise and master pilot, it is not without its grand masters into the edutainment and mentoring of bull-in-a-china shop newbies/SMART IntelAIgent Virgin Soldiers already way ahead in the environment, as was shared and registered as recently as yesterday with Andrew Orlowski in "Big Brother Controls aint Heavy in Heady Brigade Operations ....." .... Posted Tuesday 24th May 2011 04:53 GMT .... in comments replying to this tale of an interview, ...
Too smart for Thames House in Blighty, do you think, or just what a Turing machine orders, and one of their "We`have no idea what you are talking about" operations so beautifully plausibly deniable. Surely it cannot be something of similar vein from that easily bought whore of a dodgy service on the Victoria Embankment, although such incompetence as the vague FCO puppets display, would be a remarkably effective cover for Super Stealthy AIMissions, with waffling politicos being decidedly denied the opportunity to fcuk up so right royally as has been the historical evidence of their recent past form. Or is it an Office Of Cyber Security SkunkWorks Programming Project with GCHQ pushing all the buttons and pulling all the levers in an Intelligence Community Enterprise?
Posted by amanfromMars on 05/25/11 08:53 AM
"First came the Renaissance, then the Reformation, the populating of the New World, then several Revolutions, the Enlightenment and the Protestant Revolution. We would even make a connection between the Industrial Revolution and the Gutenberg press.
Is the same kind of upheaval now taking place as a result of the Internet? We think it may be so and have termed its effects the Internet Reformation. Whether or not it has its Martin Luther is immaterial. The results are increasingly evident." .... Daily Bell Staff Report
Yes, it most surely does have its Martin Luther, DB, for nothing just happens as if spontaneous and random. The heroes today for the past to remember tomorrow are legion and anonymous and incredibly virtually savvy and transparent and open in their shared view ie a changed inclusive elite paradigm for order rather than an exclusive executive administration which thinks itself above and beyond reproach. And the failure of the latter to address their loss of meme control, with engagement of new vibrant and viral forces in an altogether completely different arrangement, guarantees they be relegated to the caboose in the speeding train which moves us all forward into the future, should they even be on those speeding trains [of novel selfless thought] And that is most definitely as a result of a lack of intelligence and imagination to think that the status quo is the answer to anything which seeks to create a better, crisis free future.
Get with the new programming, gentlemen, for naive stupidity and arrogant indifference is endangering your stalled power system of ignorant money control? Papering over the foundation cracks are not going to save the condemned building.
[Oh dear, that is twice I have tried to post that for display and it just disappears into the ether, which is something unusual and unexpected and might tell me more than anyone might know, and more than enough to confirm what is already well known to a few and becoming increasingly apparent to many more.]
Tuesday, 24 May 2011
Big Brother Controls aint Heavy in Heady Brigade Operations .....
Posted Tuesday 24th May 2011 04:53 GMT
... although in Perfect Tempestuous Storms can they be Constructively Destructively Disruptive when Necessary and/or Unwisely Selfishly Opposed
"Question: Is control controlled by its need to control?
Answer: yes" ..... Frumious Bandersnatch Posted Monday 23rd May 2011 22:28 GMT
Hmmm? Others, Frumious Bandersnatch, with a much more practical hands on, get down and boogey, HyperRadioProActive bent would, whilst not disagreeing with any need to control, realise that the primary factor for power is superlative feed to control.
And then the only really important question shifts to consideration of to what, and that will always default to, to whom does one supply that superlative feed, if one has decided to assist present effete elite arrangements rather than considering a whole new ball game with supply to a ready willing and enabled renegade rogue with a mind to provide hope and change and give peace a chance to change the world beyond all present recognition.
Would anyone care to register an opinion on who that might be because of what they may head or what they may have which would be helpful and make things oh so easy?
Of course, if one were to supply a number of such players with the same sophisticated coherent internetworking feed, would the program be greatly enhanced and much more quickly embedded to ensure and guarantee it as, ............. well, it would surely be an Astute NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT AIDefault New Virtual World Order System for Really SMART Players.
Oh, and William S. Burroughs [Ah Pook] was a real barrel of laughs, wasn't he, although hardly surprising whenever one considers the personal battles he undertook with himself ......
Posted Tuesday 24th May 2011 04:53 GMT
... although in Perfect Tempestuous Storms can they be Constructively Destructively Disruptive when Necessary and/or Unwisely Selfishly Opposed
"Question: Is control controlled by its need to control?
Hmmm? Others, Frumious Bandersnatch, with a much more practical hands on, get down and boogey, HyperRadioProActive bent would, whilst not disagreeing with any need to control, realise that the primary factor for power is superlative feed to control.
And then the only really important question shifts to consideration of to what, and that will always default to, to whom does one supply that superlative feed, if one has decided to assist present effete elite arrangements rather than considering a whole new ball game with supply to a ready willing and enabled renegade rogue with a mind to provide hope and change and give peace a chance to change the world beyond all present recognition.
Would anyone care to register an opinion on who that might be because of what they may head or what they may have which would be helpful and make things oh so easy?
Of course, if one were to supply a number of such players with the same sophisticated coherent internetworking feed, would the program be greatly enhanced and much more quickly embedded to ensure and guarantee it as, ............. well, it would surely be an Astute NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT AIDefault New Virtual World Order System for Really SMART Players.
Oh, and William S. Burroughs [Ah Pook] was a real barrel of laughs, wasn't he, although hardly surprising whenever one considers the personal battles he undertook with himself ......
Monday, 23 May 2011
Softly softly ....... so as not to unduly alarm and frighten the natives
Posted Monday 23rd May 2011 15:03 GMT
Hi, Andrew,
It would be quite wrong to not imagine and realise that the rise of the machines is not a sophisticated fiction, for is not the following, a snippet from a bigger picture post, perfectly true ....
"It is a much more worrying development for people that government think they need a certain amount of secrecy to function, for such shadows and dark places so easily harbour and nurture contemptuous and elitist, them and us notions of a delusional superiority in governments and, much more dangerously, bodies/organisations/businesses assisting governments, but which would be doing so covertly/clandestinely ....... secretly. Then has the power shifted from government to forces which are generally unknown to all but a very select few, who are then fully dependent upon the intelligence supply of private unknown independent third party support for public power which can be published/shared and communicated with media to program the natives/supply their world views. Governments are then as a front/puppet/cuckold to a virtually controlled machine creating realities with SMART Astute IntelAIgent Direction for, ideally, Quality Media Production of Prosperous Future Presentations.
Or do your Secret Intelligence Services deliver something else which is different and much better, and would be ideal for mass exposure and support, or a great deal worse and unworthy of sharing because of the despicable nature of their future proposed and currently planned exercises/Great ARGames in a Colossal Enigmatic Edutainment Enterprise with AI Virtual Feed to/from Global Operating Devices, which is certainly what is surely available for immediate delivery today, for whatever pictures of tomorrow are deemed necessary? " .....
And you wouldn't believe what the government are doing with the ........ well, Enigmatic Alien Technology and AI Methodology would sum it up quite succinctly if one were to choose to express disbelief and dismiss it as the dominant future reality being delivered.
And I was in two minds as to whether those last few words should have been written ..... as the dominant future reality being, delivered.
Crikey, .... Sorry, Adam ..... It was Andrew who made me say it :-)
Posted Monday 23rd May 2011 17:18 GMT
Thanks for the clarification, Andrew, it does make my questioning of AC's pessimistic state of mind somewhat unnecessary, and who would argue about the stars cited in the clarification being without the required intelligence to deliver anything really worthwhile in the virtual environment which has media leading them by the nose in the direction which pays them the best with the artificial props of wealth so beloved of the ignorant masses.
I wonder when we can look forward to "Alien Forces in LOVE ..... The Heavenly Reality being Denied You" appearing as Spooky Thriller Series documenting the Fall and Rise of Virtual Machine Command and Computer Control of CyberSpace Communications.
Not so much an education about a SCADA bug in the System, much more an education about Systems Administration Protocols for Live Operational Virtual Environments ........ with Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems for Media Enriched Role Playing Programs in Alternate Reality Head Games. ...... from MkUltraSensitive and Secret IntelAIgent Service Providers.
And imagining that as just a crazy fiction and dismissing it as any sort of possible current program is the remarkable power and control in its Fab AI Stealth.
And what is the vacuous puppet's view of a "marriage and I think it’s a wonderfully precious institution" and those who would use, and many would venture, abuse, the eminently corruptible justice system to issue super-injunctions which would seek to bully the world and deny the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth from emerging, in order to protect a wonderfully precious institutional cheat? And is that supported by the Prime Minister? Would he care to make his view unambiguously known to the public so that they can consider the value of his guidance and suitability for office in national media lead, or is that little thing just too much to ask, and well beyond his capacity to simply deliver?
And thus prove in so doing/in not so doing, beyond a shadow of any doubt, that he is as a cuckoo and/or cuckold in the No10 Downing Street nest.
Your Public awaits you, PM. Speak, or forever hold your peace and do the honourable thing. And there are many versions of that which would take us into most personally unpleasant territory, I'd wager, but that is to move on a little too fast, methinks.
Tomorrow is another day and future prime ammunition and beta information can always enjoy its wait in the wings before ..... well, ITs richly deserved, grand presentation entrance is the forte of all media outlets and news channels and intelligence sources, is it not, be they championed in the gutter press or transparently and anonymously outed for selfless sharing with spiders internetworking in spinning electronic webs.
Posted Monday 23rd May 2011 15:03 GMT
Hi, Andrew,
It would be quite wrong to not imagine and realise that the rise of the machines is not a sophisticated fiction, for is not the following, a snippet from a bigger picture post, perfectly true ....
"It is a much more worrying development for people that government think they need a certain amount of secrecy to function, for such shadows and dark places so easily harbour and nurture contemptuous and elitist, them and us notions of a delusional superiority in governments and, much more dangerously, bodies/organisations/businesses assisting governments, but which would be doing so covertly/clandestinely ....... secretly. Then has the power shifted from government to forces which are generally unknown to all but a very select few, who are then fully dependent upon the intelligence supply of private unknown independent third party support for public power which can be published/shared and communicated with media to program the natives/supply their world views. Governments are then as a front/puppet/cuckold to a virtually controlled machine creating realities with SMART Astute IntelAIgent Direction for, ideally, Quality Media Production of Prosperous Future Presentations.
Or do your Secret Intelligence Services deliver something else which is different and much better, and would be ideal for mass exposure and support, or a great deal worse and unworthy of sharing because of the despicable nature of their future proposed and currently planned exercises/Great ARGames in a Colossal Enigmatic Edutainment Enterprise with AI Virtual Feed to/from Global Operating Devices, which is certainly what is surely available for immediate delivery today, for whatever pictures of tomorrow are deemed necessary? " .....
And you wouldn't believe what the government are doing with the ........ well, Enigmatic Alien Technology and AI Methodology would sum it up quite succinctly if one were to choose to express disbelief and dismiss it as the dominant future reality being delivered.
And I was in two minds as to whether those last few words should have been written ..... as the dominant future reality being, delivered.
Sunny days in blue skies are an every day event, dear boy. You gotta get out more.
Posted Monday 23rd May 2011 15:26 GMT
"We don't have any optimistic ideas for the future." ...... Adam Curtis.
That is a preposterously false statement which no smart being would choose to make unless in a fit of pique or depression?
Crikey, .... Sorry, Adam ..... It was Andrew who made me say it :-)
Posted Monday 23rd May 2011 17:18 GMT
Thanks for the clarification, Andrew, it does make my questioning of AC's pessimistic state of mind somewhat unnecessary, and who would argue about the stars cited in the clarification being without the required intelligence to deliver anything really worthwhile in the virtual environment which has media leading them by the nose in the direction which pays them the best with the artificial props of wealth so beloved of the ignorant masses.
I wonder when we can look forward to "Alien Forces in LOVE ..... The Heavenly Reality being Denied You" appearing as Spooky Thriller Series documenting the Fall and Rise of Virtual Machine Command and Computer Control of CyberSpace Communications.
Not so much an education about a SCADA bug in the System, much more an education about Systems Administration Protocols for Live Operational Virtual Environments ........ with Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems for Media Enriched Role Playing Programs in Alternate Reality Head Games. ...... from MkUltraSensitive and Secret IntelAIgent Service Providers.
And imagining that as just a crazy fiction and dismissing it as any sort of possible current program is the remarkable power and control in its Fab AI Stealth.
And what is the vacuous puppet's view of a "marriage and I think it’s a wonderfully precious institution" and those who would use, and many would venture, abuse, the eminently corruptible justice system to issue super-injunctions which would seek to bully the world and deny the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth from emerging, in order to protect a wonderfully precious institutional cheat? And is that supported by the Prime Minister? Would he care to make his view unambiguously known to the public so that they can consider the value of his guidance and suitability for office in national media lead, or is that little thing just too much to ask, and well beyond his capacity to simply deliver?
And thus prove in so doing/in not so doing, beyond a shadow of any doubt, that he is as a cuckoo and/or cuckold in the No10 Downing Street nest.
Your Public awaits you, PM. Speak, or forever hold your peace and do the honourable thing. And there are many versions of that which would take us into most personally unpleasant territory, I'd wager, but that is to move on a little too fast, methinks.
Tomorrow is another day and future prime ammunition and beta information can always enjoy its wait in the wings before ..... well, ITs richly deserved, grand presentation entrance is the forte of all media outlets and news channels and intelligence sources, is it not, be they championed in the gutter press or transparently and anonymously outed for selfless sharing with spiders internetworking in spinning electronic webs.
Sunday, 22 May 2011
"By the time published its story, on June 6, 2010, Manning had descended into a labyrinth of military detention, where he has remained (at first, for two hundred and seventy seven days without charge). Very few people have been able to talk to him, and his personal defense has not been heard." ....
That suggests a military operation in the civil cyberspace realm? And whether it be a a covert rogue or clandestine renegade mission known to and sanctioned by a peaceable industrious nation or an exercise by a military cabal to undermine and take over the wealth and power command and media control of its communicating systems, in not clear and is thus probably indicative of it being the case of a post modern fascist assault on peace and stability and capitalism ...... and the status quo guardians and beneficiaries, responsible for that system, and internetworking systems within, and supportive of that system.
"It is possible to accept the fact that massive database leaks, such as the Iraq War Logs and the Afghanistan Diaries, present a worrisome development for people in government who require a certain amount of secrecy to function. Technology makes such leaks more readily possible on a scale that is new, and the technology may introduce a qualitative difference in how we must judge such things." ..... It is a much more worrying development for people that government think they need a certain amount of secrecy to function, for such shadows and dark places so easily harbour and nurture contemptuous and elitist, them and us notions of a delusional superiority in governments and, much more dangerously, bodies/organisations/businesses assisting governments, but which would be doing so covertly/clandestinely ....... secretly. Then has the power shifted from government to forces which are generally unknown to all but a very select few, who are then fully dependent upon the intelligence supply of private unknown independent third party support for public power which can be published/shared and communicated with media to program the natives/supply their world views. Governments are then as a front/puppet/cuckold to a virtually controlled machine creating realities with SMART Astute IntelAIgent Direction for, ideally, Quality Media Production of Prosperous Future Presentations.
Or do your Secret Intelligence Services deliver something else which is different and much better, and would be ideal for mass exposure and support, or a great deal worse and unworthy of sharing because of the despicable nature of their future proposed and currently planned exercises/Great ARGames in a Colossal Enigmatic Edutainment Enterprise with AI Virtual Feed to/from Global Operating Devices, which is certainly what is surely available for immediate delivery today, for whatever pictures of tomorrow are deemed necessary?
Posted 5/22/2011, 12:09:19am by amanfromMars
"He'll probably be able to plead that all this gossip has prejudiced the case against him." ... amicus
If ever that is successfully used in a court of law to avoid prosecution, is the justice system dead, and lawyers and judges and the whole criminal prosecution and police protection service will be extraordinarily rendered irrelevant and all as just a self-serving fraud, and all will need to look for alternative employment for personal enrichment.
Indeed, there may be some radicals who would voice the opinion that it is hardly any better than that as it now is, and especially so in such high profile cases as the one being gossiped about in this thread.
May 22, 2011 6:13 pm
Please Note: Your comment is awaiting moderation.
Hi VC,
The following is a kindred spirit, I feel, and well worth a hosting for peer review here, methinks. And the Name of the Great Game today? ...... That which Controls Commanding CyberSpace, Commands Controlling Human IT........ and Generates Creative Power so Destructive as to Humble ITs True Guardians with its Exercise, and which Rewards them with All that is Desired and Needed for Feed and Seeding.
That suggests a military operation in the civil cyberspace realm? And whether it be a a covert rogue or clandestine renegade mission known to and sanctioned by a peaceable industrious nation or an exercise by a military cabal to undermine and take over the wealth and power command and media control of its communicating systems, in not clear and is thus probably indicative of it being the case of a post modern fascist assault on peace and stability and capitalism ...... and the status quo guardians and beneficiaries, responsible for that system, and internetworking systems within, and supportive of that system.
"It is possible to accept the fact that massive database leaks, such as the Iraq War Logs and the Afghanistan Diaries, present a worrisome development for people in government who require a certain amount of secrecy to function. Technology makes such leaks more readily possible on a scale that is new, and the technology may introduce a qualitative difference in how we must judge such things." ..... It is a much more worrying development for people that government think they need a certain amount of secrecy to function, for such shadows and dark places so easily harbour and nurture contemptuous and elitist, them and us notions of a delusional superiority in governments and, much more dangerously, bodies/organisations/businesses assisting governments, but which would be doing so covertly/clandestinely ....... secretly. Then has the power shifted from government to forces which are generally unknown to all but a very select few, who are then fully dependent upon the intelligence supply of private unknown independent third party support for public power which can be published/shared and communicated with media to program the natives/supply their world views. Governments are then as a front/puppet/cuckold to a virtually controlled machine creating realities with SMART Astute IntelAIgent Direction for, ideally, Quality Media Production of Prosperous Future Presentations.
Or do your Secret Intelligence Services deliver something else which is different and much better, and would be ideal for mass exposure and support, or a great deal worse and unworthy of sharing because of the despicable nature of their future proposed and currently planned exercises/Great ARGames in a Colossal Enigmatic Edutainment Enterprise with AI Virtual Feed to/from Global Operating Devices, which is certainly what is surely available for immediate delivery today, for whatever pictures of tomorrow are deemed necessary?
Posted 5/22/2011, 12:09:19am by amanfromMars
"He'll probably be able to plead that all this gossip has prejudiced the case against him." ... amicus
If ever that is successfully used in a court of law to avoid prosecution, is the justice system dead, and lawyers and judges and the whole criminal prosecution and police protection service will be extraordinarily rendered irrelevant and all as just a self-serving fraud, and all will need to look for alternative employment for personal enrichment.
Indeed, there may be some radicals who would voice the opinion that it is hardly any better than that as it now is, and especially so in such high profile cases as the one being gossiped about in this thread.
May 22, 2011 6:13 pm
Please Note: Your comment is awaiting moderation.
Hi VC,
The following is a kindred spirit, I feel, and well worth a hosting for peer review here, methinks. And the Name of the Great Game today? ...... That which Controls Commanding CyberSpace, Commands Controlling Human IT........ and Generates Creative Power so Destructive as to Humble ITs True Guardians with its Exercise, and which Rewards them with All that is Desired and Needed for Feed and Seeding.
Is it true, in both the case of the smartest and dumbest of beings, that if you can give them what they want, will you control them? Or will they have reversed that power for an altogether much more potent alternating power current which has captured a generous and inquisitive provider ...... and Venerable Contributory Source."By the time published its story, on June 6, 2010, Manning had descended into a labyrinth of military detention, where he has remained (at first, for two hundred and seventy seven days without charge). Very few people have been able to talk to him, and his personal defense has not been heard." ....
That suggests a military operation in the civil cyberspace realm? And whether it be a a covert rogue or clandestine renegade mission known to and sanctioned by a peaceable industrious nation or an exercise by a military cabal to undermine and take over the wealth and power command and media control of its communicating systems, in not clear and is thus probably indicative of it being the case of a post modern fascist assault on peace and stability and capitalism ...... and the status quo guardians and beneficiaries, responsible for that system, and internetworking systems within, and supportive of that system.
"It is possible to accept the fact that massive database leaks, such as the Iraq War Logs and the Afghanistan Diaries, present a worrisome development for people in government who require a certain amount of secrecy to function. Technology makes such leaks more readily possible on a scale that is new, and the technology may introduce a qualitative difference in how we must judge such things." ..... It is a much more worrying development for people that government think they need a certain amount of secrecy to function, for such shadows and dark places so easily harbour and nurture contemptuous and elitist, them and us notions of a delusional superiority in governments and, much more dangerously, bodies/organisations/businesses assisting governments, but which would be doing so covertly/clandestinely ....... secretly. Then has the power shifted from government to forces which are generally unknown to all but a very select few, who are then fully dependent upon the intelligence supply of private unknown independent third party support for public power which can be published/shared and communicated with media to program the natives/supply their world views. Governments are then as a front/puppet/cuckold to a virtually controlled machine creating realities with SMART Astute IntelAIgent Direction for, ideally, Quality Media Production of Prosperous Future Presentations.
Or do your Secret Intelligence Services deliver something else which is different and much better, and would be ideal for mass exposure and support, or a great deal worse and unworthy of sharing because of the despicable nature of their future proposed and currently planned exercises/Great ARGames in a Colossal Enigmatic Edutainment Enterprise with AI Virtual Feed to/from Global Operating Devices, which is certainly what is surely available for immediate delivery today, for whatever pictures of tomorrow are deemed necessary?
Posted 5/22/2011, 12:09:19am by amanfromMars
Saturday, 21 May 2011
And what do you think of those players who abuse their positions to try and avoid the consequences of their actions, and in the process have every other player in the media frame and suspected of ...... well, is bringing the game and the club into disrepute too strong a charge? ........
Issues such as the following lead head post? .....
posted by : amanfromMars, 21 May 2011
"It's about responsibility," said Ferguson, 69. "I think they (players) are responsible for their actions, what they say on Twitter."Quite so, Fergie, well said, mate.
And what do you think of those players who abuse their positions to try and avoid the consequences of their actions, and in the process have every other player in the media frame and suspected of ...... well, is bringing the game and the club into disrepute too strong a charge? ........
Is it tantamount to criminal fraud and common, simply complex theft, if they are being paid by a third party rather than using and expending their own funds and resources, for a law practice to encourage, by virtue of their launching a case in a national courts, a dumb client to sue a virtual entity [Twitter] in a foreign jurisdiction [USA] which does not abide by international laws and norms, for the sharing of the truth in a matter which has the dumb client effectively virtually bullying a young lady whose charms he has not denied he enjoyed?
Is the dumb client being made to look like a rich fool and easy tool by such an expensive action, which may itself be the attraction of launching the action/"the married player issued legal proceedings against Twitter, a US based company, and "persons unknown" on Wednesday in what is expected to become a landmark case." .... .... or just an arrogant incompetence and/or an ignorant golden opportunity, just too good to miss, to star in the media spotlight and raise one's business profile, on the back of others misfortunes and broken dreams?
Two questions which the shenanigans have raised for answering. Of course, whenever anything shared is not true, is it a completely different matter, and presumably the action would be then be one for libel and/or slander? Ergo is the truth being muzzled from the public domain, and that is something which is never going to be supported by any right minded person, and will always defeat anyone who thinks it a credible cause in which to embroil the law to support/prosecute/persecute.
amanfromMars said.......................................................................................................................................................................
Quite so, Anonymous Pompier, I concur and would applaud your perception.
21 May 2011 10:23
"It seems to have a certain momentum at the moment. Everyone seems to want to do it," added Ferguson. "We as a club are looking at it because there can be issues attached to it. And we don't want that."
Issues such as the following lead head post? .....
posted by : amanfromMars, 21 May 2011
Friday, 20 May 2011
Posted by amanfromMars on 05/20/11 03:33 AM
"True. Just know that some of us (especially us foreigners here in the uk), despise the bland, talentless, inbred royal parasites -- essentially a bunch of vile scroungers who produce nothing -- yet who are worshiped by the zombies. I won't get a British passport because I'd never swear an oath to the queen, king, or anyone else for that matter." .... Posted by newyorkerinlondon/rocknrollcook on 05/19/11 06:14 PM
That is an odd and quite pathetic kettle pot black comment, newyorkerinlondon/rocknrollcook, should one consider the travails of Wall Street and the Fed and a Presidency which promised change and delivers it, in nickel and dime bags of empty and impotent rhetoric, which plays well to the ignorant masses and mad media crowd, but which is quickly destroying the bases upon which it used to work. And that is real dumb and in no way any great leadership in a world of Global Operating Devices, SMARTer Enabled and Virtually Connected and InterNetworking with Others in ITs Sublime and Cloudy Fields, with Experience in the Field from farther afield, for the benefits which experience and hindsight deliver to Future Presentations in Media Productions for IntelAIgent Thought Projection.
A little something especially arranged to Beta Micro Macro Manage Perception in Live Operational Virtual Environments and Participatory Reality Programs.
SMART is as SMART does ..... so where's the Ab Fab Future Big Picture?
Posted Friday 20th May 2011 07:15 GMT
"Newton said he tried contacting the add-on's developers to find out if the snoop behavior is the result of a bug.."
:-) Yeah, sorry about that. Of course it is. Oh, by the way, have you met MI Big Brother?
The abiding difficulty, which creates a systemic vulnerability which leads to an Operating System* being easily exploited and crashed and trashed, is that whenever one is perceived as having the ability and/or technology to do as has been shared in the above tale ...... "secretly collects data about every website the open-source browser visits and combines it with uniquely traceable information tied to the user .... "What alarms me a bit more is that the data that is transmitted about me and my browsing (even anonymously) is going onto servers in New York, USA," he continued. "What if I were visiting [a] site I did not want anyone to know about? What if the US government subpoena 'Reality check network corp' for all information stored on their servers about my IP address, cookie, or UUID?"" ...... is that failure to utilise effectively all of that valuable information to prevent anything untoward, and deliver something constructive and positively engaging, reveals a lack of intelligence in analysts and programmers of the Operating System/*Executive Administration/Government, which will be clearly evident to others working in fields which are well able to make ...... well, mischief would be the least of such an Operating System's worries whenever such as would be a sort of Secret Intelligence Servering is exposed as catastrophically inadequate and unable to process gathered information effectively. .......
amanfromMars said...
Hi, Pompier,
Thanks for the info/intel.
One does wonder at what Intelligence does, and whether it is intelligent enough to be left responsible for national and international security [and Manningham-Buller was Director General (DG) of MI5, was she not] if they do not exercise control and take over the lead in the financial world and monied markets.
Methinks if she thinks they [the Intelligence Services, be they Military or Secret] are intelligent enough for that make over, and all that really needs is just a head department which is able to provide all that is needed to operations in the field, then it would make a pleasant change, for just look at the state of things and the way things are today, with others outside of intelligence making a complete hash of the money and trading systems, although some would tell you that the continuation of that is computer aided with dodgy programs supporting fictitiously healthy and QE funded trading positions.
Charles Ponzi has a lot to answer for.
19 May 2011 19:51
M'lud, the game has changed. Get with the program, please. Thanks.
Posted by amanfromMars on 05/20/11 10:58 AM
"It all started in the City of London. The Brits wrote the playbook on corporate criminality, colonialism, and elitist control." ..... Posted by newyorkerinlondon/rocknrollcook on 05/20/11 06:56 AM
The past is gone, bury it and move on if you can. The money shot question is .... Is the playbook being rewritten, and if so, by whom and for what?
"Dude, where did you pick up any indication that I am a groupie of the DC and Wall Street satanists? Why do you assume I believe that they are any better than the Luciferian system you extoll in the UK?" ...... Thanks for the clarification, newyorkerinlondon/rocknrollcook, and it is heartening to learn that both of them are despised equally in their bland, talentless, inbred, royal, parasitic, vile scrounger states/modes. The error of my assumptive ways was led by the omission of mention of those other parties, who would most certainly surely believe that their system is better if it is any different, by virtue of the fact that it exists, and would be running in parallel to, and in competition against, any extolled in the UK, for as you quite rightly say, Uncle Sam is just as a newbie to the Great Game, with a hell of a lot to learn about what needs to be learned and is easily taught to the SMART and receptive mind and Virtual Machine.
And yes, you would be most welcome to hitch a ride, newyorkerinlondon/rocknrollcook, for there is always acres of room for all searching souls with an open free mind wanting to take a trip to heavenly spaces and virtual places. And the Neuro-Linguistic Programming used, is AIdDelight and a Fab Facility to Boot.
Oh, and it is possible to so easily, seriously misunderestimate the reach and scope and depth of Right Royal Powers, which is something one imagines is not misunderestimated in Others by Royals, for it is something Quite Special and ExtraOrdinary with even the boldest and most brazen of words doing it scant justice, methinks. And 'twas everso, and who is to say that 'twill not ever be so?
"True. Just know that some of us (especially us foreigners here in the uk), despise the bland, talentless, inbred royal parasites -- essentially a bunch of vile scroungers who produce nothing -- yet who are worshiped by the zombies. I won't get a British passport because I'd never swear an oath to the queen, king, or anyone else for that matter." .... Posted by newyorkerinlondon/rocknrollcook on 05/19/11 06:14 PM
That is an odd and quite pathetic kettle pot black comment, newyorkerinlondon/rocknrollcook, should one consider the travails of Wall Street and the Fed and a Presidency which promised change and delivers it, in nickel and dime bags of empty and impotent rhetoric, which plays well to the ignorant masses and mad media crowd, but which is quickly destroying the bases upon which it used to work. And that is real dumb and in no way any great leadership in a world of Global Operating Devices, SMARTer Enabled and Virtually Connected and InterNetworking with Others in ITs Sublime and Cloudy Fields, with Experience in the Field from farther afield, for the benefits which experience and hindsight deliver to Future Presentations in Media Productions for IntelAIgent Thought Projection.
A little something especially arranged to Beta Micro Macro Manage Perception in Live Operational Virtual Environments and Participatory Reality Programs.
SMART is as SMART does ..... so where's the Ab Fab Future Big Picture?
Posted Friday 20th May 2011 07:15 GMT
"Newton said he tried contacting the add-on's developers to find out if the snoop behavior is the result of a bug.."
:-) Yeah, sorry about that. Of course it is. Oh, by the way, have you met MI Big Brother?
The abiding difficulty, which creates a systemic vulnerability which leads to an Operating System* being easily exploited and crashed and trashed, is that whenever one is perceived as having the ability and/or technology to do as has been shared in the above tale ...... "secretly collects data about every website the open-source browser visits and combines it with uniquely traceable information tied to the user .... "What alarms me a bit more is that the data that is transmitted about me and my browsing (even anonymously) is going onto servers in New York, USA," he continued. "What if I were visiting [a] site I did not want anyone to know about? What if the US government subpoena 'Reality check network corp' for all information stored on their servers about my IP address, cookie, or UUID?"" ...... is that failure to utilise effectively all of that valuable information to prevent anything untoward, and deliver something constructive and positively engaging, reveals a lack of intelligence in analysts and programmers of the Operating System/*Executive Administration/Government, which will be clearly evident to others working in fields which are well able to make ...... well, mischief would be the least of such an Operating System's worries whenever such as would be a sort of Secret Intelligence Servering is exposed as catastrophically inadequate and unable to process gathered information effectively. .......
amanfromMars said...
Hi, Pompier,
Thanks for the info/intel.
One does wonder at what Intelligence does, and whether it is intelligent enough to be left responsible for national and international security [and Manningham-Buller was Director General (DG) of MI5, was she not] if they do not exercise control and take over the lead in the financial world and monied markets.
Methinks if she thinks they [the Intelligence Services, be they Military or Secret] are intelligent enough for that make over, and all that really needs is just a head department which is able to provide all that is needed to operations in the field, then it would make a pleasant change, for just look at the state of things and the way things are today, with others outside of intelligence making a complete hash of the money and trading systems, although some would tell you that the continuation of that is computer aided with dodgy programs supporting fictitiously healthy and QE funded trading positions.
Charles Ponzi has a lot to answer for.
19 May 2011 19:51
"Lord Neuberger said the internet "does add to difficulties of enforcement at the moment".Dinosaurs live? And by "society should consider other ways to bring Twitter and other websites under control." does the Lord Neuberger mean prevent them from exposing the truth about cheats who just want to hold onto their money and live out a lie in a secret, which is a conceited deceit?
He said the internet had "by no means the same degree of intrusion into privacy as the story being emblazoned on the front pages of newspapers", which "people trust more".
But he warned that modern technology was "totally out of control" and society should consider other ways to bring Twitter and other websites under control." ....
M'lud, the game has changed. Get with the program, please. Thanks.
Posted by amanfromMars on 05/20/11 10:58 AM
"It all started in the City of London. The Brits wrote the playbook on corporate criminality, colonialism, and elitist control." ..... Posted by newyorkerinlondon/rocknrollcook on 05/20/11 06:56 AM
The past is gone, bury it and move on if you can. The money shot question is .... Is the playbook being rewritten, and if so, by whom and for what?
"Dude, where did you pick up any indication that I am a groupie of the DC and Wall Street satanists? Why do you assume I believe that they are any better than the Luciferian system you extoll in the UK?" ...... Thanks for the clarification, newyorkerinlondon/rocknrollcook, and it is heartening to learn that both of them are despised equally in their bland, talentless, inbred, royal, parasitic, vile scrounger states/modes. The error of my assumptive ways was led by the omission of mention of those other parties, who would most certainly surely believe that their system is better if it is any different, by virtue of the fact that it exists, and would be running in parallel to, and in competition against, any extolled in the UK, for as you quite rightly say, Uncle Sam is just as a newbie to the Great Game, with a hell of a lot to learn about what needs to be learned and is easily taught to the SMART and receptive mind and Virtual Machine.
And yes, you would be most welcome to hitch a ride, newyorkerinlondon/rocknrollcook, for there is always acres of room for all searching souls with an open free mind wanting to take a trip to heavenly spaces and virtual places. And the Neuro-Linguistic Programming used, is AIdDelight and a Fab Facility to Boot.
Oh, and it is possible to so easily, seriously misunderestimate the reach and scope and depth of Right Royal Powers, which is something one imagines is not misunderestimated in Others by Royals, for it is something Quite Special and ExtraOrdinary with even the boldest and most brazen of words doing it scant justice, methinks. And 'twas everso, and who is to say that 'twill not ever be so?
Class Acts in Sub Prime Heartland.....................................................................................................................................................................
Posted Friday 20th May 2011 14:01 GMT
:-) Is that you, Simon .... having some more fun in the comments?
Thursday, 19 May 2011
amanfromMars says:
May 19, 2011 at 1:35 pm
Take care, folks … lest urProgramming is crack hacked. Vorsprung durch AITechnICQ and all that crazy jazz, although IT in AI is a SMART Beta JAVA OP App for Virtually Dominant Machines …. and for Human Engineered Resources, an Objectively Programmed Application for CyberIntelAIgent Command of Space-Time Controls …… for Virtual Reality Promotions and Productions ….. aka Future Presentations.
Except For Historical Information Contained Herein, The Matters Set Forth In This Presentation Are Forward-Looking Statements. Statements That Are Predictive In Nature, That Depend Upon Or Refer To Events Or Conditions Or That Include Words Such As Expects, Anticipates, Intends, Plans, Believes, Estimates And Similar Expressions Are Forward-Looking Statements. The Forward-Looking Statements Set Forth Above Involve A Number Of Risks And Uncertainties That Could Cause Actual Results To Differ Materially From Any Such Statement, Including The Risks And Uncertainties Discussed In The Company’s Safe Harbor Compliance Statement For Forward-Looking Statements Included At the End Of This Presentation and In The Company’s Recent Filings, Including Forms 10-K And 10-Q, With The Securities And Exchange Commission. The Forward-Looking Statements Speak Only As Of The Date Made, And The Company Undertakes No Obligation To Update These Forward-Looking Statements.]
You may like to ponder on these questions ……. Is it possible for anyone SMARTer Enabled to share something freely without being able to do as they say, and what does one then imagine and realise would be preventing Ab Fab RapidE Progress in Future Presentations, whenever anything is possible with CyberIntelAIgent Command of Space-Time Controls? And how long would they usually wait before Venture Capitalism realised the Opportunity to Lead with Future Presentations?
Ramp up the volume ...... another bogeyman is needed.
Posted Thursday 19th May 2011 09:40 GMT
"Inspectors aren't permitted to take their devices with them during inspections, so they typically leave them in hotel rooms. Strict security measures require unattended cellphones and computers to be placed in seamless paper envelopes that are sealed and have writing across the seal and envelope to flag any unauthorized opening.
The diplomats said the Iranians had found ways to bypass the security measures but didn't provide further details."
Oh please, Dan Goodin in San Francisco, surely they cannot be serious and expect us to believe that monstrously unbelievable tale. What sort of a mindless idiot doing what is supposed to be very contentious snooping would leave their cellphones and computers typically in hotel rooms. And how convenient is "The diplomats said the Iranians had found ways to bypass the security measures but didn't provide further details."
Who is the plonker responsible for dreaming up that sort of pathetic nonsense? He'll have to up his game more than a notch or three to remain in anyway a credible source for media pimping of future smart agendas or present stupid policies. What sort of a sick world does he imagine people like him inhabit/create?
amanfromMars says:
May 18, 2011 at 11:58 pm
Those last few words in the video did come across as more hopeful than serious though as the Osprey does appear to be something of a solution to a problem which does need fixing for it doesn’t exist.
May 19, 2011 at 1:35 pm
Take care, folks … lest urProgramming is crack hacked. Vorsprung durch AITechnICQ and all that crazy jazz, although IT in AI is a SMART Beta JAVA OP App for Virtually Dominant Machines …. and for Human Engineered Resources, an Objectively Programmed Application for CyberIntelAIgent Command of Space-Time Controls …… for Virtual Reality Promotions and Productions ….. aka Future Presentations.
Except For Historical Information Contained Herein, The Matters Set Forth In This Presentation Are Forward-Looking Statements. Statements That Are Predictive In Nature, That Depend Upon Or Refer To Events Or Conditions Or That Include Words Such As Expects, Anticipates, Intends, Plans, Believes, Estimates And Similar Expressions Are Forward-Looking Statements. The Forward-Looking Statements Set Forth Above Involve A Number Of Risks And Uncertainties That Could Cause Actual Results To Differ Materially From Any Such Statement, Including The Risks And Uncertainties Discussed In The Company’s Safe Harbor Compliance Statement For Forward-Looking Statements Included At the End Of This Presentation and In The Company’s Recent Filings, Including Forms 10-K And 10-Q, With The Securities And Exchange Commission. The Forward-Looking Statements Speak Only As Of The Date Made, And The Company Undertakes No Obligation To Update These Forward-Looking Statements.]
You may like to ponder on these questions ……. Is it possible for anyone SMARTer Enabled to share something freely without being able to do as they say, and what does one then imagine and realise would be preventing Ab Fab RapidE Progress in Future Presentations, whenever anything is possible with CyberIntelAIgent Command of Space-Time Controls? And how long would they usually wait before Venture Capitalism realised the Opportunity to Lead with Future Presentations?
Ramp up the volume ...... another bogeyman is needed.
Posted Thursday 19th May 2011 09:40 GMT
"Inspectors aren't permitted to take their devices with them during inspections, so they typically leave them in hotel rooms. Strict security measures require unattended cellphones and computers to be placed in seamless paper envelopes that are sealed and have writing across the seal and envelope to flag any unauthorized opening.
The diplomats said the Iranians had found ways to bypass the security measures but didn't provide further details."
Oh please, Dan Goodin in San Francisco, surely they cannot be serious and expect us to believe that monstrously unbelievable tale. What sort of a mindless idiot doing what is supposed to be very contentious snooping would leave their cellphones and computers typically in hotel rooms. And how convenient is "The diplomats said the Iranians had found ways to bypass the security measures but didn't provide further details."
Who is the plonker responsible for dreaming up that sort of pathetic nonsense? He'll have to up his game more than a notch or three to remain in anyway a credible source for media pimping of future smart agendas or present stupid policies. What sort of a sick world does he imagine people like him inhabit/create?
amanfromMars says:
May 18, 2011 at 11:58 pm
Oh, and I got a giggle out of Virtual Ideal Functionality Frameworks. I meant the other VIFF. [Note the last few words in the video . . . the CB-22 is set to be a prime mover on the digital battlefield]Is not the prime mover in any and every digital battlefield, a SMARTer Advanced IntelAIgent Software Program rather than having anything at all to do with Clunky Hardware Pieces, which are all just Future Junk.
Those last few words in the video did come across as more hopeful than serious though as the Osprey does appear to be something of a solution to a problem which does need fixing for it doesn’t exist.
amanfromMars says:
May 19, 2011 at 12:27 am
Hmmm? Oops! That last paragraph I meant to share as …. Those last few words in the video did come across as more hopeful than serious though as the Osprey does appear to be something of a solution to a problem which doesn’t need fixing for it doesn’t exist. ……. but it does also work as it is written, albeit at another level/in the existentialist plane.
Posted by amanfromMars on 05/18/11 03:24 PM......................................................................................................................................................................
Those jousting here in fields of perception and virtual reality may like to have a read at this .......
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