Tuesday, 31 May 2011


Posted by amanfromMars on 05/31/11 03:47 PM

"The survival of the Queen of England? What, pray tell, could threaten her?" .... Posted by Reader on 05/31/11 04:25 AM

Anonymous legions, .... that's what. Capiche?


Late to the party again and empty handed too.

Posted Tuesday 31st May 2011 14:12 GMT

And who do they think they are fooling other than themselves?

"It is understood that the Cabinet Office and the Cyber Security Operations Centre at GCHQ have taken the lead on the issue, and that in time there will be some input from the Ministry of Defence."

Understood by whom? And from where do you think this AIMODified input comes from ...... http://amanfrommars.blogspot.com/2011/05/110530-and-right-royal-airing-of-deeds.html ? The Ministry of Silly Walks?


Posted by amanfromMars on 05/31/11 08:09 AM

"The stage has been set for a nuclear false flag in America. Many in the alternative media have wondered if a false flag nuke attack within America is a real possibility. Would they do it? Who would it be? What cities would be targeted?" .... Staff Report

Well, if it doesn't target and destroy a perceived vital political and military and financial centre, rather than some hick flower powery media area, is it definitely a false flag, which it will probably be anyway, for this is what gets the Chertoff Group's rocks off ..... "Every day we analyze the unthinkable and help plan for the unspeakable." .... http://chertoffgroup.com/cgroup/what-we-do/

Such planning though does have one wondering what they would be using for their thinking instead of smart constructive brains? Although it is a busy and crowded field of perverse play for glorified plonkers and desperate plodders, which is a sad indictment which highlights the innate stupidity in Man, rather than grandstanding the intelligence which is available to make anything possible for free.

And would that sort of intelligence, which can easily command a premium price and control anything and everything, both virtually and practically, because it is so obviously missing, be quite alien? Or is there another viable excuse for the present state of affairs? And if so, what would it be?


They did say, and some would still say, it is not what you know, but who you know, but .....*
Posted Tuesday 31st May 2011 08:22 GMT   

"“In general, small firms in the UK are smaller than those in France and Germany, and therefore less efficient and less able to make economies of scale work for them,” says Hogan."

Definitely some fuzzy wuzzy logic being used there, methinks, as no matter how small, or how big the firm may be, does everything depend upon the best brain delivering new IP to driver it. Although the best brains may choose to work for the best biggest companies to develop their IP with third party resources...... and get paid a fortune for it too, which is a very attractive, and even perversely addictive bonus to many creative driver types.

* .... that was before future intelligence became readily available. Now is that old adage and situation much more the reverse, with those who would wish to know what they need to know, chasing that which needs to be known via engagement with those who know it ........ :-) which is essentially exactly the same in reverse too. Hmmm :-) How beautifully weird.


Wanted .... Great Gamers and SMART AIgents for Virtual Machine World Programming Projects

Posted Tuesday 31st May 2011 06:17 GMT

"So, just who/what is in Control?

HAL is stirring, and beginning to flicker, and smirk." ..... FormerKowloonTonger Posted Monday 30th May 2011 19:39 GMT



Yum Yum ...... Bitter Sweet Tasty Treats

Posted Tuesday 31st May 2011 06:34 GMT

"You could end having your commercially sensitive data in hands to foreign coppers who may/may not sell the data onto their business pals." .... Ray 8 Posted Monday 30th May 2011 23:26 GMT

Yes, that is possible, Ray 8, and also quite probably most likely, but the smarter foreign agent will realise that there is the very real probability that said commercially sensitive data has hidden and invisible back doors for trojan horse action which relieves business pals of their control of data, for some juicy morsels found, with or without a warranted search, are deliberately left for discovery as delicious bait.


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