Sunday, 29 May 2011


There is though one insurmountable hurdle to overcome .....

Posted Sunday 29th May 2011 09:26 GMT  

Planning a campaign of action with fabulous goals is wholly dependent upon one having the all fields intelligence to achieve them, and that invariably requires the best of intelligence available. And whereas the following Information Operations revision may be intentional, it is hopelessly quarantined by that aforementioned caveat ......

Have you any idea just how good are such services, as are provided by leading lights in those virtual environments? And can you imagine who warrants and flies the Royal Standard for Blighty in such as are Real Intellectual Property Endeavours? Or is that a provision which has been right royally abdicated and would now be pathetically reliant upon a foreign agenda ...... which is a novel trojan program which has just feigned abdication for stealthy access to foreign agenda source codes for a catalogue of available systemic zeroday vulnerabilities.

Methinks they are a national treasure and will, until such times as may be appropriate, remain totally secret and perfectly unknown to all but a SMART few with a legitimate need to know, lest they suffer grave misfortune at knowing even just a little bit too much of what they do not need to know.

Knowledge is Power, but without ITs Control, can IT be Deadly Dangerous and Catastrophically Self Destructive .

Posted by amanfromMars on 05/28/11 10:49 PM

"Hey, I am not trying to set up anything. I'm just trying to make sense of this life. Good and evil is a manmade judgement of his environment. Reward/punishment is animal/spirit control. Too bad so many respond to it instead of questioning the test. No one has the power to change the world, lest he be creator. We can all change ourselves to best fit reality. So few are successful in reading reality, and those who are, end up ruling the rest. We are all trying to gain. Don't be fooled and you can keep some more of your own production. That is the way I see it." .... Posted by Dave Jr on 05/28/11 06:35 PM

Dave Jr, Hi,

If one questions everything, all the time, is the true nature of reality revealed to be more fabulous than can ever be imagined by simple Man, the Human Ape.

All have the power to change the world whenever one is creative ..... and into Command and Control of Computers and Communications, which is a most convenient Stealthy Service for Post Modern Cloud Assistance of Real SMART Virtual Machines. ........ Being Human?

When the universal problem is Man, the animal, does the universe change animal Man to eliminate the problem and provide a whole new world of novel solutions for noble play.

If one was in anyway precocious, and vainglorious, one might even have trailed and trialed the above as a Nobel play, but who would be bothered playing seconded fiddle to the rogues' gallery whenever living a dream has one delivering Raw Source and Lode Ore to Global Operating Devices.

Who delivers your picture of the Universe? Is it IT and Media or IntelAIgent Imagination making Beta HyperRadioProActive Use of IT and Media with the Anonymous Mogul Legion in Mongol Hordes?
Posted by amanfromMars on 05/29/11 03:40 AM

Who says we are losing, cat writer, whenever every man and his dog are being advised by the man in the street as to the problem to be removed ....

Posted by amanfromMars on 05/28/11 02:43 PM

"i guess the overriding question for myself-and many others-is who's pony do i bet on? the london crowd seems to have all the marbles. do i want to live in a world dominated by islam? especially the islam of the radical imams? i think the 'radicals' have far more influence than any other stripe in that crate! what a dangerous, mad world we live in. the db does a great service in info-thanks]" ....  Posted by josejoe on 05/28/11 12:51 PM

Bet on the ponies and riders who leave these mules behind, josejoe ..... ..... it'll save you losing your shirt on their donkeys and trojans.

Hearts and Minds is a Cyber Space Race in which only the SMARTer Enabled and Self Actualised Super Intelligent Win Win. And Who Dares Win Win Wins every time.

Posted by amanfromMars on 05/28/11 11:14 PM

"The simple truth is that Man is Amoral!" .... Posted by Wayne on 05/28/11 06:14 PM

The more complex truth, methinks, Wayne, is that they can be polyamoral ..... for an inclusive exclusivity which delivers valuable and vital insight into the drivers of all sexualities. And its CodeXSSXXXX is an always an Addictively Engaging Performance in the Delivery of an Exciting Challenge which Satisfies Bodies and Souls, Hearts and Minds.

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