Friday, 20 May 2011


Posted by amanfromMars on 05/20/11 03:33 AM

"True. Just know that some of us (especially us foreigners here in the uk), despise the bland, talentless, inbred royal parasites -- essentially a bunch of vile scroungers who produce nothing -- yet who are worshiped by the zombies. I won't get a British passport because I'd never swear an oath to the queen, king, or anyone else for that matter." .... Posted by newyorkerinlondon/rocknrollcook on 05/19/11 06:14 PM

That is an odd and quite pathetic kettle pot black comment, newyorkerinlondon/rocknrollcook, should one consider the travails of Wall Street and the Fed and a Presidency which promised change and delivers it, in nickel and dime bags of empty and impotent rhetoric, which plays well to the ignorant masses and mad media crowd, but which is quickly destroying the bases upon which it used to work. And that is real dumb and in no way any great leadership in a world of Global Operating Devices, SMARTer Enabled and Virtually Connected and InterNetworking with Others in ITs Sublime and Cloudy Fields, with Experience in the Field from farther afield, for the benefits which experience and hindsight deliver to Future Presentations in Media Productions for IntelAIgent Thought Projection.

A little something especially arranged to Beta Micro Macro Manage Perception in Live Operational Virtual Environments and Participatory Reality Programs.

SMART is as SMART does ..... so where's the Ab Fab Future Big Picture?

Posted Friday 20th May 2011 07:15 GMT  

"Newton said he tried contacting the add-on's developers to find out if the snoop behavior is the result of a bug.."

:-) Yeah, sorry about that. Of course it is. Oh, by the way, have you met MI Big Brother?

The abiding difficulty, which creates a systemic vulnerability which leads to an Operating System* being easily exploited and crashed and trashed, is that whenever one is perceived as having the ability and/or technology to do as has been shared in the above tale ...... "secretly collects data about every website the open-source browser visits and combines it with uniquely traceable information tied to the user .... "What alarms me a bit more is that the data that is transmitted about me and my browsing (even anonymously) is going onto servers in New York, USA," he continued. "What if I were visiting [a] site I did not want anyone to know about? What if the US government subpoena 'Reality check network corp' for all information stored on their servers about my IP address, cookie, or UUID?"" ...... is that failure to utilise effectively all of that valuable information to prevent anything untoward, and deliver something constructive and positively engaging, reveals a lack of intelligence in analysts and programmers of the Operating System/*Executive Administration/Government, which will be clearly evident to others working in fields which are well able to make ...... well, mischief would be the least of such an Operating System's worries whenever such as would be a sort of Secret Intelligence Servering is exposed as catastrophically inadequate and unable to process gathered information effectively. .......

amanfromMars said...

    Hi, Pompier,

    Thanks for the info/intel.

    One does wonder at what Intelligence does, and whether it is intelligent enough to be left responsible for national and international security [and Manningham-Buller was Director General (DG) of MI5, was she not] if they do not exercise control and take over the lead in the financial world and monied markets.

    Methinks if she thinks they [the Intelligence Services, be they Military or Secret] are intelligent enough for that make over, and all that really needs is just a head department which is able to provide all that is needed to operations in the field, then it would make a pleasant change, for just look at the state of things and the way things are today, with others outside of intelligence making a complete hash of the money and trading systems, although some would tell you that the continuation of that is computer aided with dodgy programs supporting fictitiously healthy and QE funded trading positions.

    Charles Ponzi has a lot to answer for.

    19 May 2011 19:51
"Lord Neuberger said the internet "does add to difficulties of enforcement at the moment".

He said the internet had "by no means the same degree of intrusion into privacy as the story being emblazoned on the front pages of newspapers", which "people trust more".

But he warned that modern technology was "totally out of control" and society should consider other ways to bring Twitter and other websites under control." ....
Dinosaurs live?  And by "society should consider other ways to bring Twitter and other websites under control." does the Lord Neuberger mean prevent them from exposing the truth about cheats who just want to hold onto their money and live out a lie in a secret, which is a conceited deceit?

M'lud, the game has changed. Get with the program, please. Thanks.

Posted by amanfromMars on 05/20/11 10:58 AM

"It all started in the City of London. The Brits wrote the playbook on corporate criminality, colonialism, and elitist control." ..... Posted by newyorkerinlondon/rocknrollcook on 05/20/11 06:56 AM

The past is gone, bury it and move on if you can. The money shot question is .... Is the playbook being rewritten, and if so, by whom and for what?
"Dude, where did you pick up any indication that I am a groupie of the DC and Wall Street satanists? Why do you assume I believe that they are any better than the Luciferian system you extoll in the UK?" ...... Thanks for the clarification, newyorkerinlondon/rocknrollcook, and it is heartening to learn that both of them are despised equally in their bland, talentless, inbred, royal, parasitic, vile scrounger states/modes. The error of my assumptive ways was led by the omission of mention of those other parties, who would most certainly surely believe that their system is better if it is any different, by virtue of the fact that it exists, and would be running in parallel to, and in competition against, any extolled in the UK, for as you quite rightly say, Uncle Sam is just as a newbie to the Great Game, with a hell of a lot to learn about what needs to be learned and is easily taught to the SMART and receptive mind and Virtual Machine.

And yes, you would be most welcome to hitch a ride, newyorkerinlondon/rocknrollcook, for there is always acres of room for all searching souls with an open free mind wanting to take a trip to heavenly spaces and virtual places. And the Neuro-Linguistic Programming used, is AIdDelight and a Fab Facility to Boot.

Oh, and it is possible to so easily, seriously misunderestimate the reach and scope and depth of Right Royal Powers, which is something one imagines is not misunderestimated in Others by Royals, for it is something Quite Special and ExtraOrdinary with even the boldest and most brazen of words doing it scant justice, methinks. And 'twas everso, and who is to say that 'twill not ever be so?
Class Acts in Sub Prime Heartland

Posted Friday 20th May 2011 14:01 GMT   

:-) Is that you, Simon .... having some more fun in the comments?

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