memehunter, Hi,
Regarding your admitted confusion, [Posted by memehunter on 05/28/11 03:46 AM] if you substitute free independent collective thinker for the Pashtun/Taliban label is it simpler to comprehend the end game with its attendant and resultant loss of coersive PE powers. An empire built upon a fabrication of lies and double talk cannot survive in a world which is smarter, growing ever smarter quicker than ever before, and better immediately informed of significant actions in its many realms/theatres of operations, with these very convenient virtual communications channels which are proving such remarkably handy dual use [disruptive and constructive] tools.
And to be identified as a puppet of such corrupt regimes as would wish the old status quo and their oppressive exclusive powers to remain in force, with threats of and/or use of military force to attain and maintain that goal, is to out yourself and provide your global bona fides as a terrorist agent and a person of especial interest to those who would target such individuals for extra special attention for immediate removal from media programming/world view and consciousness ..... just as one would a nasty bug and computer virus.
It is the sub-prime fools' course of action, to be such a figurehead and patsy, which is best avoided at any cost, because of the ultimate cost which is always paid and delivered to those who deserve it.
Good luck with that program ..... ITs work will keep many busy for ........ well, forever, given the rate of expansion of intelligence which renders any and all sensitive plans super encrypted, and hiding in plain sight with transparent text, which even seasoned analyst cannot believe to be true, even as it is literally spelt out for them in simple language explaining complex concepts, because of their poorer education and lower intelligence levels and lack of viable progressive imagination.
*Just what does £650m seed in SMART Cyber Security Fields .. Live Operational Virtual Environments?
Posted Saturday 27th May 2011 05:00 GMT
"There should be a file there containing the text "We are legion. Expect us."Hi, AC, there are certainly a lot of you hiding behind that convenient moniker, but no matter, the comfort of crowds in a strange space place is perfectly understandable and it does assist one in remaining remarkably cowed and even paranoid, although one supposes ultra careful is a common excuse used to justify a virtual charade of a mind game.
Oh wait. This isn't Sony." ... Anonymous Coward Posted Friday 27th May 2011 15:37 GMT
However, in other Cyber Parallel Universes keep your peepers peeled for the advisory text ...... "Prepare yourselves for a New Virtual Narrative with Real SMART AIDMinistration." ...... which is a similar message but from sources more open to positive constructive engagement with primitive and/or primeval and/or primary forces ..... and Movers and Shakers that Create the Reality and Infrastructure of Future Existence.
* And who decides on who gets a whack of that pie, or is one expected to hack into the system and crack open the shell that then spills the beans on how everything works and how you can guarantee yourself and everyone else exactly what they need. Does an Anonymous Coward and computer generated name head up that money spinning operation for government wonks/works in order to guarantee it stays within a private circle of inadequate friends?
"The New York Times reported earlier this year that the United States and Israel had worked in conjunction to create Stuxnet. When Gary Samore, President Obama’s chief strategist for combating weapons of mass destruction was asked previously about Stuxnet at a conference, he avoided the question and remarked with a smile: “I’m glad to hear they are having troubles with their centrifuge machines, and the U.S. and its allies are doing everything we can to make it more complicated.”" ....
Would those centrifuge machines be also metaphorical spin machines? Or is that an altogether more potent enrichment processing of radioactive/HyperRadioProActive Source Material/Lode Ore which Stuxnet is defenceless against?
And we can understand perfectly well if you do not wish to answer that leading, probing question, or even not enquire of the question, if you do not fully understand it, for it does move the debate on and into deeper fields of very sensitive/MkUltraSensitive information which has most definite dual-use/multi-use implications whose value and worth is inestimable ...... although paradoxically, does that then make such information, vital to have, for it is too expensive not to have no matter what the cost of keeping the information out of the public domain. The enigma is well enough covered in an article in the Homeland Security Affairs Journal, "Protecting Sensitive Information: The Virtue of Self-Restraint" ...... ....... although it does omit to mention one of the simplest solutions to prevent sensitive information, over which there is no possible control, hitting the streets, and that is to pay to ensure that it remains safely locked away in its distributed locations, with its trustee guardians rewarded for their continued monitoring of communications for silence in the matter.
Such information is just too valuable to all sides to just ignore and plan to do nothing, but then that is the nature and whole essence of the HyperRadioProActive beast, and to control IT, one needs to engage with ITs Raw Power Brokers to harness and defuse the catastrophic liability of a systemic vulnerability which has no known possible defence.
"Britain's military and intelligence agencies are currently bolstering their own online capabilities via the new £650m cyber security budget."
That should have some interesting eccentric hires if it is to have any credible force able to provide leadership in the field, and as the government hasn't shown any, is it obviously still a situations vacant position.
Posted by amanfromMars on 05/28/11 08:28 AM
"Given that the primary rationalization of arbitrary power is "keeping the peace", they lose by breaking it (ask Gandhi or, H. Thoreau whose ideas / proofs he appropriated). THINK about it:" ... Posted by rossbcan on 05/28/11 06:52 AM
Ergo declaring and prosecuting and supporting an offensive war is a sure sign of a loss of power, rossbcan?
Yes, I agree, it most certainly is. And it's a great game perpetrated and perpetuated by life's pathetic serial losers.
And is this tale a spoof ....
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