Friday, 27 May 2011


MkUltraSensitive Information ... for NEUKlearer IntelAIgents
amanfromMars posted 110527 0552

I’m glad to hear they are having troubles with their centrifuge machines, and the U.S. and its allies are doing everything we can to make it more complicated.

Would those centrifuge machines be also metaphorical spin machines? Or is that an altogether more potent enrichment processing of radioactive/HyperRadioProActive Source Material/Lode Ore which Stuxnet is defenceless against?

And we can understand perfectly well if you do not wish to answer that leading, probing question, or even not enquire of the question, if you do not fully understand it, for it does move the debate on and into deeper fields of very sensitive/MkUltraSensitive information which has most definite dual-use/multi-use implications whose value and worth is inestimable ...... although paradoxically, does that then make such information, vital to have, for it is too expensive not to have no matter what the cost of keeping the information out of the public domain.  The enigma is well enough covered in an article in the Homeland Security Affairs Journal, "Protecting Sensitive Information: The Virtue of Self-Restraint" ...... .... although it does omit to mention one of the simplest solutions to prevent sensitive information, over which there is no possible control, hitting the streets, and that is to pay to ensure that it remains safely locked away in its distributed locations, with its trustee guardians rewarded for their continued monitoring of communications for silence in the matter.

Such information is just too valuable to all sides to just ignore and plan to do nothing, but then that is the nature and whole essence of the HyperRadioProActive beast, and to control IT, one needs to engage with ITs Raw Power Brokers to harness and defuse the catastrophic liability of a systemic vulnerability which has no known possible defence.

[Comment awaiting approval
Your comment must be approved by a moderator before appearing here.] .... Well, I suppose that is not surprising, considering the MkUltraSensitive subject matter, but for it not to appear after due consideration does render it more valuable than ever it was before, for it would be tacit confirmation of the information's worth.

Comment on Protecting Sensitive Information: The Virtue of Self-Restraint
Thank you for your contribution to the discussion. ....

If you have something of value to say, just say it to whomever you imagine will be smart enough to use it wisely, for if they are not smart enough to use it wisely, will their silence tell you more than they need to know, and more than they would wish you to know too, methinks. :-)

Posted by amanfromMars on 05/27/11 04:51 AM

"Again with the questions, Ingo. You have a degree in physics. You are a deeply educated man. You run your own economic school. Educate us. Why are earmarks necessary to the operation of a modern central bank?" ... Reply from The Daily Bell

Are you telling us that you do not know the answer, DB. Or are you hedging your bets and deciding not to answer the question with a dodging of the issue ...... exercising some of that virtuous restraint .... .... one is encouraged to show in the face of discoveries that are truly disruptive and novel and generally unknown, for reasons which are immediately apparent whenever they are known?

The deeply educated on this forum would not be long in phorming a not altogether pleasant conclusion, plunging into the dark, murky waters of collusion, if the latter rather than the former were true. Although whenever a ship is sinking, it is always best to try and arrange for an alternative means of staying afloat to enable one to sail away and live another day.

That's the problem with living in a surreal little bubble is that with one little prick and it implodes and explodes on itself and destroys all of those in control of it ...... or failing that, does the mob and great unwashed on the outside of the bubble looking in, run riot on the search for the architects of their misfortune, if things are not stabilised beforehand.

In those circumstances, which too much are mirrored exactly in todays circumstances, is the status quo Establishment arrangement of business as usual a most unintelligent approach/course of action/source supply.

Posted by amanfromMars on 05/26/11 03:30 PM

"There is more than meets the eye at play here." ....  Posted by johnblenkins on 05/26/11 10:27 AM

Indeed there is, johnblenkins, but precious few will realise it. What do you know of the surreal art of virtual reality creation and promotion and the Binary Industrial CompleXSSXXXX at ITs Work for Play in REST.

And is it a stealthy discipline of post modern, soviet imperial interest, 4irw4y, for the Neuro Linguistic Programming and Remote Viewing of Master Rogues to Mentor Renegade Projects with Primed Presidential Puppets and Legions of Anonymous Non State Actors.

To ask the questions is to know that the facility and capability exists for sharing ...... and surely the Daily Bell must now be starting to realise that much more is afoot than even they have been reporting and speculating very defensively on, and they are heartily thanked for their most gracious and patient alien support.
Posted by amanfromMars on 05/27/11 05:04 AM

""...discipline of post modern... interest" - upon one's views/needs, mostly, it may easily transform into what it is supposed to be, amfM, because of a little quantum bit natural reference of Targeted Remote Human Content/Dynamic Cache Dump at the date of the air." ... Posted by 4irw4y on 05/26/11 09:28 PM

Que sera, sera, 4irw4y? :-) Mother Nature knows best and one's truth shared always triumphs over every hidden secret and dirty deed done dirt cheap.

To know the whole truth about oneself and be able to share it with everyone is the freedom which delivers the truth about everything and every dirty little secret which may be hidden.

A retrograde step ..... is just so typical of out of touch and ancient disorderly orders

Posted Friday 27th May 2011 13:49 GMT  

To the adult section of the community, does the new virility and vitality certainly seem like a move in the right direction, and much healthier than the pedophilia the church is so well known for. But what would religion know of the modern world whenever it is such a sad relic and messenger of the past, in all its many disguises and versions .

Oh, look ...... new icons to help express further meaning. Bravo, El Reg.

Posted by amanfromMars on 05/27/11 11:55 AM

"Manipulation is but a form of Lying, and we should know by now that Lying becomes more complex and likely to fail with each person who is involved in the deception.
Add in to the mix a whole bunch of people (the Press, the Internet, TV) who are looking and digging into your deception from every angle and it is very unlikely that your plan will succeed.

Back on the home front, I watch with baited breath, to see the public reaction to more austerity, job cuts and ever higher prices while their govt pours billions into foreign shores where it seems to add fuel to the fire." .... Posted by elray on 05/27/11 02:22 AM

And it is wonderful what a bit of unlikely photoshopping can do to help spin a dodgy tale, but one which produces no evidence to convince, beyond any reasonable doubt, anyone that an action has been taken, is too much of a stretch for reality. On a scale of one to ten, is the following one an epic zero, methinks, and would suggest that the featured players have definitely lost the sub-prime plot and the right to imagine that they can lead anything with such incompetent use of the intelligence medium that is news and media ......

Prepare yourselves for a New Virtual Narrative with Real SMART AIDMinistration.

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