Sunday, 15 May 2011


Posted by amanfromMars on 05/14/11 01:36 PM

"The banks don't lend because they 1) are afraid to lend, and 2) in fact do not have excess reserves." ..... Posted by bionic mosquito on 05/14/11 10:26 AM

Why on earth are they afraid of lending, bionic mosquito? It is the continual flow of currency which creates wealth and the perception of wealth, not the banking of it.

Let us just say, for the sake of argument, that I have a plan/business/product/program/call it what you will, and I go to the bank and we agree that it be worth a loan/gift of an arbitrary £88,888,888 principal sum. That pricipal sum is paid/transferred/electronically credited to my bank account, for the purpose of advancing and expanding the plan/business/product/program/call it what you will, but it does not ever really leave the banking system, for it just sits in another banking place, where it can be easily personally called upon by A.N.Other/a new banking system partner, which is effectively what I have become, as I spend as much as I can, as constructively and as quickly as I can, so as to allow the currency flow to generate its magic, and energise the businesses and services which I provide with the arranged transferred funds.

The smart entrepreneur with a bold and inventive scheme will always realise that the principal sum loaned is never ever theirs, and is just as a gifted instrument to be well used to generate the benefits which are generated with currency flow which energises production and services.

And it is the height of stupidity and a sure sign of ignorance, aided and abetted by a certain lack of astute intelligence in the banking system, and especially in those at the top of that system now and who tolerate and encourage it, that the system would think that money in the system is theirs, whenever it is created and gifted/loaned to the system by the people/at the behest of the people, so that the system can deliver it to those who can do all of the above, very well.

Even whenever it is withdrawn as cash for spending, is it only temporarily out of the system, for as soon as it is used to purchase whatever it is used to purchase, will it invariably be returned by those third parties for safe keeping, and ease of future distribution, in the banking system. It is the churn of currency which creates global wealth and shared prosperity.

Take away the worry that not having enough money to do what one will, or what others expect of you to pay for, and you release the heart, mind and soul to think of ways in which to generate wealth and products and services to give away with money exchanges to create more of the same, only better, for there will invariably be new fabulous ideas born, to be tried.

AND ..... even if the business model is considered a failure after a certain while, so what? Has not it done what it was supposed to do, and is not that which was gifted/loaned not where it started from, back in the system, after having done whatever it did? And if you think that is a load of GBIrish and old cobblers, would you say that the banking business model as it was and still is, after the colossal multi trillion bailout/public cash/credit injection to stop it collapsing and keep it in business, is a success? Or is the reality that it is a monumental failure, which proves all of the above to be true?

More anon, at some time maybe, because that is just the tip of the iceberg, for there are even easier ways of generating fantastic wealth to do great things but it will cause major problems to the system to reveal them, for then will the banking system "owners" have Henry Ford's quote to worry about and rightly fear, methinks ..... “It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.

And you can be sure that the system's admin knows that all too well .... and the lower level minions in the system will not take the fall and the ire of the mob, whenever they can pass the buck up the chain of command to the very top and finger their bosses, who would be those they answer to for decisions made which have caused the mob to riot and revolt and seek redress for their victimisation and slavery to a right dodgy system as it now is.

And that action would be entirely right?

Cloud Mastery for Reign *

Posted Sunday 15th May 2011 04:35 GMT

"'The Cloud' isn't all its cracked up to be ........ you only have to read the news to know that." .... C 2 Posted Friday 13th May 2011 16:55 GMT

You're reading the wrong news, C 2.

* A little something for PO Box 1300, London SE1 1BD?

[Quantum Communications BetaTest #XSSXXXX1105150435]

A little phish, El Reg, which probes Intelligence for Future IT Fitness in the Live Operational Virtual Environments of Global Operating Devices.

15 May 2011 at 10:33 am

I quite agree, Pete Baker, that a much bigger picture view is required for leadership, which is missing, to appear and deliver prosperity to the masses, rather than, as present elected sub-prime representatives are doing, defaulting on their mandates to the public and trying to force feed them an imposed austerity.

And the first post here, … … which is in regard to a parallel, not at all unrelated matter, is that which needs to be considered, for it is ….. well, the system itself, which is terminal meltdown and constant attack which needs to be addressed/changed/reorganised, is it not, for the problems are not going away, you know?
amanfromMars says:
May 15, 2011 at 12:43 am
    "There will be a built-in calculator. If you contribute 1p to The National Leader, then he or she would get £620,000 as their weekly paycheque, if everyone did that."
Err….. your calculator is on the blink, Steve? Is not £11923.07 the weekly paycheque?


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