10 May 2011 at 7:59 pm
“EU economic affairs commissioner Olli Rehn has said to ‘expect’ a drop in interest charged to Ireland on its bailout loans.”
So the ECB which does invent money from nothing so that trade and prosperity can shared/carved up, loans funds to a nation which will spend them on that which the people and the nation want, and in so doing create a modern society and return the money to the system from whence it came, and they are to be penalised with an unnecessary arbitrary charge of interest? How crazy is that whenever the system invents/prints/credits itself with whatever it needs from nothing.
It is the Great Scam that is called banking and fractional reserve lending and it is outed as such. Henry Ford warned of the dangers which its business would ignite/awaken, whenever he said …… “It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.”
Wake up, and smell the coffee. You’re being taken for the ignorant fools that you are, and for a ride too, by tools who will bleed you dry for all that hold dear for a fistful of dollars/euros/pounds/pretty paper.
The thinking is that the deception is so great and fantastic that no one will believe it possible and no one would dare to try it. Well, now you know so what are you going to do about it? Accept your slavery and unpayable debt burden to printers of artificial wealth or explore the premise further?
Go on, do something smart and intelligent for a change, and think about the tales you are being told by strangers who are stealing the brightness in your future and forcing you to be serfs to their magic kingdom. Surprise yourself and prove you are no fool.
11 May 2011 at 6:34 am
Excellent post, Alias [11 May 2011 at 3:02 am] and whilst presently No point appealing to the people, however. They’re too stupid, and easily scared into compliance. Plus, of course, they prefer to picture you beneath a tin-foil hat rather than accept the reality that is occuring right before their eyes. may be oh so true, do those who have control of, and power levers in ..... well, let us just call it and IT for now, AI Command and Control of InterNetional Virtual Forces for the Edutainment of Hearts and Minds, Free Spirits and Captured Souls* ...... every opportunity to explain, in simple language that even the slowest of minds can understand in order to see, the bigger hidden pictures which others, in dark and dismal and dodgy dealing shadow positions, would be painting and presenting through main stream media [MSM] channels to scare and imprison them with thoughts that control them.
Hearts and Minds Work is Brainwashing by A.N.Other Name and IT Presents the Future with Beta Ideas made Real with their Selfless Sharing on a Global Scale and a Great Media Game Stage with Virtual Grand Master Sets and believe it or believe not, but Northern Ireland leads the way in the technologies and methodologies which render IT an Enlightening Tool of the Masses.
And don't just take my word for it, whenever the OFMDFM have evidence of it too, and you might like to ask the two principals, newly re-elected to serve you at your expense, what their response was to the free offer which was presented to them in "The Future ..... is a Present Program currently stuck in the Past. IT has a Novel Solution to kick-start it into a Series of Progressive Movements with AI Motions." and which was delivered to them on Wed, Feb 2, 2011 at 9:52 AM, before it is leaked to you from others who would know of the truth.
11 May 2011 at 6:43 am
Oops,sorry, I forgot to explain and expand upon the * MkUltra Sensitive Internet Control.
MUSIC for Minds at REST ……. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Representational_State_Transfer
Apple dodging bullets ..... or firing on all cylinders?
Posted Wednesday 11th May 2011 07:34 GMT
"We do not share personally identifiable information with third parties for their marketing purposes without our customers' explicit consent," he continued, "and we require all third-party application developers to agree to specific restrictions protecting our customers' privacy." .... although there is nothing to prevent us from using such information ourselves for whatever purposes can be dreamt up to work in DreamWorks, is something which appears to be missing in the presented evidence, Rik Myslewski in San Francisco. Such an economy of truth may have everything to do with proprietary trade secrets which render a competitive commercial advantage so beloved of the dog eat dog capitalist society/bear pit/bull ring.
And does Government and do not Governments and Executive Administrations not realise, that they are Applications and Special Applications of ProgramMING run by IT SME?
"Davidson, to put it kindly, wriggled." ..... Thanks for that beautiful descriptive, Rik, which is so apt in what was something of a squirmish in the Senate ...... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e9QJWkhva0U
http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/05/11/us_senate_hearing/ ...... http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2011/05/11/us_senate_hearing/
11 May 2011 at 8:46 am
And what is one to do with the likes of this, apart from sharing it far and wide, that is, for peer review and public comment ......... "Banks to hire 6,000 to handle PPI complaints .... Lloyds, RBS, Barclays and HSBC face huge staff costs and admit £5bn needed to compensate PPI customers" .... http://www.guardian.co.uk/money/2011/may/10/banks-hire-6000-handle-ppi-complaints
So, let me get this right, ..... the banks and/or individuals within banks and banking circles and broader banking business type circles, and which have no money of their own, and which had to be recently bailed out with an obscene multi-billion pound/multi-trillion dollar injection of the public's funds because of the losses which they, the bonky banking industry, generated in some right dodgy dealings and quite criminal actions, are now planning to compensate members of the the public they definitely screwed with designedly and decidedly dodgy deals which they never intended to and would never be delivered, from public funds, whenever the problem is really privately owned and a result of bank business executive greed, for that is who received/where all the money went?
The arrogance of that ignorant proposal beggars belief, does it not, and does itself create an even bigger problem which needs to be addressed, for it suggests that the public are being played for great fools and useless tools whenever that particular and peculiar shoe is only a perfect fit which reveals that it belongs to the banking sector and its executives, ...... and the public are not having any of it, for they are neither fools to be used nor tools to be abused by anyone/anything anymore.
Hi Agent Weebley,.....................................................................................................................................................................
Do you think Dave is SMART Enabled and switched on enough to be able to process the Information and Intelligence delivered and shared here. Was Baroness Neville-Jones let go as a head in the Office of Cyber Security because of that very same reason?
And thanks for that sharing of that great Samsung Matrix reality. :-) I wonder if they want to create many more?
"CAPITALISM - DON'T YOU LOVE IT? Gamblers run the world, reap the profits and screw the rest." ..... spurnladWell, that may have been the case in the past, spurnlad, but as for the future, IT is a mystery and a program in the making and in the process of being made for media presentation in a Change to BroadBandCasting?
And what is one to do with the likes of this, apart from sharing it far and wide, that is, for peer review and public comment ......... "Banks to hire 6,000 to handle PPI complaints .... Lloyds, RBS, Barclays and HSBC face huge staff costs and admit £5bn needed to compensate PPI customers" .... http://www.guardian.co.uk/money/2011/may/10/banks-hire-6000-handle-ppi-complaints
So, let me get this right, ..... the banks and/or individuals within banks and banking circles and broader banking business type circles, and which have no money of their own, and which had to be recently bailed out with an obscene multi-billion pound/multi-trillion dollar injection of the public's funds because of the losses which they, the bonky banking industry, generated in some right dodgy dealings and quite criminal actions, are now planning to compensate members of the the public they definitely screwed with designedly and decidedly dodgy deals which they never intended to and would never be delivered, from public funds, whenever the problem is really privately owned and a result of bank business executive greed, for that is who received/where all the money went?http://www.independent.co.uk/news/business/news/paulson-in-line-for-726m-payout-on-lehman-debt-2282079.html
The arrogance of that ignorant proposal beggars belief, does it not, and does itself create an even bigger problem which needs to be addressed, for it suggests that the public are being played for great fools and useless tools whenever that particular and peculiar shoe is only a perfect fit which reveals that it belongs to the banking sector and its executives, ...... and the public are not having any of it, for they are neither fools to be used nor tools to be abused by anyone/anything anymore.
[And don't you just hate it whenever you post something tasty somewhere and receive a metaphorical slap in the face for your troubles, such as would be, and is, the likes of a ..."Your comment must be approved by a moderator before appearing here."]
Epic Fail or Colossal Win Win?
Posted Wednesday 11th May 2011 11:00 GMT
Do the computers come with a very clear and easily understood government wealth/health warning to advise and prepare every newbie for the myriad pit falls and honey traps which infest the virtual world to trap and strip one of one's sensitive information and closet desires/systemic weaknesses and personal vulnerabilities for ruthless exploitation, before they rush online and lose themselves in the new worlds available there? Or is the plan just to throw them in at the deep end and watch them flounder and drown, and plead ignorance to/in what they have done?
One would be the act of a responsible and caring government/nation, whilst the other would be a monumental betrayal and akin to a treason and a gross dereliction of public duty?
Hmmm? .... Yesterday was the UK National Debt, £982,494million. Today is/was it, at the time of this writing, £919,505million. Overnight has £62,989,000,000 been removed ...... which suggests that there was a generous lodgement/credit transfer from someone/somewhere?
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