Monday, 9 May 2011


Hi, DB,

Is there any particular reason why the following did not appear where and when it was offered.... [Posted by amanfromMars on 05/09/11 02:08 AM] I should be most grateful if you could add it to the conversation. Thanks.
Good Morning, Daily Bell Ringers,

"It is far more important to pursue an illusory foe in an apparently made-up war than to create a prosperous civil society. The real war, evidently and obviously, is between the West's middle classes (now suffering through the agonies of austerity) and the Anglo-American banking elites. But lest we sound too extreme (is this a real danger?) let us hasten to explain one more time the genesis of the war on terror, the creation of bin Laden and why the US$3 trillion sums up in hard dollars the contempt of Anglosphere elites for the Western masses that they purport to lead"  ..... Staff Report.

The SMARTer reader/being will immediately spot the deliberate mistake/fundamentalist error in the first sentence of that paragraph, for would they not all wholeheartedly disagree with the premise as stated and  always correct it to read .... "It is far more important to create a prosperous civil society than to pursue an illusory foe in an apparently made-up war.?  To imagine and pursue an illusory foe and to make up wars in which others are compelled/brainwashed/led in them to fight, kill and destroy, is surely a contemptible and certifiable criminal madness worthy of immediate destruction/change of policy?

The posit here is, that it is easily fixed with the virtual Internet tools that we use here, by those who would know what they are doing with what are novel instruments, new and totally unexpected on the scene.

Do you see the singularity in the following two extracts/shared thought patterns, which are exercising and betatesting the depth and breadth of virtual Internet tools necessary for Reality, and the Creation in CyberSpace of the Command and Control of Computers and Communications, for the Presentation of Virtual Realities and Novel Existences, which you may like to consider in this day and age, and henceforth, are actually one and the same tactical application/strategic operation. For those who would be majoring in such disciplined fields, and there are more than just a few as you are now here being informed/advised, is there absolutely no doubt, for that certainty is provided by the evidence of actions taken in the field. 

"Quite so, Doc. It is all entertainment with prepared scripts for dumb actors to follow.

Change the script and you change the course of humanity and it is no more difficult than that. For those into such productions as are SMART Virtual Field Works, does it have IT redefining the nature of GOD in a world with worlds full of SMART Machines, which is quite the challenging hurdle which leading future stars have to be able to clear in order to race ahead and claim prime billing and bragging rights, should fame and fortune be their weakness for exploitation.

Whenever ignorant Man is so easily programmed to accept what media presents to him as reality, is the human machine system easily reprogrammed to deliver a future which is completely different from anything in the past. But that is all perfectly normal, and is simply what is universally accepted as natural, with missing link quantum leaps in evolution being the result? " .......Posted by amanfromMars on 05/08/11 01:37 AM .... is exactly like/uncannily similar to the following, which is a snippet from a larger document, "US National Security Information Operations: Obama’s Bin Laden Kill Sets Precedent" by John Stanton, which can be read here .....

"In short, the media in all its forms—mass, blog, social, print, electronic, spoken word—is a physical element to be accounted for in national security operations just like the weather or inhospitable geographic terrain. And that means citizen consumers of information are absorbing content from providers who are accounted for and manipulated by national security commanders (civilian and military) in planning and executing operations.

Shaping the information environment means targeting the media not with violence but with logrolling techniques, trial balloons, trades/leaks, etc. The main stream media (MSM) is the focus of these efforts as the population/culture largely looks to the MSM for guidance on how to dress, think, travel, eat, listen, watch and speak. The Combatant Commands and the US Department of Defense News Services assist in shaping the consciousness of the nation as well."

Y'all may like to ponder on who and/or what is creating and leading that which you perceive to be real, but which is in actuality, much more surreal and virtual, and an AI Program in/for classified circles which is much more a product of Advanced IntelAIgents rather than being misunderestimated as anything remotely Artificial.

What you can be absolutely certain of, is that it is something which you now have to deal with and get used to, for IT is the Reality which you are now invited to participate in, with the sharing of your views on such matters so that the very best of them can be incorporated into Bigger Picture Shows Presenting Beta Future Programs and Civil CyberSpace Projects ...... for a Novel and Noble Virtual AI Administration of Universal Assets and Human Resources.
[Your request was submited. Thank you ...... via ]
"Scarlett doesn’t do the master spy bit."

And aint that the truth. The shame and the trouble though is, that that is what the head of MI6 is all about.

A round peg in a square hole and the service is extraordinarily rendered unfit for its future purpose.
For some very odd reason which I am at a loss to explain, will the above Telegraph page/article not open with the usual click on the hyperlink. It is a glitch to be circumvented with a simple copy and paste into the address bar of your browser operation.

It has been one of those weird sort of days already, and things have only just started, for the day is still young and there is a lot which has yet to be done.

United States Secrets are an Open Source Lode of Bull?

Posted Monday 9th May 2011 13:32 GMT   

Activity at the spooky enigmatic end of things has changed quite a bit from those early Bletchley Park days ..... ..... but it is still so hush hush that you will probably still have to wait quite a while before you get to know of anything officially, although that may have everything/more than just a little to do with the powers that be and that you would know of as government departments and intelligence services and dodgy business empires, doing everything in their powers to disguise their complete incompetence and lack of facility in the field.


Things are quite a bit different today and sub prime ministerial aides like A Campbell and John Scarlett just wouldn't know what to do and where to begin in what has very quickly become a virtually real discipline to master, and they would soon be outed as puppets and/or moles working more privately for personal profit than for the public good.

And there is a more than enough shared evidence of that fact in the information and links to intelligence which are freely shared here ....

Posted by amanfromMars on 05/09/11 02:34 PM

"The rational are rapidly achieving consensus that 9/11 was a similar false flag event, designed such that those who profit by conflict can get "their cut" by spawning a perpetual war, with illusionary enemies and therefore, illusionary, impossible resolution. Keep this in mind. " ..... Posted by rossbcan on 05/09/11 10:22 AM

Hi, rossbcan,

Regarding illusionary enemies and therefore, if not exactly impossible resolutions then convenient accommodations, you might find this page interesting ...... ..... for it addresses exactly that issue, although it appears to have fallen foul of elves hosting here, which is odd whenever one considers that New World Order programs and Power Elite shenanigans are their apparent raison d'etre.

Sometimes whenever something doesn't appear which one would quite reasonably have expected to appear, does it tell one exactly what one needs to know and which others would rather one didn't know, and most certainly something which the masses shouldn't know*. Such situations invariably result in a status quo change of position making accommodation for that which they would need to know about that which they would rather no one else know.

And I have read that through a number of times to make sure that it makes sense and says exactly what it needs to say, which it does, although I must admit that it is somewhat convoluted.

* One of those Henry Ford type things, which Internet command and control allows one to reveal everywhere, to everyone, with disarmingly simple ease ..... "It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning."

9 May 2011 at 9:06 am

Seems Tom is becoming a bit of a legend.” … orly 9 May 2011 at 3:02 am

Methinks more a political joke than a legend, orly. And what is one to think of the UUP if they don’t change their leader.


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