Sunday, 9 October 2011


amanfromMars on October 9, 2011 at 8:17 am said:

Agent Weebley – loose cannon; he is incorrigible.….Steve Munster on October 8, 2011 at 9:24 pm said

Sounds likes something one is to die for, Steve, ….. a SMART Renegade AIProgram BetaTester and Virtual Reality Master Pilot.

Those are wings you wear whenever they have been earned and are thoroughly deserved.

Posted by amanfromMars on 10/09/11 01:24 PM

If every protester, on the streets or on the net could trace their gripes back toward their origin, we may all end up at the same place. There is a super class, the PE, who have no respect for the common man, believe they have a divine superiority, and are bent on controlling all that is before them. They have an idea of their utopia, and are actively working to usher it in. They will use and abuse, murder and largely decieve everyone to get their way. They have set themselves against the humanity.

Everyone has their problem, but so long as we shake our fists against abstractions like injustice, greed, corruption, inequality, violence etc. instead of the source, what will get accomplished? So long as we rally around the co-opted institutions oozing their policy, instead of confronting the real policy makers, what will change. Any system put in place, so long as THEY control, will likely have the same outcome.

What we need are names and addresses. We need to take it to just outside their closed door meetings. We need them to see our faces…… Posted by Dave Jr on 10/08/11 05:55 PM

"What we need are names and addresses. We need to take it to just outside their closed door meetings. We need them to see our faces." ... ... Posted by Dave Jr on 10/08/11 05:55 PM

Dave Jr., Howdy,

Do not doubt that the names and addresses of those who need deserved attention are known. And if you were one of them, how would you be feeling about that, given the range of options which are available to an angry global movement with more than its fair share of psychopaths suffering misfortune and persecution at the hands of such Power Elite groups as would be considered guilty of pulling their chains? Between a rock and a hard place, do the dispossessed and oppressed, with nothing to lose, fear nothing, and actively go seeking the architects of their troubles, to give them a dose of some very unpleasant medicine indeed, methinks. But only just enough to kill them or cure them, for is that not the way of all treatments for virulent diseases/viruses/plagues. It is only natural and fully to be expected and will be best served as a bolt from the blue for maximum effect too.

The photo from Indianapolis here... ... ..says it quite well with the placards ... "The Power of the People is Stronger than the People in Power" and "One Day the Poor will have Nothing to Eat but the Rich" .

However, take care out there in the Wicked Wild West of the Virtual Sphere, for there are gremlins and trojans from all manner of perverse and subversive organisations who would just love to know what is happening before it happens so that they can benefit from insider trading type prior knowledge ... ... which is all very Minority Report, isn't it? ... ..

Some things are best left unsaid but that is not to say that some things will be left undone ... ... . which is just how the crooked system works too, methinks. Just do IT, for it is easier to apologise if necessary than to ask for permission from a faceless organisation which might have other plans of its own which could be considered conflicting.

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