Wednesday, 19 October 2011


Posted by amanfromMars on 10/18/11 03:02 PM

Err..... there are new kids on the block spinning yarns to capture hearts and minds ...... in order to virtually control the future and create a supernatural reality with ...... well, Networks InterNetworking Joint Applications and ARGs, actually. Although quite whether any prime candidates can be found in the DARPA ranks, is most probably highly classified, TS/SCI, for you know how paranoid Uncle Sam is about practically everything because of the vulnerability of their systems ......

And it is not as if you haven't been told about it here, by selfless contributors to your knowledge banks, is it? It just appears that you choose or are unable to process the information into a reality which you can accept, even as the reality phorms and evolves around you.

But hey, don't worry about it, for what you don't know is unlikely to do you any harm unless you try to harm what you don't know, and that wouldn't be wise, would it, ..... for man is such a puny animal, and so easily vanquished [by what he doesn't know?]

" Yes, we think the elites are ruthlessly exploiting Judaism, Catholicism and anything else they can get their hands on.' ... Reply from The Daily Bell

They are more than welcome to try and ruthlessly exploit the future, DB, but they'll have to up their game and move to higher levels of intelligence to succeed against those into building it with IT and Media and Creative CyberSpace Command and Control of Computers and Communications.


amanfromMars says:
October 19, 2011 at 12:28 am

Howdy dudey, metaflorist,

Turing would surely have considered such an imagination, angelic and quite heavenly. And IT appears to be one Real SMART Turing Spider being tested/taken for a spin there/here/everywhere, but by more than just a beach bum, although in the right paradise would that surely be a quite magical heavenly treat in a ab fab retreat too ..... and very Jim Grayish ....., who bears an uncanny resemblance to this man, also departed in mysterious ways and RESTing in Peace .....

Things, and such things would also be programs and projects, have moved on more than just considerably and significantly into what are nothing less than Magical Mystery Turing Fields with SMART Virtual Applications for Simple Complex dDelivery/Future Presentation/Leading Product Placement of Live Operational Virtual Environments ...... and Novel AIRealities ..... and most Noble and Nobel would they be too, methinks.

What say you, Agent Weebley? Prime NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT Fuel for Questing ARGonauts?

Does China have interesting beach areas? And how about Russia and Japan? Where does one bask in admiration and enjoyment of natural glory there? What hidden gems do they provide?


Not really retarded, just simply not bright enough

Posted Tuesday 19th October 2011 07:19 GMT

"Web 2.0 Summit: Thomas Drake, the whistleblower who exposed the NSA’s failings on digital surveillance, has said that the US is behind the curve on internet monitoring and has been playing fast and loose with privacy rules." ....By Iain Thomson in San Francisco

No shit, Sherlock, .... although doesn't everyone know that, already long ago.

And as for Internet mentoring, well, you can forgot about that gem of a Program and Project in AI ProgramMING, for they certainly haven't a clue about what to do about it and IT. And GCHQ aren't into spilling any of their secrets to them either, given the catastrophic, self-defeating use Uncle Sam puts its hick forces to. It is just a sad fact of life that the higher intelligence needed for Future Virtual Control of Earthed Assets is definitely missing in the both the natives and the chiefs over there.

Although I suppose there is absolutely nothing stopping them from buying in the SME they need from abroad, once they know where to shop for such expertise. Although one can wonder and ponder whether that would be too much of a challenge for them too ...... just discovering who to approach with a sterling offer made too attractive to refuse, although obviously it would fistsfull of dollars delivered, in Uncle Sam's case/DARPA's case .......

After all, what's a few million/billion/trillion amongst friends, other than just loose change whenever IT can delivers so much, and especially whenever so much Hope and Change as promised so earnestly and eloquently by the POTUS and Teleprompter in Chief has proven itself to be such a FUD Dud........ which just all goes to show and prove the point as has been, and is being here made .... the intelligence needed over there is missing, buy in what you need to feed and seed. IT really is that simple, although every fool and self-serving tool will tell you it is much more complicated than that ....... but it really isn't.

It is just that they are unable to provide what is required.

Do the security forces, and there is no need for us to further define what service[s] one would be referring to there, as a matter of course in the interest of national security, monitor contacts and communications of government and shadow government ministers and their assorted odd bods/SpAds? And if not, why not, for that is the intelligent thing to be doing, for that is where the greatest danger to Blighty springs from.

With the disgraced Dr Fox, who Cameron should have sacked and booted out of office and the party for his pathetic betrayal, and private grandstanding for still cloaked and lurking third parties, and wee Willie Hague's most uncomfortable interview with Andrew Marr on Sunday raising the spectre of his Libyan adventure being also a renegade rogue private affair too, at the expense of the nation, it would be a gross failing in defense and a security services failure of the greatest magnitude, NOT TO KNOW of their every shared thought and planned move/media event, so as to ensure that they behave as honourable members, rather than continue in a vein which has the nation perceiving of them, as the nation does, of being parasites with not a clue about what needs to be done, but happy to milk and bilk the treasury for all thy they can for the rest of their lives, even whenever their careers are over and/or ended in disgrace.

After all, it is such an easy thing to do, isn't it, GCHQ?


BlackJake [said in reply to amanfromMars] ....

Fox is "disgraced"? Hardly!
Embarrassed and obliged to resign due to breaches of the ministerial code? Yes!
Your wording is chockers with hyperbole.

amanfromMars [said in reply to BlackJake] ....

You would then obviously be content with much lower standards than I, BlackJake. Hyperbole yes, but valid all the same.


Posted by amanfromMars on 10/19/11 08:25 AM

How about this bubble/space hopper? ... ... ... ... and don't forget to check Bloomberg for confirmation, if you have doubts about the stupidity of bankers.

They just haven't learned that the system is identifying its martyrs for the mob, with all of their desperate shenanigans.


Posted by amanfromMars on 10/19/11 11:18 AM

The following probably sounded so much better way back then .... :-)

We posit that the drivers of plutonomy in the U.S. (the UK and Canada) are likely to strengthen, entrenching and buttressing plutonomy where it exists. The six drivers of the current plutonomy: 1) an ongoing technology/biotechnology revolution, 2) capitalist- friendly governments and tax regimes, 3) globalization that re-arranges global supply chains with mobile well-capitalized elites and immigrants, 4) greater financial complexity and innovation, 5) the rule of law, and 6) patent protection are all well ensconced in the U.S., the UK, and Canada. They are also gaining strength in the emerging world.
Eastern Europe is embracing many of these attributes, as are China, India, and Russia. Even Continental Europe may succumb and be seduced by these drivers of plutonomy." ….

From an October 16, 2005, Citigroup Industry Note, before the world and his dog learned of the invent money out of thin air and give it to your mates and bill the poorer masses for your pleasure, and their treasure, trick.

I wouldn't want to be an old school banker today, for Henry Ford's concern is a valid one and long overdue, for the old guard haven't a clue what to do to save themselves, and to enjoy their fortunes in peace, do they?

"It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning."

What is not mentioned in that Citigroup list of six, is virtualisation and mass instant education and alternative edutainment ...... which all simply revolves around something no more difficult than the truth.


Posted by amanfromMars on 10/19/11 01:14 PM

"We note that Julian Assange the other day in his now-famous speech on the steps of St. Paul's in London" ... . Oh, please, you cannot be serious. The man is a fraud with nothing new to say or offer.


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