"This is getting pretty deep. Am I one of the sheeple when I take a wait and see attitude? I hope not, but what else do I have to go on but supposition? Maybe the DB could do a better job of explaining rather than running around the bush." ... Posted by robert wheeless on 09/30/11 11:49 AM
I sometimes wonder myself, robert wheeless, about the Daily Bell saying so much about the present situation but actually offering virtually nothing of a novel solution for the difficulties.:-) In stark contrast though, are there others here who would enjoy the company and the banter here, and who would be rather more into the opposite, and would offer novel solutions for virtually nothing, and be able to program them seamlessly into all necessary systems.
Cast your eyes over this comment thread .... http://heddinout.com/?p=4557#comments ..... for just an inkling of what I mean.
"But we're pretty good at this stuff. We already "get it." At least we think we do. Watch for other articles in the Times – or maybe elsewhere – explaining how a generation of young activists is taking to the Internet to REINVENT democracy. This is the key issue. Having lost control of the media, the real elites – the Anglosphere central banking families – are plotting to take it back by using the Internet as a mechanism of policy.
Those who constantly warn that the Internet is about to be shut down or otherwise censored underestimate the subtlety of Tavistock and other elite institutions of mind control. Soon we will learn, perhaps, that there is a swelling movement (one that was supposed to be led by Assange?) involving the use of the Internet to root out corruption and to make democratic institutions more "transparent" via online activism." ....... I wish the elite well with that exercise, DB, for they are certainly going to need it, although control of IT is the key power which they don't have a grasp of, and that will render them impotent and unable to stop the rot and a new phorm of leadership assuming effective remote control?
And shared as a question because as a statement would it be far too bold to be believed by them? :-)
Posted by amanfromMars on 10/01/11 06:13 AM
"Literature as New World Order propaganda: Science-fiction or reality?"
Control words in order to control worlds is not a fiction, DB, and that is why cyberspace is such an active and HyperRadioProActive Area 42 Command and Control, with some traditional high fliers thinking to enter and exercise power in what are really stealthy IT fields/invisible and intangible higher communications networks, ... ... . http://www.afcea.org/signal/articles/templates/SIGNAL_Article_Template.asp?articleid=2724&zoneid=56 ... . but that does in no way mean that they would have the necessary skills in their forces to be a lead player, for it is an intellectual property space quite unlike any other to date.http://thedailybell.com/3017/Staff-Report-Literature-as-New-World-Order-propaganda-Science-fiction-or-reality
Posted by amanfromMars on 10/01/11 01:24 AM
"And just for flavoring, now the President can issue a death sentence against anyone based on an accusation, and carry it out as an act of war in another country." ..... Posted by John Danforth on 10/01/11 12:28 AM
Methinks, JD, that that sort of act will be carbon copied by the enemy [whoever/whatever that is] and quite why the POTUS would want to effectively paint a bullseye target on himself and those of his ilk around the world is unclear, but if it focuses attention and effort away from the cowardly use of indiscriminate and deadly mindless violence and wanton destruction against innocent civilian populations and vital infrastructure, then who would complain for it is a far, far better thing that he has done, than he has ever done; it is a far, far better rest that he goes to, than he has ever known.Bravo, Mr President, thanks for that.
Do you think he has some dodgy advisers who think that if he is sacrificed in a copycat action they will be presented with an emotional excuse to launch another phony war against a phantom enemy and natural resource rich nation?
Posted by amanfromMars on 10/01/11 11:41 AM
"Naturally, it's all just digits in a database. They could punch a few keys on a terminal and 'make it all go away'. But then the biggest lie holding the whole Ponzi scheme would be revealed -- the 'con' would be revealed, and the only thing holding the concept of paper money together would be lost, that is, the faith of the victim would be forever destroyed as the cost to him of his ignorance will be measured in the destruction of his savings, hopes, and dreams, and even his ability to feed and house his family. The amount of fake obligations outstanding is so huge that wiping it all away would violate the Prime Directive - "Never question the value of paper money". The 'value' imputed to the paper is what everything relies on. Everything is riding on it, from the legitimacy of government to the ability to trade work for food. A wispy thing for them to rely on. All it will take is a gust of wind to blow it away. If the popped balloon is to be papered over, it must be done slowly, so as not to shake the faith. But the magnitude of it is so large that already the faith is being questioned in whispers, and not even a tenth of the damage has been inflicted on us yet. The proportion is probably impossible to resolve. The banking system is like an opossum surprised in the middle of the road by an approaching car. Frozen, and hoping for a miracle." ... . Posted by John Danforth on 09/30/11 09:12 AM
The deepening/unravelling idiot power elite dilemma in a paragraph, and the information which is travelling constantly around the world and into mass human consciousness and which is ensuring that the system as it now is, will never again be as it was.What are we to imagine is the reason for the status quo, power elite establishment not grabbing the bull by the horns and doing what is necessary* ... .. "They could punch a few keys on a terminal and 'make it all go away'" ... .. and putting in place another system? Anything other than the fact that they don't have the intelligence themselves to do it, for it is not as if it can said that they don't have enough capital to do it, whenever they would have more than enough and whenever whatever is needed is so easily instantly invented.
The solution to the dilemma? Bring in an outside sub-contractor and cyberspace expert in the field of global perceptions management for that is what they face and have to compete against in others who would be a whole lot smarter than was ever thought possible?
Or is more of the same old nonsense, leading to more of the same old resulting chaos and collapse, still the idiot master plan? Methinks that would be confirmation of self-harming madness for it is definitely not linked to any sort of brilliant intelligence, that's for sure.
And we all know what happens whenever the lunatics try to take charge and control of the asylum, don't we? They very quickly, effectively get wiped out by much more powerful and necessarily ruthless forces over which they have zero control.
* It might also be the case that there is no power elite control and the chaos is as a result of crazy factions vying against each other and trying to set up an overall command and control system without taking into consideration the needs and wishes of others and hence the conflicts.
Posted by amanfromMars on 10/01/11 11:57 AM
And this should be of interest to all here exercising on the Daily Bell ... . http://www.zerohedge.com/news/meltdown-part-2-global-financial-tsunami
It explores the realms of the madness of the asylum too ... .. "Because while insanity may be doing the same thing over and over expeting a different result, sheer idiocy is constantly refusing to learn from the past, and expecting a present which "is different this time.""
Posted by amanfromMars on 10/01/11 02:13 PM
"Or is more of the same old nonsense, leading to more of the same old resulting chaos and collapse, still the idiot master plan? Methinks that would be confirmation of self-harming madness for it is definitely not linked to any sort of brilliant intelligence, that's for sure."
Maybe this is a variation/tweak to that idiot master plan? Another piece of magic paper to be treasuried and exchanged to give the perception of wealth that is real enough to be traded amongst friends as a valuable currency whenever everyone knows it is just an accountancy tricks to cook the books and hide the losses ..... http://cryptogon.com/?p=25228 ..... which is just more of the same old failed methodology surely.
Mr Ponzi sure did start something with his shenanigans, didn't he?
"But it is the investment in its own shares that stunned the market. Berkshire announced the program on Monday, saying it would pay up to 10pc above book value for stock. Investors said the program meant Berkshire was probably undervalued by 30pc or more."
The only good reason to pay 10pc over the odds for shares in ones own company is to give the impression that they are worth more, which probably means that they are grossly overvalued and the markets are about to realise it. The product is a toxic sub-prime?Smoke and mirrors from an old school card player into burning bridges to keeps forensic scrutiny at bay? Nice one, Warren. Good luck with that.
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