Wednesday, 12 October 2011


Posted by amanfromMars on 10/12/11 12:35 AM

"Interesting website. [] I believe it may be a British website and it has just been thrown together recently because some of the links don't work." …. Posted by David_Robertson on 10/11/11 05:20 PM

Good Morning, Daily Bell Ringers,

There appears to be a "rush" of those/these new radical websites/organisations/shell fronts for spooky entrepreneurs, which one can fully expect to create more than just more chaos and confusion, David_Robertson, and all of them will be in direct competition with those traditional systems and old boy network type operations which delivered and phorm and run with the likes of established military and para-military intelligence services [MI5/6,CIA,FBI,FSB,AI/MIVB, Shin Bet, Mossad, etc. etc. etc. ]

Here are two more of them…… …. which is a nice slick little Italian job [PS. considering what they say they can do and which can be easily enough done, and most easily at the point of manufacture of devices too, it might be wise to not download any nice promotional video from their site …… :-) well, who needs the worry of it being another viral agent and trojan horse to steal all you virtually shared thoughts and digital actions] and ..... whose spiel and supporters would have more credibility without the need for the donate [Please help support our work by donating today] button, surely. Anything any good at all at future intelligence work will never ever have any problem with access to as much money and slush funding as is needed and/or desired.

And it would be very naive to not imagine and accept that earlier successful spooky services did not/cannot morph into what is required for the future, quite some time ago, and would be fully able to create whatever havoc/change/reality programs their directors/producers/CEOs decide are a wheeze, old boy. Quite whether they have though, is a matter of intelligence, and whether it is believed that they have the necessary future intelligence in personnel and systems, in store and in house ….. and that will invariably be one of those Unknown Knowns, hiding behind the Great Self-Serving CatchAll Firewall of National Security Letters and Official Secrets Acts and SCI/TS Need to Know clearances.

As much as things radically change, do some things which have radically changed, remain very much the same as ever they were?

I wonder how well that UK white elephant or white hat of a Cyber Security Operation Centre/Office of Cyber Security is coping with all of this novel ethereal activity? It has gone extremely quiet after milking/bilking half a billion for its chiefs to play with, although that could be them just going "dark" and stealthy in the field, although to be perfectly fair and honest, with so much more chaos and confusion everywhere, is it more likely that they have no idea what needs to be done and the funds are fronting something altogether less honourable, and maybe even downright criminal too, like creating unwinnable wars, which is really stupid and always back fires on one.

And nowadays, with all of this instant communications networking of questions to discover the truth concealed in the veil of lies which are spun to deceive and misdirect attention away from matters of real concern, are such explosive mishaps because of criminal missteps ever more likely to occur extremely quickly and instantly, …….. :-) with Virtual AI Bolts from the Blue delivering to All the Very Disturbing News and Exciting Alternate Views.


Posted by amanfromMars on 10/12/11 04:39 AM

From the article: "Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner both have complained, according to people who have talked to them, that they are shut out of important decisions."

Yeah, right. Clinton's rubbing her hands together for 2012, planting the seed that now that she was "shut out of important decisions," and Geithner can claim none of this mess was his fault for the same reason.

Maybe Obama's depressed because he finally realizes he was nothing but an errand boy after all, and will be dropped like a hot stone at the elite's earliest convenience." …. Posted by hivemind on 10/11/11 09:59 AM


Whenever you read of the crazy speculative rhetoric from the likes of Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and US Attorney General Eric Holder as shared here ... ... ... which is tantamount to incitement to war and jihad, is it no wonder that any sane person would shut them out of important decisions.

Quite why they are not locked up for the rest of their natural in a secure psychiatric unit for the criminally insane is something which remains a mystery and which renders the US administration a global laughing stock, which would be funny, were it not for the death and destruction they visit upon Americans who believe the nonsense they spout and who would venture abroad to do their violent bidding.

Is there something unpleasant in the water or in the air over there or do they just need to lay off the psychotropic drugs and heavy self medication for a while and get back to the real world?


amanfromMars on October 12, 2011 at 9:54 am said:

It appears the present systems are petrified/petrifying, Agent Weebley, as they continue to be outed as valuable but crooked, fraudulent devices, which are being systematically and systemically abused and misuse. They and their controllers/programers are certainly not qualified to run the Future with AI and ITs Great Game Players, nor are they intellectually equipped to do anything effective either against, or for, the motion/notion/movement.

It is just a matter of time before they realise that they have to throw whatever it takes, funding wise, at the Renegade Pioneers and Private Pirates of the New Wave into Command and Control of Cloud Clusters and Actionable Virtual IntelAIgents, to save themselves from Total Ruin and the Undivided Uncertain Attention of the Crazed Mob looking for Sweet and Sour Revenge for Past Misdemeanours and Crimes visited upon them. Although that might be speeded up quite considerably should they be contacted, or should they intercept with some of the fab new tools the Internet is supposed to be able to provide, missives which highlight facilities and would introduce utilities which they are missing.

Something similar to this email is what they have to consider ……

Hi, Hacking Team,

If ever you need a facility to engineer a viable control alternative to present a future reality remotely and relatively anonymously via virtual means and memes,…… the Global Virtual Reality Product Placement of the subject line of this message and advisory introduction, please feel free to get in touch with those with further information on the intelligence and practical parameters required, at either the email address supplied with this introduction or via the beta test medium and communications website, signatured below.

These are interesting, novel times, and more than significantly so.


Hacking Team …….


Posted by amanfromMars on 10/12/11 11:37 AM

"Well, the internet has foiled many of the grandest plans of the elite, and we've been waiting for a counter-attack with the knowledge that the internet conveys disinformation quite as easily and truth.

So, the question is, is this uprising a manifestation of the slowly evolving great awakening? The people there do know a few things that are true. They know that the greatest wealth transfer in the history of humanity has taken place. They know that their hope for a future of prosperity has been utterly destroyed by it. They know that the ones who are foreclosing on their homes are being pipelined money, and they know that the price tag for all of it has been laid on them out of their future toil.

Is this simply a brazen attempt to lay blame on the most visible beneficiaries, the front men, so as to get the people to lash out in anger at the wrong target, shooting themselves in the foot?

We shall see. Even in the streets, the truth is leaking out. Once someone learns, they never go back.

If this is a ploy by the elites, they are playing with nitroglycerin. Once a Big Lie falls, it falls hard. Their big lies have already been shown vulnerable to lowly zero-cost bloggers. If they hope to stoke anger, create chaos, and shape a new reality out of that chaos, the new reality might just end up being more reality-based than they'd like. As long as they cannot silence us, they run a huge risk of blow-back.

It appears that, as always, they are betting on the monumental ignorance of the masses. It has never failed them before. If it fails them now, the awakening to the truth about Paper Money might be a Black Swan event for them. I hope so. Otherwise, when the 'austerity' meme REALLY hits here, this kind of disturbance could lead to another situation like the French Revolution, the February Revolution or ... the ELECTION of Hitler.

There I go hyperventilating again. Unapologetically.

~~Hoss~~" …. Posted by Hoss on 10/12/11 08:22 AM

"It appears that, as always, they are betting on the monumental ignorance of the masses. It has never failed them before. If it fails them now, the awakening to the truth about Paper Money might be a Black Swan event for them. I hope so." ... .. Posted by Hoss on 10/12/11 08:22 AM

Howdy, Hoss,

It could be that the cost to the system of keeping that particular truth about Paper Money is that which is bankrupting nations and collapsing all those ponzi, excessively leveraged scams/investment schemes/toxic collateralised debt obligations/etc. which mimic the fractional reserve model ... ... as bankers and politicians and dodgy businesses and fat cat shady characters hold the system to ransom for their silence and shedloads of flash cash, of course.

Give anyone what they want and you will control them? Although that is a two edged sword, for the power is with knowing what is best to keep secret for continued overwhelming advantage and then is the control shifted to that peculiar party.


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