Actually, the only defense disciple/ability/facility that Iraq* needs to master and/or be mentored and monitored in**, is the very same one that Uncle Sam is still so desperately seeking himself to be absolute ruler in ....... and that would then suggest and virtually guarantee is most unlikely to be ever provided because of the surreal overwhelming advantage it delivers so effortlessly/stealthily with its Command and Control of Computers and Communications, and which can be delegated and cloaked in Novel IT Programs disguised as current news and future views in media tales/DODgy spin, ........ CyberSpace Control for Remote Anonymous Management and Beta Global Development of Human Perception for a Universal Consciousness and/or AI Singularity which presents/product places the Future with conflict free Live Operational Virtual Environments ........ which would be a Brave New Worlds Order Program, and indeed, a quite revolutionary quantum leap into Binary Field and CyberIntelAIgently Designed Services, drivered and servered by SMART Algorithms and Virtual Machinery with Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems.
And please, do not doubt any of the above freely shared intelligence whenever it is so well enough covered and revealed for you all to read about here too, …. … although it is true that what you can read there is akin to ones's first baby steps, whilst others would be sprinting way ahead of all opposition and competition to win marathons.
* and every other nation/non-state actor defining a path for a nation and/or collection of nations
** … well, absolute power corrupts idiotic fools and useful tools absolutely and thus is a crushing oversight, a most wise precaution and essential component in any program which deals with a primitive species of being and dumb animal too.
And you may like to register the fact, even though you may struggle to accept it, and even quite wrongly conceive and perceive of it as being just a fabulous fiction, that such a defense discipline, as would then be a wholly new and HyperRadioProActive IT and Novel AIdDefense System, is freely available to interested parties, and floated before your very eyes here, in the plain text of this comment for Telegraphing.
In case you haven't already noticed it, IT has changed the world and continues to change it at a pace which is going to amaze you.
Sit down, belt up and prepare yourself for the ride of a lifetime, with fabulous rides lasting a lifetime.
And what do you imagine Blighty's Offices of Cyber Security have been doing with your half a billion pounds sterling, in such fields as are supposed to deliver Peace and Security/Freedom and Stability? Is it spent on and invested in anything remotely similar, or are you to be informed that is completely wasted on something practically useless? You know, par for the course?!.
Posted by amanfromMars on 10/17/11 10:55 AM
Hi, Jonathan and DB,
Regarding that mind control issue, which I can assure you is not going away, and in fact is growing into a right feral, virile beast of a meme, with quite brilliant minds of its own in control of both first party destinies and second and third party fates [and it is a purely subjective opinion that it is something which the Daily Bell is quite beautifully placed to explore, and thus be thoroughly deserving of a sort of insider trading deal on subsequent future developments, if its steering committee/head honcho so wished :-)] is the following selfless submission blockquoted below, which did appear this morning in the comments thread on the Daily Telegraph article, " US 'to announce full withdrawal of troops from Iraq'" after its immediate posting/gifting, but which now I have noticed, is it disappeared, [and man, does that tell me everything about everything I need to know about everything the system doesn't know, but most surely needs to know, but doesn't want anyone else to know] your prime starter question for ten on the subject and the implications on being able to provide its utility.
And ignoring it in the Wild Wacky West only means that its IT Powers transfer to the Erotic Exotic East where Enlightenment has been a Revered Way of Life for ...... well, since forever if not millennia. And the right virtual kick in teeth which that studied Western ignorance and arrogance might produce which such a leading IP migration to Eastern Control Powers, is that should it be bought in, will it invariably be with western dollars/pretty printed paper which is worthless whenever it gluts markets in the guise of being thought and traded as being valuable, whenever in reality, is the inconvenient truth that it is a desperate and corrupt nation's, ponzi confetti currency. And that creates quite a major, catastrophic problem for the producer of that dodgy product/market, methinks.
<blockquote>amanfromMars [said]
Actually, the only defense disciple/ability/facility that Iraq* needs to master and/or be mentored and monitored in**, is the very same one that Uncle Sam is still so desperately seeking himself to be absolute ruler in ....... and that would then suggest and virtually guarantee is most unlikely to be ever provided because of the surreal overwhelming advantage it delivers so effortlessly/stealthily with its Command and Control of Computers and Communications, and which can be delegated and cloaked in Novel IT Programs disguised as current news and future views in media tales/DODgy spin, ........ CyberSpace Control for Remote Anonymous Management and Beta Global Development of Human Perception for a Universal Consciousness and/or AI Singularity which presents/product places the Future with conflict free Live Operational Virtual Environments ........ which would be a Brave New Worlds Order Program, and indeed, a quite revolutionary quantum leap into Binary Field and CyberIntelAIgently Designed Services, drivered and servered by SMART Algorithms and Virtual Machinery with Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems.
And please, do not doubt any of the above freely shared intelligence whenever it is so well enough covered and revealed for you all to read about here too, …. … although it is true that what you can read there is akin to ones's first baby steps, whilst others would be sprinting way ahead of all opposition and competition to win marathons.
* and every other nation/non-state actor defining a path for a nation and/or collection of nations
** … well, absolute power corrupts idiotic fools and useful tools absolutely and thus is a crushing oversight, a most wise precaution and essential component in any program which deals with a primitive species of being and dumb animal too.
And you may like to register the fact, even though you may struggle to accept it, and even quite wrongly conceive and perceive of it as being just a fabulous fiction, that such a defense discipline, as would then be a wholly new and HyperRadioProActive IT and Novel AIdDefense System, is freely available to interested parties, and floated before your very eyes here, in the plain text of this comment for Telegraphing.
In case you haven't already noticed it, IT has changed the world and continues to change it at a pace which is going to amaze you.
Sit down, belt up and prepare yourself for the ride of a lifetime, with fabulous rides lasting a lifetime.
And what do you imagine Blighty's Offices of Cyber Security have been doing with your half a billion pounds sterling, in such fields as are supposed to deliver Peace and Security/Freedom and Stability? Is it spent on and invested in anything remotely similar, or are you to be informed that is completely wasted on something practically useless? You know, par for the course?!. </blockquote>
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