"Now that our esteemed moral and intellectual "leaders" have discovered the "necessity" of assassination politics, wonder how long it will take the free market to follow their "lead"?
http://www.outpost-of-freedom.com/jimbellap.htm "…… Posted by rossbcan on 10/15/11 07:03 PM
Howdy, Bill [rossbcan],You forgot and omitted to provide the response of the/a corrupt system to the exercise of free speech which informs and educates the masses on systems which can be used to purge systems and a corrupting system, which have turned perversely self-centred and crook and rogue ... ... .. and as would be presently, most probably also be recognised as being freely exercised and covertly executed by the status quo establishment to try to maintain and retain a remote hold on the artificial levers of power and control which the confetti paper fiat currency programming provided ... ... . http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim_Bell
Many would view the treatment and those particular and peculiar prosecutions of Jim Bell as unlawful persecution and crooked harassment sanctioned by right dodgy and politically naive executive officers perpetrating a self-destructive system in dire straits needs of a cleansing purge and leadership pogrom. And how really stupid is that of a system ... ... to be guaranteeing its own catastrophic and sudden collapse by virtue of its own executive office sanctioned actions and quite idioticq programs?
Posted by amanfromMars on 10/16/11 02:40 AM
"You're right and thank you for the analysis. OWS is nothing but a bunch of semi-educated smart alecks with half baked ideas about how to run the existing (failed) system in a manner more to their own advantage. Any individuals that rise up to national influence out of OWS will without doubt be bona fide offspring of the Establishment." … Posted by dimitri on 10/14/11 02:46 PM
Hi, dimitri,Methinks you will discover, ... .in fact, are you not already discovering as novel moves and virtual campaigns progress eerily stealthily across the world to be covered by a pathetically reluctant political cuckold of a mainstream media ... . that OWS is anything and everything other than a bunch of semi-educated smart alecks with half baked ideas about how to run the existing (failed) system in a manner more to their own advantage. Indeed, surely you must be realising that it is much more the case that it is such a shower of incompetents who have inveigled their way into positions of unparalleled and unaccountable influence, which is systematically and systemically abused and misused for obscene personal gain, at the expense of the masses that provide them with their toys and boys/products and girls, that the OWS movement is growing in power and control against, and would wish to remove from corrupt office and out of harm's way.
And it would appear to be that you are unfamiliar with this quote and wise maxim ... .."It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt".-- Mark Twain (1835-1910) ... .. who was/is a a past master at observation and comment upon the failings of the human condition and the arrogance and ignorance of a quite primitive species of being who would think itself quite cleverer than it was whenever it so clearly wasn't and isn't?
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