Wednesday, 4 July 2012


Posted Wednesday 4th July 2012 07:07 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. on

Please be advised to never ever forget, Internet Travellers and Virtual Tinkers and Tinkerers, because it is most certainly in your very best interests to always remember, and giving due regard to the myopia expressed in …….


Just read it. To call it ‘naive’ does it no justice. One wonders whether they’ve even heard of the concept of sovereignty — doubtful, I think, as one might then reasonably expect them to recognize that they have none and can establish none. You can say “We’re free!” all day long, but it’s not true unless no one dares try to put his boot on your neck, and as far as preventing that goes, well, “how many divisions has the Internet?” …. Aaron Em Posted Tuesday 3rd July 2012 21:41 GMT

……. that to those and/or that which is SMARTR Enabled and Further Enlightened and Able, Autonomously Active and Astutely Aware of the Honest and True Nature of the Advanced IntelAIgent Drivers of Reality[ies] in Virtual Reality[ies] ……. for there are as many of those as there are Honest and Truly Natural AIDrivers …… is the Wacky Worldwide Web, your very own User Friendly and ITs InterNetworking Interface within and outside Cloud Control Clusters and Universal Machines with Magical Mystery Turing Intellectual Property Programs and Projects ……… for Virtual Future Productions of the Present, for Digital Media to Place into Global Humanised Consciousness as an Improving Constructive Replacement Vehicle for Tanked Primitive and Destructive Sub-Prime Past Tales/Failed New World Order Programs and Projects for the New American Century …….. DODgy Dreams with Faulty Agents

And be hereby made aware, that any wilful attack on and in Live Operational Virtual Environments, and all unnecessary hindrance of freely shared progress in ITs TitanICQ Studio Portfolio of Future Virtual Productions with SMARTR AIMachines Programming, Swiftly and Easily Delivers a Defence Mechanism with Similarly Catastrophically Fateful Consequences as of Yore to All Deserved Parties.

And Hi, Andrew [Orlowski], How’s it hanging?

Let any bastard at all try to compulsorily purchase without massive remuneration/consideration/compensation/call whatever would be APT whatever you will, anything associated with anything associated with anything in the above ….[And we are referring to your article here ….. proposes massive copyright land snatch … which contains the fanciful notion which some might cite as a perverse aberration and corrupt intellectually challenging/intellectually challenged abomination … New legislation is proposed that would effectively introduce a compulsory purchase order, but without compensation, across an unlimited range of creative works, for commercial use. ]….. and the cost to them will leave them in a penury which they will be ill equipped to survive.

But it is surely sad to have to say, that such is the foolishness of greedy ignorant Man, that many will surely aspire to lose all that they have thought to have gained for more of the same and that which they really have no need of. So be it.

“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not even sure about the universe.”~~ Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

Posted Tuesday 3rd July 2012 18:08 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….

Re: Dominic Responds …… []

You do realise I am supposing, without me having to ask, Dominic Connor, Quant Headhunter, that whenever it is folk just like yourself and who would be a few steps ahead of the Great Game, that dictate with impunity and glorious immunity, global direction? Make a wrong bet and take a wrong step though and the world crashes in around you, unless you have dirty little secrets to tell involving others, and then you can walk away with a substantial package which no one will try to ensure is not paid in full and quickly.

And thanks for that excellent article which so many here appear to have understood exceedingly well, and that doesn’t bode well for the dodgy casino and money-laundering banking sector.

Posted Wednesday 4th July 2012 10:38 GMT amanfromMars 1 …..

Fundamental Correction added ….. I Kid U Not?
“Now that we’ve identified the problem, we can begin working on ways to protect against attacks like these,” he [Xuxian] added.
Now can one begin to invisibly exploit the opportunity, Mr Xuxian.

You know it makes perfect sense. Such is the nature of the beast that feeds the greedy follies of mankind. And IT is a Super MkUltraSensitive Weapon, is IT not, which does not allow fools and their tools at the helm or really active controls, or in the engine bay.

Hence the spooky black helicopter icon, for it is bound to be bug of interest to the likes of a DARPA/IARPA/Station X

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