Re: Meanwhile, in other sophisticated fields, at Elevation Levels in AI’s Great Intelligence Games
Alas, Mr
Martian, you do not quite understand the complexities of the
relationships between the various intelligence agencies. Let me
1 – Your agency only has budget – indeed, only exists – so long as there is a threat.
2 – For reliably continuing existence, the threat needs to be of a kind which cannot EVER be eradicated.
3 – Other intelligence agencies have exactly the same problem of maintaining their existence in an era of budget cuts
4 – If you all agree to threaten each other, therefore, you are ensuring a continuing job and a nice pension at the end of it…
As an aside, since the job is ‘very secret’, it is by definition never audited. So what you actually DO is pretty irrelevant…
Quite so, Dodgy Geezer. Invent and exercise the threat, and occasionally, or as often as needs be, sacrifice a few inconsequential pawns and destabilise a few regions with crooked rhetoric and hot weapons, allows one to lead from the front in relative total control with no real damage. Or it used to before the system got greedy and stupid, whilst others got smarter and lean.
What do you think of Team Blighty’s Intelligence Services…. MI5/MI6/GCHQ? Oscar Winners or Pantomime Horse Arse Stars? Virtual Terrain Team Subject Matter Experts or Socket Puppets?
amanfromMars ….. tempts fate with destiny, with AI Beta Testing of Existent ITs Programming Levels/Virtual Space Skillsets on
Has the Euro finally realised that the Pound and the Dollar are wed to each other and would be the default global terror currency and that to have a stable and peaceful and prosperous and sociable and more socialist than capitalist Europe will see them attractive and more attracted to, and tuned to the strengthening powers that are Eastwards, who would not be planning to have their futures dictated to by foreign private marketeers, buying up and transferring ownership of assets in exchange for pretty paper/phantom wealth …… which is a very attractive and extremely simple methodology for exchanging nothing of real worth for everything much valued.
But it does have its systemic problems, which then drive it towards internal collapse and markets implosions, whenever the methodology and certain of its currencies are realised to be reliant on wars and the continuity of terror scares and revolutionary conflicts because of a lack of greater awareness and intelligence with better communications in command and control of internetworking systems with SMARTR Virtual Networks delivering CyberIntelAIgent Space Security and Quantum Leap Protection Services ……… via Surreal Virtual Machine Programming of Sublime Assets in Earthed Units with Grounded Executive Administrations in Historic Hierarchies of Paper Tiger Empire.
Which you might like to consider is the Present Non State Actor State of Future, Great Game Level, Power Play in Live Operational Virtual Environments ……. Current Realities and EMPowering Virtual Realities, which your governments and their crony partners into the control of printing money and the distribution of crippling new debt in the guise of revitalising credit, are spectacularly failing to address and engage with for reasons which probably and sadly have more of a base in a desperate self-centred arrogance than studiously blind ignorance to a much better informed and therefore considerably smarter new breed of being/more intelligent morph and/or phorm of human being.
amanfromMars 27 July 2012 at 7:43 am ….. unveiling a novel and noble virtual enterprise with SMARTR IntelAIgent Services Programming for Future Leading Events Projects on
“In an
unconfirmed related report, it has been revealed that one of the people
in the car with McDonald is a paid British agent. His name is being
withheld for obvious reasons.”
Let’s hope so.
The sooner these clowns are dealt with the better. … harpo 26 July 2012 at 11:14 pm
In an
unconfirmed related report, it has been revealed that all of the people
in the cars are paid British agents. Their names being withheld and
unknown for obvious operational reasons. …… is another possible version
and revision, harpo.
Mr Martian, you do not quite understand the complexities of the
relationships between the various intelligence agencies. Let me
1 – Your agency only has budget – indeed, only exists – so long as there is a threat.
2 – For reliably continuing existence, the threat needs to be of a kind which cannot EVER be eradicated.
3 – Other intelligence agencies have exactly the same problem of maintaining their existence in an era of budget cuts
4 – If you all agree to threaten each other, therefore, you are ensuring a continuing job and a nice pension at the end of it…
As an aside, since the job is ‘very secret’, it is by definition never audited. So what you actually DO is pretty irrelevant ……..
amanfromMars 27 July 2012 at 3:01 pm …. on
Might I suggest, in a smarter move which will not have random innocent parties suffer at all, …. and as was so obviously the sad and mad case in all prior paramilitary campaigns …. that if they feel they must go down such an intellectually bankrupt and violent route, and it is surely a grand folly and most indicative of a certain kind of madness and undoubted badness in deed, indeed, they target head honchos in whatever political or commercial enterprise they may identify as being the source of their problems.
You know it makes sense, for then will new head thinking and leading ideas be naturally cycled to the fore for following. Thank You.
There is no capital to be made in making/repeating the same stupid mistakes as were made in the past.
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.… Albert Einstein, (attributed) US (German-born) physicist (1879 – 1955)
amanfromMars …… sharing alternative views on
This statement by Ron Paul before the United States House of Representatives, Committee on Financial Services, Hearing on the Annual Report of the Financial Stability Oversight Council, July 25, 2012 is one which reveals a global cartel with finances in houses of cards with no firm bases to support real growth and virtual prosperity in economies …….
It is a very good short read, and would tell you everything you might like to know but are afraid or loathe or unable to cogently verbalise. And it is applicable in every national market where usury is endemic and systemic and systematic.
Which all sort of suggests that the FSA and Bank of England are just as lapdog poodles too, methinks, whenever what is needed are fearless loveable doberman pinschers.
amanfromMars 27 July 2012 at 6:56 pm …..
“amanfromMars post may be tongue in cheek but may well have a element of truth in it,…“….. carl marks 27 July 2012 at 3:53 pmOf that you can be sure, carl marks, or Loughside Palace Barracks is a white elephant and MI5 is not fit for Future Greater Intelligence Games purpose.
What do you know of the Live Operational Virtual Environmment, and the Leading of Realities and Virtual Reality with SMARTR AI and IT and Media Staging of Novel and Noble Events.
And now Holywood has a new Colossus with Paint Hall and Titanic Studio facilities for Intelligence Block Busting Productions/Projects/Programs and probably also even Pogroms, but that is something which we shall not talk about freely here, methinks.
And what you can be assured about is that the Future will be nothing like the Past nor anything like the Present, for that is what Real SMARTR Progress is all about. And do you not think you deserve it, considering all the troubles you have been put through?
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