In the Beginning, was there always Sublime ImaginaNation ……
Posted Saturday 14th July 2012 02:35 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….. on
Crazy Good v Mad Bad …….. Ultimate Battle Groups at the XSSXXXXPeditionary Front
Thanks for that confirmation, El Regers ….. there’s more crazies outside and free than are inside and detained.
Interesting days ahead for Intelligence Communities …… with myriad enterprising opportunities to exploit with secure protection against vulnerabilities in Operating System Fails ….. Virtual Machine Crashes.
amanfromMars 13 July 2012 at 8:30 pm ….
son of sam,
Do MI5 act on their own intelligence and provide something creative upon which something constructive and novel can be built or react to other’s intelligence and always be behind the curve?
What do you think of their show/performances to date?
Stellar or disappointing?
Methinks the evidence would prove beyond a shadow of any doubt that it be the latter …… which is a dirty rotten shame whenever it should be former. And that is a fault and a problem and a failing right at the top with unfit for future Great Game leadership ……. which is now remotely and relatively anonymously, virtually controlled.?!
And I can’t say it much clearer than that. And it is not gobbledygook, it is GBIrish.
Your point that it was a bit rich of Mr Gibney to be complaining about M I 5 when his own party seems to have sold the pass on their intelligence control some time ago, is well made, and supported on the ground by evidence too.
amanfromMars ….. on
Thanks for sharing that Wired/Kyle.
Novel Originality always spooks the Establishment’s perceived, and some would say, delusional sense of control and power.
Does that indicate that Status Quo Orders and popularly perceived and currently conceived New World Order type Players/Old Style Great Gamers are into Paranoid Schizophrenic Manchurian Candidatures? And worse?
That will probably require both pills, the Blue and the Red, and a Spell in Fabless Rehabilitation and Contemplative Isolation if Recovery is Sought and Wanted.
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