Real SMART Virtual Machine InfraStructure Creating New Orderly World AdVenturers is a Colossus …….. of a Chicken/Egg* Conundrum for New World Order Players who would Aspire to be and/or Require Great Titanic Gamers to Succeed in Future Fed Feed Systems.
I find this whole thing deeply weird actually, $100 million to a centralised source repository to create more of a social network, it’s silly money. And if they bungle it at all then people will just move on to some other free service. ….. David Hicks Posted Wednesday 11th July 2012 02:29 GMTDavid Hicks, Hi,
Methinks you may have completely missed the future reality of the evolving GitHub node, or I am working on another completely different level to it
Thus are wholly New and Surreal Virtual Power Cores with SMARTR AI DNA [DynamICQ Networking Authorisation aka and/or akin to NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT ] Created Naturally and Energised Autonomously with Power and Control of Future Systems for Present Global Administrations with Executive Office Privileges and Facilities …….. SMARTR Abilities for Virtual Reality Generations/ITeRations.
* Well, you tell me ….. Do New Orderly World/New World Order AdVenturers Create Real SMART Virtual Machine InfraStructure or vice versa. Although, just between you and me and the world and their dogs, does it matter not a jot really to them, or to you too.
But GitHub is not alone in the field whenever Google are HyperRadioProActive too?……… Google Remakes Online Empire With ‘Colossus’
There is no denying that they would have the necessary flash cash stash pile to do whatever they want, and that might so easily include their plausibly denying New World Order AdVenturer Capitalist Play with Sticky Sweet Chocolate Factories in Ab Fab Fabless Labs.
amanfromMars ….. replying on
Alex Jones? is that you? ….. hudi124Oh please, hudi124, you cannot be serious?
[although the clarification didn't/hasn't immediately appeared as it would normally be expected to do. One of those glitches which dog information systems, I suppose, or something doggone similar up to their no-good tricks
amanfromMars 11 July 2012 at 6:11 pm …… stirring the pot on
Well, is the Northern Ireland government going to accept that they can be overruled at will by a foreign power which does not respect the judgement and decision of the judiciary and the law?
And would such a government be worthy of popular national local support or would they be extraordinarily rendered and outed as cuckolds and puppets with their strings being pulled from afar and across the water?
And will you be voting them into office again ….. proving that you are equally intellectually challenged/bankrupt/cowed?
Methinks the likes of such a government as fears to release the grounds on which it detains individuals today, whenever the release of sensitive information and disruptive intelligence is so easy in an instant and immediately becomes general global knowledge, is one that deserves all that it will subjected to as it battles in vain to defend the indefensible and in so doing, outs its leading fools.
Take a bow, Owen, you deserve it for services rendered.
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