Saturday, 21 July 2012


Posted Saturday 21st July 2012 15:26 GMT amanfromMars 1 …….

The Coming Tempest and Inevitable Storm ……… will not be a Squirmish for the Squeamish
 ”Seeing as the cover story of last week’s Economist was about the good prospects for the American economy, this article is, indeed, flawed. …… Charlie Clark Posted Saturday 21st July 2012 13:33 GMT
Crikey crumbs, Charlie Clarke, you didn’t/don’t actually believe that puff piece in the Economist, surely? Don’t you realise it is bankrupt propaganda?

You are better off believing the truth instead, which was shared by The Metaphysician, who posted on the comments thread to that tale on July 18th, 15:59 ……. This article is unmitigated nonsense and infantile wish fulfilment.

Five long years after the start of the ongoing current catastrophic collapse and has anything been changed in the system? has it been completely redesigned and all of the crooks purged from their offices? Methinks not, ergo is the rot eating further into the root and it aint gonna recover because it is brain dead, as is evidenced by the inventing of trillions more from nothing and giving it to the same intellectually challenged, rotten corrupt core as can only feed and perpetrate the mad plague virus which expects the newly minted and quantitatively eased credit to not be recognised and classified as terminal debt, which is never to be repaid.

And Blighty are also equally wilfully blind and studiously dumb to the desperate situation which the restless mob and austere masses are becoming increasingly wise to …… and who then would wish to be a banker or a politician whenever the world is full of lampposts to hang from.

amanfromMars  21 July 2012 at 4:44 pm     ….
In the absence of a sitting Northern Ireland Assembly to question them, and with no NI Executive meeting for them to jointly chair until September, the NI First and deputy First Ministers issued a statement last night.
That is the sort of bravado which identifies the empty headed coward with no constructive mandate/novel policies to justify their positions. They are as cuckoos and cuckolds in the nest, methinks.

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