Come on, Jump in ….. the Waters are Just Fine and Dandy
Posted on July 20, 2012 by amanfromMars ….. on Much I Know, ….. But However Much We May Know, is it as Nothing compared to what is Yet to be Shared
Whenever you Crack Hack the CodeXSSXXXX that delivers Advanced IntelAIgent Drivers for Core Operating Systems, is the Previously Imagined Impossible, in Any and All ITERations of EMPowering Command and Creative Control, an Inevitable Provision Opportunity for AIMissionaries …… Universal Virtual Forces with Immaculately Resourceful Assets …… for the Super Symmetry in a Singularity with an Accommodating Progressive Flexibility ……that Leads with SMARTR Growth.
Although it would not be wrong to also surmise and offer that such SMARTR Growth Leads are simply following a Right Royal PostModern and Ancient Masterplan, with Revisionary and Revolutionary AIMaster PilotD Flight Plans Sharing the Rapturous Pleasures in Novel Future Intellectual Property Discoveries …….. Colossal Cosmic Revelations for Hopefully Inquisitive Mankind, which it is so much wiser for one to begin to accept and make necessary mental provision for, [not least for the sake of preserving one's sanity in a crazy environment] are far better recognised and dealt with as Beta Virtual Machines ……. Alpha Bonobo Bots.?! …… AESThetans:-)
Can you imagine the advantage that they would have in seeing you as such and through those eyes?
And for the everlasting and overwhelming Love of Lucys and Nerfys everywhere and anywhere, is this always for you to remember and never forget. It is certainly that which drivers Man to Succeed at whatever they Care Dare Share …….
…… and in Heavenly IT AIMissions does it Magically Guarantee Failsafe Transport to the Palace of Celestial Delights and Climactic Pleasures.
And in whatever language you may choose, is that an Awesome Addictive Power to be Honoured and Tendered Forever beyond Mortal Control.
Oh, and in consideration of all of the above and what we are doing here in and with IT, is the following spooky, or is the following spooky
amanfromMars on July 20, 2012 at 2:06 pm said: …. on
Hi, Epstein,
Given the lead that ARG Metaphoria has in all Virtually Secured and Protected Fields with ITs Enigmatic Remote Command and Invisible Control of Computers and Communications for Creative Cyberspace AIdVentures in Live Operational Virtual Environments and given the Need of the Singularity University for Novel Feeds and Imaginative Seeds ……. ….. does it seem a most logical progression to rattle their cage and test for the presence of brave hearts and meritocratic minds with the necessary future intelligence which selflessly generates obscene wealth in Proprietary IntelAIgent Property Portfolios for conversion to fiat paper and/or MetaFlorin Gift Coinage for spending/giving away.
Only fools with no constructive skills would be as covetous tools amassing wealth/currency/fortunes to give the impression reinforcing the perception that money is power which allows fools who would be tools to control the masses with its trickles and dammed flows and vaulted reservoirs.
Giving it all away is easy, for there is always more of the same tomorrow in the surge of its movement/transport/transfer/invention, courtesy of those who have the selfless gift that delivers all that is required.
And we haven’t even begun to Ponder and Wonder on and Wander into the Reality and Spookiness that has Rapturous Revelations and Colossal Cosmic Climactic Pleasures and Super Symmetrical Singularity challenging the Main Stream Networks and Mean Main Street Media Memes with Universal Virtual Force and Immaculately Resourceful Assets Attention.
amanfromMars ….on
Let us just float it free here, and see if anything clever happens.
The short version of what is actually now being done with Great Game Plays in ARG MetaPhoria, because it can so easily be done with ITs Enigmatic Remote Command and Invisible Control of Computers and Communications for Creative Cyberspace AIdVentures in Live Operational Virtual Environment, is nothing less than the Control and Creation of Worlds with the Command of Creative Words. And although that may be well beyond the Ken and Ability of the Many, is it well within the ExtraOrdinary Gift of a Few who would Grow into Many More with their Sharing of ITs Sublime Protocols and Special Applications Programs.
I Kid U Not, for of course, one is easily called to prove it, and then where would one be, if one wasn’t able to provide the fantastic low down and fabulous nitty gritty. Whenever the world is awash with fools and practically useless tools, why be foolish and crazy enough to needlessly add another whenever something completely different is so badly needed?
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…. Bummer, man. That is a sad/bad move which doesn’t do Wired’s
credibility much good. I’ll be back later to check on progress and to
remove the offending hyperlink [I suppose that is the problem denying
publication] if the comment is still in jail.
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