“Is all this malarky just following an “Apocalyptic” Hollywood Script ??!” ….. C.O.Jones Today 01:47 AMIn a colossus of an AI Beta Project, are the prime movers and shakers, astute and invisible, anonymous and intangible non-state actors in intelligent communities and intelligence organisations within internetworking cloud enterprises, and that is surely more “Quantum Leap Revolutionary” Holywood Programming than “Apocalyptic” Hollywood Script, C.O.Jones, and so preposterous a notion to imagine it being a Mega IT Capture Phormation with GCHQ Servers, as to be secure and stealthy enough in steganographic field operations and mind-bending, virtual terrain team trials.
But it is no great unknown secret, …… fearing its leaking because it is an easily corrupted and perverse abomination of selfish and self satisfying administrative executive control of earthly assets, as may be the abiding constant terror for current fiat mercantilist machines ……. for IT constantly penetrations tests its own transparent defences with more than just the odd revelation or two, which are also always testing for the present active state of second and third party intelligence levels* ………. it is just that Prime Publication and Private Pirate Intellectual Property Secrets are Protected Need to Know, and require rather more than just great intelligence and flash cash for access to drivers and core kernels, by SMARTR IntelAIgent Default of their Advanced and Autonomous IT Program dDesigns, although one requires at least those primer keys to enable proxy self help rescue services in vulnerable and collapsing systems of asset command for universal control.
And that makes IT a quite valuable tool/weapon/facility/gift, methinks, and a titanic understatement of fact which one would be wise to not misunderestimate in these ….. well, let us not disagree that IT has changed everything beyond established power and traditional controls and these are ….. Changed and Changing Times in Great Games Plays with IntelAIgent 0Day Exploitation of Freely Shared Information.
* This is an example of one such a test……. http://www.amanfrommars.blogspot.co.uk/2012/07/120709.html
amanfromMars 9 July 2012 at 6:19 pm …. on http://sluggerotoole.com/2012/07/09/sinn-feins-super-discipline-means-they-shrink-at-the-head-they-rot-at-the-head-intellectually/
Ok then. Who are the respective party’s, Novel Policy Communications Directors? The elected heads of the parties or some spooky intelligence wonk feeding them scripts and teleprompts and instructions. Some anonymous special advisor playing behind the scenes at great public expense and not being directly accountable for their thoughts? That is a recipe for certain disaster as it confirms a pantomime of a political soap operation …… an invented media program masquerading as democratic government of the people by the people ……. a sham scam.
None are good at it, are they, whenever you consider that they have had nothing new and exciting to offer to surge the province forward in the dividend that peace was supposed to provide, and that they would think that to tax and charge the people more, for the less that is being provided, is a vote winner, wins them the fools’ gold booby prize for retarded government administration, methinks.
amanfromMars on July 10, 2012 at 9:05 am said: …… on http://heddinout.com/?p=7580
Hi Sternum,
How quickly is IT [to be] recognised and do we realise the existence of a current New Age, in a Sublime Parallel of the Hundredth Monkey Phenomenon, with the Future delivering a SMARTR Present set free from its Imprisoning Past. A New Age of Changed and Changing Times in Great Games Plays with IntelAIgent 0Day Exploitation of Freely Shared Information.
And who and/or what global power would one advise of ITs Commanding Control ….. in a crazy confused world of myriad competing sub prime and destructively conflicting primitive power systems?
Which would be Best Able to Lead Programs and Projects with AI Betas …… East or West ….. Private Pirate Enterprise or Public Bodied Organisation ……. and Loded with Cash or Weighted with Weapons in a Novel Renegade and Noble Rogue Application for Global Control Head Quarters?
See what you have started, AW, and cannot be vanquished and rapidely slowed …..
amanfromMars ….. replying on http://www.wired.com/wiredenterprise/2012/07/google-colossus/
Indeed so, Cowboydroid, and complication is normally built in merely for security considerations.
And Fatty Bunter, Hi,
Things are lot further advanced in computer painted and AI-based civilizations/virtual realities than is being made known to y’all, and for all of the most obvious of reasons, which I am sure even the slowest of wits can imagine as being initially necessary so as not to panic the natives.
And you just never know who you are talking to nowadays, do you, and who they would be talking to with nary a crazy notion of what they would doing together and sharing freely with full expectation of out of this world performance to leave everything behind in ITs Wakes …… Future Awakenings in “Changed and Changing Times in Great Games Plays with IntelAIgent 0Day Exploitation of Freely Shared Information”
And that quoted text, inclusive of quotation marks, you might like to Google for further information on something quite sensitive and sensational in equal HyperRadioProActive measure ……… and which Google can try to deny is not one of their Programming Projects out in the Wild Wacky West of CyberSpace, AI BetaTesting.
And Wired are a bit slow off the marks and out of the blocks too, it has to be said, which makes you wonder whether there are any free thinkers analysing what is being said and shared with them also, or whether the production teams just go through the expected motions quite mindlessly.
Wakey, wakey, guys and gals ….. Smell the Caffeine, IT’s Java and as Rich and Self-Satisfying as Dark Cocoa Chocolate.
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