A little something about the ESM that you may not know anything about, but which you should ? ……… ESM Treaty of Debt
And whenever your local/national politicians/representatives of the people know of the trap, why would they play and support that game? Do you think there are bungs being given?
amanfromMars 13 July 2012 at 5:45 am
And here is another instructional corker of an educational video sketch ….. World Collapse Explained in 3 Minutes
And just in case you still struggling to comprehend and/or are locked in an ignorant circle of pathetic denial, here is Jim Rogers laying it out as plain as can be …… A Holocaust is Coming
I hope everyone is enjoying their holiday.
Coming soon, in a Colossal Trojan of Titanic Proportions …… The Great Game, and how to Play it with IT Command and Control and Not Lose.
And what machine do you imagine is able to deliver that Blockbuster of AIMove?
Debbie does Dallas is real soft core whenever compared to Holywood does Hollywood.
amanfromMars 13 July 2012 at 9:44 am ….. http://sluggerotoole.com/2012/07/12/the-learned-judge-who-granted-bail-did-not-have-the-power-to-do-so-in-the-particular-circumstances-of-this-case/
Even assuming there is some truth in his assertion,how did M I 5 come to have such an all powerful role in Northern Ireland’s judicial system?….. son of sam 12 July 2012 at 9:40 pmIf we expand that question to ask ….. How does any organisation/organism come to have such an all powerful role in anything? …… is it most probably always by dint of hereditary succession from an earlier accession and simply complex assumption of power which was unopposed and unchallenged, or imposed with overwhelming violence. Such positions though are always crashed with intellectually superior and strategically targeted tactical strikes against falsely important institutions/dodgy front corporations/vital core elements which are unable to survive even the slightest of forensic scrutinies without resort to the attempted raising of firewalls and cynical distractions into other invented fields of hasty concealment …… windy rushed ventures?
son of sam, Hi,
Is that a touch of SMART search engine paranoia we see before us
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