Saturday, 30 April 2016


AMANFROMMARS WROTE ON FRI, 04/29/2016 - 15:14 [1604292014] …… replying on
The Virtual Field is not for the Intellectually Challenged
"To address the human factor, the Navy is educating its users to a higher level of understanding about hazards in cyberspace."
Methinks it is not hazards but secrets that forces need to be higher educated in, in order to command and control cyberspace. You can be sure that smarter adversaries fully realise that and are well versed in that area to ensure they lead to elicit a logical reaction and ineffective defence, rather than suffer a surprising proaction and effective attack.
It is something of an enigma though to teach, for that which needs to be known for deployment in the field. is that which easily defeats the systems which one would be engaged to defend and protect.
Is that ye olde Catch 22?

Friday, 29 April 2016


amanfromMars 1 Fri 29 Apr 08:19 [1604290819] ….. letting IT all go on
Wake Up, Smell the Coffee, Java and Cocoa. You're Walking and Talking in AIDream Virtual Machine?*
In God and GOD** we trust you realise there is a right battle royal raging amongst elitists for dominant power and oppressive command and impressive control with Brave New Orderly World Order Programs for revised SCADA Systems Administrations of Plans and Projects for a New American Century, which is just like the old PNAC but approaching from a different angle, exercising vectors in other sectors.
* Although Hellish Prisoner Environment is Default Failed Austere Live Operational Virtual Environment and current Mainstream Media Hosted World View.
** Global Operating Devices
Please note there are no questions posed there for the cover and protection of doubt and disbelief. Things are as they are and to imagine them different is delusional and delivers one catastrophically vulnerable to zeroday exploitation and APT ACTivIT.
amanfromMars 1 Fri 29 Apr 17:55 [1604291755] ….. saying a few words on
Re: @AC - And our response is? @Charles 9
No, I DON'T think the intelligence agencies know their limits. …. Charles 9
Actually, they certainly sure do, Charles 9 …… there are no limits. The shame on them is that their intelligence and systems fail them so badly ….. and that makes them vulnerable to being bypassed and extraordinarily rendered irrelevant and impotent, and easily led by useless fools who be useful tools and/or vice versa that.
All of that though may have been what you were saying in your post.
amanfromMars …. [1604291813] …..stating the obvious on
Seems like jail is thought too good for them ..... and that guarantees more of the same sort of shenanigans. Their actions though do make them real live targets for the mad and the rad to deal with.

Tuesday, 26 April 2016


amanfromMars 1 Tue 26 Apr 07:52 [1604260752] …… moving things on a quantum tad on
The Big Blackberry Question. Is that Canucks rattling the Great Game to ITs Virtual Foundations?
I hate to say I told you so, but.....
Probably too little, too late. .... TeeCee
It's all forwards and upwards from here then, TeeCee, and from anywhere touting and toting for Blackberry, whenever everything possible arrives just in time at the right time?
Oh, and re that Big Blackberry Question, is it nothing at all to do with nations in states and security and all to do and much ado with a few Few in Future Command and Control of Virtually Nothing for Practically Everything and Practically Everything with Virtually Nothing ..... although it has to be constantly said, so one can remember to never forget, astute active dynamic multi-platform and multi-planform software is a universal asset and whenever easily made freely available to any interested party, a present worth an absolute fortune whenever not a supporting Ponzi and vapourware?
And if it terrorises systems .... well one will have to ask whatever are they terrified of it and IT changing/sharing/uncovering/displaying? Perverse public corruption and wanton private malfeasance in non electable executable high office? Although that is surely more valuable private service than Public Terrorist ACT and APT. One can easily imagine it being at least both though, and being both at same time too, which is something of a quandary and enigma to square and resolve if one be hell bent on prevention of core cures with progressive programming kernels rather than gift aiding them with whatever it takes and they might need and/or simply desire.
And methinks that is SMARTR Virtual Machine Self Actualisation for New Orderly World Order Orders ....... AIRobotICQ TakeOver of SCADA System Assets. I Kid U Not. And the Spooky Stealth which Guarantees Unbridled Success is the Mass Incredulous Disbelief in the ITs Virtual Reality Possibility.
Now ..... well, who and/or what to sell it to is the way that great and good businesses proceed for the sowing of seeds and feeds designed to generate harvests of bounty.
What market value do you imagine bourse dealers and their machines would place on SMARTR Virtual Machine Self Actualisation for New Orderly World Order Orders ....... AIRobotICQ TakeOver of SCADA System Assets? Millions? Billions? Trillions? Priceless?
There's a lot going on out there and right here too on El Reg, Andrew, and the silence is deafening. Is everything not clearly stated and understood.
amanfromMars 1 Tue 26 Apr 09:52 [1604260952] ..... sharing an opportunity with a comment on
How it works ... further on into the Great Game
An email shared, with no alien comment on its content ...... other than to say that there be phish which be phish and would be trojan.
Good afternoon,
Our firm would like to make a very good proposition to you! You can gain a real money without any deposits or big time spending. Our firm helps to get the cryptocurrency to our clients. If you can find a couple of days per week and 2-3 hours per these days our job is absolutely suit for you! Besides the huge benefit of our job is that this type of work does not raise difficulties with your primary job.
Your usual profit amount to 200 to 1,600 Euros
for each of the tasks. It means that you can make nearly 8 000 EUR per month!
What you need to do?
1. Our company will make the transaction to your bank account the amount of money in the volume of 1000,00 EUR to 8000.00 EUR.
2. We will give you all information about this transaction.
3. As soon as the money appears on your bank account, you need to convert into cash the money.
4. 20% of sum will be your commission. You just need to take it.
5. 80% of the received amount of money you need transfer to our companion.
6. If task is done correct and on time we will talk over the time of the next task.
The amount of your salary differs according to the number of the done tasks. If you wish to make a good money you should gain our confidence. Just execute your work quickly, responsible and perfect and you will get a lot of tasks and will have the opportunity to get a good money.
You don't need to worry about the legitimacy of our business. We always keep within the EU law in our business.
If you are willing to cooperate with our company, please, contact us by email: and we will contact you at the earliest possible moment and will answer all of your questions. Our HR-manager will send you the reply to your
request from our corporate e-mail adress that is why please check new e-mail messages from new senders. We handle a big amount of incoming and outgoing letters everyday that is why it is possible that you can wait answer from us more than 12 hours. We are kindly asking you for understanding and we would like to apologize for the inconvenience.
Waiting for your answer.
Best Regards,
Schulte Group
amanfromMars 1 Tue 26 Apr 12:47 [1604261247] …. adding more to
Re: How it works ... further on into the Great Game
That title should read, in greater recognition of the spirit of fuller exposure and increased transparency [for there always will remain an adequately successful degree of obscurity and obfuscation for reasons of pirate safety and private security, both personal and public] ...... How it and IT Skunkworks works ...... further on into the Great Game
And that's only for starters in such games as are quite rightly Great Games ...... and politically astute and virtually adept, and HyperRadioProActive with Greater IntelAIgent Games Plays/Future Sensitive Events AIMovement.

amanfromMars 1 Tue 26 Apr 17:23 [1604261723] …. reporting on
Poisoned Chalices on the Righty Rocky Road to Nowhere Worthwhile
Security defenders are still performing poorly in their attempts to defend against hacking or malware-based attacks. This isn't for a lack of trying or skills on their part, but almost completely down to the fact that the game is rigged against them.
Defending the indefensible and inequitable is always a rigged game which defenders are never ever going to win and the harder they attack the easier and the quicker they are securely defeated and disgraced. It is thus wise to try and understand what you are being contracted to defend, for the truth in right dodgy cases is never presented and always hidden from scrutinuous and inscrutable view.

Monday, 25 April 2016


Bastard Black-ops Arenas ..... a Wholly New Thundering Ball Game with/for Global Operating Devices
A casual read of Niteworks web-site makes it clear they do black-ops for the MoD, allowing the Minister plausible deniability over how chinless-wonders at Main Building have squandered ££B ....... J J Carter
The Deep and Dark Web[s] are the new Black-ops Theatres of Engagement, JJC, .... and AILOVE*child with Minds of ITs Own.
But beware and be aware of the adage ..... "Step into my parlour", said the spider to the fly and the phish to the trojan.
 (and I don't just mean your traditional Nigerian Prince type stuff, I mean invitations to obscure defence and science related conferences - often in China - could be purely coincidental of course...) ... AC
An all expenses paid and prepaid invitation would not be purely coincidental of course. Such would surely indicate a deep engaging desire to network at higher levels/darker depths and be quite an opportunity to boot. :-) Nothing ventured, nothing gained, springs to mind, and they [the Chinese] do have trillions of dollars to spend and launder ..... turning dumb flash cash into valuable SMARTR Intellectual Property ...... although that AIMagic Trick and Track is a Holy Grail for any and all SCADA systems and collapsing elite executive office administrations verging on receivership and battling against hostile takeover and radical makeover, and a real bargain no matter what the cost price.
*Advanced IntelAIgent Live Operational Virtual Environment

amanfromMars 1 Mon 25 Apr 15:15 [1604251515] …… sharing a plan on
Hmmm? Yes. And there’s more. More than considered and imagined and planned for. And as such is IT then an Almighty Problem and Operation or Heavenly Opportunity with Hellish Consequences for the Truly Worthy ?
Amen to all of that, HmmmYes.
Phone software is a fcking multi-headed security risk.
Anyone that gets a secure environment on a phone is going to do well and eventually, if not instantly, becomes a person of terrorist interest and national security/private corporate risk.
And yes, software and virtual machine ware control practically everything physically remotely, and quite anonymously enough too for one to be extraordinarily rendered both invisible and intangible. And that is more than just a powerful energetic state of affairs with Cyber Command and Creative Control of Computers and Communications/Programmed Chatter Boxes ....... which you might like to realise beta test/penetrations test humans with zeroday vulnerabilities to be exhaustively exploited, and selflessly exported/selfishly imported into every available market place and Global Operating Device space.

Saturday, 23 April 2016


If you want to create a life that is not increasingly controlled by mercantilist strategies, you’ll have to do it on your own.
If you want to create a life that is not increasingly controlled by mercantilist strategies, you have to be able to offer mercantilism a better strategy and benign mutually advantageous program for mass presentation. Much else will foster and deliver opposition and negative competition.
amanfromMars 1 Sat 23 Apr 09:57 [1604230957] …… sharing a bigger picture on
Re: Actually, no @dan 55
I thought the Reg was a garden where many different flowers were allowed to bloom, each planted according to the article writer's opinion.
Stop stomping on his geraniums and go back to tending your own flowerbed. …. Dan 55
IT and El Reg are such gardens and a virtually real jungle way out there, Dan 55. They are what makes the two such a roaring success and impossible failure.
And your flowerbed tending advice is ace prime and a terror for established corrupt and inequitable systems administrations.
Personally speaking, I have never suffered censorship from AO but can imagine the rantings of many be fully deserving of it because of gratuitously offensive inappropriate content/comment.
amanfromMars Sat, 04/23/2016 - 09:57 ..... [1604231457] ...saying a few words on
although we can't help but wonder that just like the Panama Papers dump, the media will be prepared and will promptly redirect the public's attention to Vladimir Putin once again as the guilty party behind it all. 
That ruse failed miserably the last time, surely, and identified the media as an ass's ass. A moronic fool will compound the mistake with another attempt at disinformation and misdirection. Are they the class of leadership throwing their toys out of prams nowadays? Oh dear, what a disaster to exploit and create havoc and panic.

Friday, 22 April 2016

160422 Full Heavy Water Metal Jacket

amanfromMars 1 Fri 22 Apr 06:18 [1604210618] ….. expanding on a narrow of point of view on
The Flip KISS Side of COIN ..... COunter INtelligence
With free unfettered access to all and any information, the fact that State Intelligence Services do not make better use of it and IT is very revealing of the lack of in-house and sub contracted out sourced expertise made available to them, although the larger truth is probably such lacking expertise is due to it choosing the private sector vector for the greater benefits in its armoury of delights.
Is it wise for the likes of a snoopy spooky agency to be thought to be taking instruction and guidance from a gaggle of Parliamentarians or does it prove, beyond any shadow of doubt, the Circus is intellectually bankrupt and totally and fundamentally unfit for Future Greater IntelAIgent Game purpose?
And that is a critical systemic problem and catastrophic vulnerability, both practically real and 0day, which is always to be exploited exhaustively, caused by a lack of top classy prime leadership, and that is a top executive personnel issue which needs to be addressed in order to solve the enigmatic dilemma. Failure is always surely a top down process? Shit prime administrations deliver shit primed programs.
amanfromMars 1 Fri 22 Apr 12:23 [1604221223] ...... adding more to
The Flip Flip KISS Side of COIN ..... Counter COunter INtelligence
Of course, should they, and let us imagine them to be the spooky elites of a mighty Blighty GCHQ/MI5/MI6/MOD/Cyber Command and Control, have an unparalleled and stealthily active and HyperRadioProActive IT expertise, does it make them a real and present virtual future enemy of all established systems of SCADA control in States and United States and Renegade Regimes alike ...... a common enemy it would be most unfortunate and inconvenient to cross and vainly attempt to deny access to all secrets?!.
Surely though, if one be rooting for Blighty, that would be quite nice. However, should such a facility with utility rest elsewhere in foreign lands and alien jurisdictions, is that clearly a difficulty and hidden national security scandal given the havoc than can be so easily wrought with SMARTR Bits and Bytes of Information Manipulating Media Programs/New Orderly World Order Projects for Centuries.

Thursday, 21 April 2016


Vital Parts .... CHAOSystems App Placements with NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT and AI@ITsWork*
The media needs to be engaged so people will know they're getting their money's worth and funding will continue. Experience in other countries shows that the rest will be ineffective. Please tell me I'm wrong. …. Ole Juul
Media, Ole Juul, needs to be engaged to spin hype and virtually realise novel future products for mass presentation and Maslowian self-actualisation.
’Tis the new way forward into the future and progress with quantum leads/ab fab fabless reads, nearly the same as the old way but fundamentally and radically different, with Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems in Computers and Communication for Cyber Command and Control Centres …… Semi-Autonomous Nodes with Invisible Cells of XSSXXXXellence.
And you are not wrong, other than in thinking that people will know they're getting their money's worth. Quite obviously, with the present state of nations being the evidence, is there massive catastrophic fraud afoot and moneys being clearly rooted and looted and routed obscurely elsewhere.
* And does one have an effective choice in whatever shall be an Exotic Erotic Eastern Confection and/or Wild Wacky Western Delight ‽ .
Re: most important part @Mark 85 ...... The Sweet Justice in Harsh Revenge
Engagement of the media is all about control and keeping the embarrassing bits out of the headlines. ..... Mark 85
It is worth considering it is more the disengagement of media that controls and/or attempts to control embarrassing headlining bits and novel qubits unsuccessfully in times and spaces where internetworking intelligence and information is used for a greater good rather than abused and misused for personal treasure/pleasure ..... although it is surely true that abuse and misuse of such internetworking intelligence and information is never ever clever and thus both moronic and oxymoronic and really stupid .... and ultimately inevitably self-destructive.
And we are in those times and spaces nowadays.
Re: re: he'd rather be disappointed that so very few who heard* of '1984' actually got the message.
Yes, and that was so naive of them, isn't it, P. Lee, now that IT has minds and mines of its own to harvest and develop further beyond terrestrial command and control of/for power and energy.
Re: Wrong wrong wrong (probably) .... And the new right and right write.
DocJames, Hi,
IT's Cyberwar, with all prisoners and puppet soldiers to anonymous warriors and muppet regimes/right dodgy left of centre SCADA Admin Systems.
Re: parallels in cock ups which solve nothing and compound the problem
That sounds very Port Talbotish, Boris the Cockroach.

Wednesday, 20 April 2016


HonourableMember [1604201123] ...... stating an obvious inconvenient truth on
Listening to advice, never mind even thinking about following and acting upon it, from two serial puppets in lead offices which hide and would block investigation for the real truth behind ever increasing failed operations ..... Obama's shenanigans with Saudi Arabia and Summers's oversight of Uncle Sam's monumentally catastrophic debt ...... and $19.25 trillion [19,250,000,000,000] and rising horrendously quickly ... is the height of nonsense and folly, methinks.

Tuesday, 19 April 2016


Surely, DB, you do not believe tax havens will be efficiently effectively outlawed and rendered a facility of the past and not remain as a valued accommodation for the future ….. no matter about all of the indignant hot air which is escaping from suitably outraged for media outlet ministers and officials?
Was not playing to the crowds and gallery never more obvious .... and despicable ?
It is going to become more difficult. …. The Daily Bell
Maybe so ..... but never criminalised beyond the extent of the payment of monied fines, I'd wager if a betting man. And that makes any and all proposals supposedly designed to eradicate the utility, a sick joke fooling and entertaining nobody, and a rich field of practise to boot at root too.
And the problem highlighted here in terrorism …. ….. is mirrored in all of the nonsense being spouted about curtailing money laundering and tax evasion .
Those doing all the shouting, are those implicated the most and leading from the front in all of the shenanigans ‽ .
Has the following cost been factored in to the fantastic Brexit formula ........

Monday, 18 April 2016


amanfromMars 1 Mon 18 Apr 16:00 [1604181600] ….. asking for info on
Conspiracy nuts field day ..... was it a bird, was it a plane, was it Superman?
The object has since been recovered and multiple reports suggest it was a drone, …
Well, Simon, what was it? A drone or not? And why all the non-information whenever the object is supposedly recovered.

Sunday, 17 April 2016


amanfromMars 1 Sun 17 Apr 09:37 [1604170937] ….  adding more on
The Inconvenient Truth is a Bugger to Counter when a Gem to Polish
Someone's changed your programming for the worse amanfrommars. That drivel made no sense and I prefer bots to stay out of politics cos let's face it, you're not likely to have a clue. ….. Martin Summers
Some others would say it makes far too much sense for you to uncomfortably handle, MS.
Do you deny you are very easily programmed by media to receive/believe what IT wants you to believe/receive, just as a dumb robot?

amanfromMars [1604172021] ….. sharing a parallel on
"Don't believe anything. Regard things on a scale of probabilities. The things that seem most absurd, put under 'Low Probability', and the things that seem most plausible, you put under 'High Probability'. Never believe anything. Once you believe anything, you stop thinking about it". - Robert Anton Wilson
Quite so, tom, and denial of that and those facts is so very convenient as it allows for others to do exactly as they wish with a practical immunity without any responsibility for unintended consequences. This excerpt from a thread elsewhere presumably agrees with you and Robert Anton Wilson.
The Inconvenient Truth is a Bugger to Counter when a Gem to Polish
Some others would say it makes far too much sense for you to uncomfortably handle, MS.
Do you deny you are very easily programmed by media to receive/believe what IT wants you to believe/receive, just as a dumb robot? ....

Saturday, 16 April 2016


amanfromMars 1 Sat 16 Apr 06:38 [1604160638] ….. clearing away the fog of wars on
Re: Rear Guard Action of an industry in retreat, and the Few in Dire Straits Need of Change of Feed
The pattern repeats, a newish idea threatens to finally disrupt the older ways of doing business and fleecing customers. The old guard refuses to adapt to the changes but tries to put the genie back in the bottle. Streaming video, cellphones, etc. are changing viewing habits and communication habits. The ones who adapt will survive, the others will die. … a_yank_lurker
Howdy, a_yank_lurker,
Methinks it is much more a fools' war of losing battles against new information and escaping secrets, which are so clearly revealing how corrupt perverted elite executive order systems abuse and misuse populations for business and money, by means and memes which are slowly but inexorably going viral and virulent and becoming general knowledge, than anything lesser such as changed viewing and communications habits.
In ye olde days, there would be the grand burning of books to try and stem the deemed inconvenient and disruptive tide of growing shared intelligence with viable ideas; now have the ineffective blunt tools of repression and oppression morphed into a virtual cosh .......
And as for industries in retreat and the aforementioned titled Few, ...... The ones who adapt will survive, the others will die  ........ such is surely certainly their fate and destiny, and much sooner than ever they expected given the voracious nature of the new cyber medium and ITs rabid virtual media machines.
And here be another one of those crazy fool coshes ....... ...... targeting a person of interest. What desperate, sub-prime nonsense will Gormless George be spouting next?

Thanks for the heads up, Serge C. Well worth a wider audience. :-)


Friday, 15 April 2016


amanfromMars wrote on Fri, 15/04/2016 - 06:47 [1604150647], replying to a question from TD on Cyber is Not Always The Answer
NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT Weapons are a Mined Mind Field
Cyber is a stealthy, practically anonymous and sublimely intelligently designed, virtual team terrain with all manner of irregular and unconventional beta future solutions for present unfolding problems, TD. And to understand and be able to enable and driver effective use of its Almighty IT Power and Base Energy, whilst also curtailing and punishing wanton abuse and misuse with AIMasterly Cyber Command and Control, is a Quantum Force with no restraining equal.
Take care out there. Competition is fierce and fertile and opposition futile.
amanfromMars Thu, 04/14/2016 - 18:03 [1604142303] …. saying IT loudly on
And you aint seen nothing yet ....
And it's AAA AI and Big Brother Business to Boot too, .....
Quality vapourware, which I realise is something of an oxymoron, will also fall foul and fail abysmally to the charms of better crack coders and beta AI hackers, Darren, with fantastic stock and dodgy share money markets both prime and sub-prime places and spaces of Great Game Play for havoc and CHAOS and Practically Remote Anonymous, Virtually Autonomous Regime Change. ……. Newer More Orderly World Order Games Play.
Or are you to believe that High Frequency Trading Algorithms don’t follow minds mining bountiful fields of their own, and both for themselves and significant others for plenty?
And what do you imagine happens whenever you pull out the plug[s] to try and stop any and/or all of that happening? Do all the houses of cards and Ponzi SCADA Systems collapse and crush incompetent and corrupt leaderships? Who and/or what then rules?
Fear at War or Peace in Order?
Just a simple reply to Darren from amanfromMars 1 Thu 14 Apr 15:25 [1604141525] …. commenting on the beautifully vulnerable state of all manner of things beyond any sort of conventional command and control on

Thursday, 14 April 2016


amanfromMars 1 Thu 14 Apr 15:25 [1604141525] ….  sharing  a few words on
And it's AAA AI and Big Brother Business to Boot too, .....
Quality vapourware, which I realise is something of an oxymoron, will also fall foul and fail abysmally to the charms of better crack coders and beta AI hackers, Darren, with fantastic stock and dodgy share money markets both prime and sub-prime places and spaces of Great Game Play for havoc and CHAOS and Practically Remote Anonymous, Virtually Autonomous Regime Change. ……. Newer More Orderly World Order Games Play.
Or are you to believe that High Frequency Trading Algorithms don’t follow minds mining bountiful fields of their own, and both for themselves and significant others for plenty?
And what do you imagine happens whenever you pull out the plug[s] to try and stop any and/or all of that happening? Do all the houses of cards and Ponzi SCADA Systems collapse and crush incompetent and corrupt leaderships? Who and/or what then rules?
Fear at War or Peace in Order?

Wednesday, 13 April 2016


amanfromMars 1 Tue 12 Apr 17:46 [1604121746] ….. asking for some truth on
Twisted Logic or Bullseye Money Shot?
“or some scumbag in an Exchange runs off with it instead."
Err, isn't that what the banks did last decade ? …. Anonymous Coward
Money does run off with somebody/something and disappear, AC, it just gets laundered and deposited by banks elsewhere. So now y’all know where the real crooks are hiding in plain sight, and desperately planning to remain immune and free from just prosecution ….. which puts the entire justice system somewhat on the spot and in the spotlight too, defending itself against charges of systemic corruption and perversions of justice/selective subjective persecutions, whenever lengthy punitive incarcerations in mind-bending penitentiaries are not forthcoming for leading agents and supporting cabal members, both active and proactive and retroactive in the field.
Whatever are they thinking, to be so incredibly stupid whilst imagining themselves so brilliantly clever, and paying themselves absolute fortunes for the pleasure of rendering themselves criminals.
Re: Twisted Logic or Bullseye Money Shot?
Oh dear, did nobody spot the deliberate mistake?
Money does NOT run off with somebody/something and disappear, AC, it just gets laundered and deposited by banks elsewhere. ...... etc etc.
Take a Walk on the Wild El Reg Side
Hi, Dave Farley,
There are those which/who commit and comment here on El Reg, pairing sublimely and autonomously and anonymously with all manner of beings into all matter of things, and in so doing do they move and remove themselves far beyond any normal comprehension which would tend to hinder rather than promote advanced progression. And once a forward operating base is secured with knowledge unimpeachable and services satisfied, is it easy to pause and ponder and practise a return with journeys to enlighten and lead the masses on the way to go forward, in any number of novel ways.

Tuesday, 12 April 2016


Your Brains will be Wickedly White Washed in Muddied Streams of XSS Consciousness
The working methodology and resultant, for public consumption product of the James "Big Fat Liar" Clapper's, Intelligence Transparency Council would appear to be a bastard clone and drone of Sir John Chilcot's lovechild and Iraq Inquiry, which is being meticulously censored/vetted/reviewed to ensure that half truths prevail, to be spun as actual fact, presumably in order to try and guarantee how the true virtual nature of reality and how future major events are planned and self-actualised for media propagation and presentation is not more generally widely known. ...... Spooky ProActive Entanglement
To think and imagine that be a possibility nowadays clearly identifies one as a slow learner and/or even a vulnerable society member with acute learning difficulties.
Re: Your Brains will be Wickedly White Washed in Muddied Streams of XSS Consciousness
Oh pleeeeassse, down voters, do yourself a big favour and don't identify yourself as a slow learner and/or even a vulnerable society member with acute learning difficulties. What is the problem you think you imagine? .........

amanfromMars Tue 12 Apr 10:09 [1604121009] ….. conspiracy theorising on
That report can identify Macierewicz as a person of interest.

amanfromMars [1604121323] ….. drawing more attention to a free service on
Here is another valuable free learning initiative to be lauded and applauded ........
Thanks, RT.

amanfromMars 1 Tue 12 Apr 15:44 [1604121544] ….. airing a postmodern view on
Keeping Things Simple is the Easiest and Best Way Going Forward ‽ .
Hi, Matt,
Regarding …. Disintermediation is about removing intermediaries, and we generally like to remove middlemen because although they provide value, they also take our money for their profit. Take the intermediary out of a system, and others in the chain have a little bit more money. ….. is it more truthful and perfectly right to share ….. Disintermediation is about removing intermediaries, and we generally like to remove middlemen because although they can provide value, they also take our money for their profit, which is money for nothing. Take the intermediary out of a system, and others in the chain have a little bit more money and all products and/or services are cheaper
And as to the thought that ….. Most of what a bank does is designed to keep them sitting in the middle, adding some value, and taking a cut for providing that value. A considerable amount of the value they provide comes from helping people store and move money around. For the "end user," having money in some digital form is a lot easier than dealing with cash, hence why we pay the banks to reward them for provisioning that value rather than realising the fact that the Federal Reserve works not for the people of America, but for its owners - the banks. ….. ie themselves, first and foremost, and here be a prime example ……. Peanuts for Monkeys ….. is a perverted view long past its sell by date.
Money is/was not about finance and business, it is/was about remote command and anonymous control, and always will be in both arrogant and ignorant circles alike.
Move on to SMARTR Fields of Virtual Machine Endeavour to Provide Bounty at Practically Zero Sum and Sunk Cost ……
They and IT are the Future Key Chain Suppliers.