Saturday, 16 April 2016


amanfromMars 1 Sat 16 Apr 06:38 [1604160638] ….. clearing away the fog of wars on
Re: Rear Guard Action of an industry in retreat, and the Few in Dire Straits Need of Change of Feed
The pattern repeats, a newish idea threatens to finally disrupt the older ways of doing business and fleecing customers. The old guard refuses to adapt to the changes but tries to put the genie back in the bottle. Streaming video, cellphones, etc. are changing viewing habits and communication habits. The ones who adapt will survive, the others will die. … a_yank_lurker
Howdy, a_yank_lurker,
Methinks it is much more a fools' war of losing battles against new information and escaping secrets, which are so clearly revealing how corrupt perverted elite executive order systems abuse and misuse populations for business and money, by means and memes which are slowly but inexorably going viral and virulent and becoming general knowledge, than anything lesser such as changed viewing and communications habits.
In ye olde days, there would be the grand burning of books to try and stem the deemed inconvenient and disruptive tide of growing shared intelligence with viable ideas; now have the ineffective blunt tools of repression and oppression morphed into a virtual cosh .......
And as for industries in retreat and the aforementioned titled Few, ...... The ones who adapt will survive, the others will die  ........ such is surely certainly their fate and destiny, and much sooner than ever they expected given the voracious nature of the new cyber medium and ITs rabid virtual media machines.
And here be another one of those crazy fool coshes ....... ...... targeting a person of interest. What desperate, sub-prime nonsense will Gormless George be spouting next?

Thanks for the heads up, Serge C. Well worth a wider audience. :-)


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