amanfromMars 1 Tue 12 Apr 05:31 [1604120531] …. chatting on
Your Brains will be Wickedly White Washed in Muddied Streams of XSS Consciousness
The working methodology and resultant, for public consumption product of the James "Big Fat Liar" Clapper's, Intelligence Transparency Council would appear to be a bastard clone and drone of Sir John Chilcot's lovechild and Iraq Inquiry, which is being meticulously censored/vetted/reviewed to ensure that half truths prevail, to be spun as actual fact, presumably in order to try and guarantee how the true virtual nature of reality and how future major events are planned and self-actualised for media propagation and presentation is not more generally widely known. ...... Spooky ProActive Entanglement
To think and imagine that be a possibility nowadays clearly identifies one as a slow learner and/or even a vulnerable society member with acute learning difficulties.
amanfromMars 1 Tue 12 Apr 09:32 [1604120932] …… asking for information on
Re: Your Brains will be Wickedly White Washed in Muddied Streams of XSS Consciousness
Oh pleeeeassse, down voters, do yourself a big favour and don't identify yourself as a slow learner and/or even a vulnerable society member with acute learning difficulties. What is the problem you think you imagine? .........
amanfromMars Tue 12 Apr 10:09 [1604121009] ….. conspiracy theorising on
That report can identify Macierewicz as a person of interest.
amanfromMars [1604121323] ….. drawing more attention to a free service on
Here is another valuable free learning initiative to be lauded and applauded ........
Thanks, RT.
amanfromMars 1 Tue 12 Apr 15:44 [1604121544] ….. airing a postmodern view on
Keeping Things Simple is the Easiest and Best Way Going Forward ‽ .
Hi, Matt,
Regarding …. Disintermediation is about removing intermediaries, and we generally like to remove middlemen because although they provide value, they also take our money for their profit. Take the intermediary out of a system, and others in the chain have a little bit more money. ….. is it more truthful and perfectly right to share ….. Disintermediation is about removing intermediaries, and we generally like to remove middlemen because although they can provide value, they also take our money for their profit, which is money for nothing. Take the intermediary out of a system, and others in the chain have a little bit more money and all products and/or services are cheaper
And as to the thought that ….. Most of what a bank does is designed to keep them sitting in the middle, adding some value, and taking a cut for providing that value. A considerable amount of the value they provide comes from helping people store and move money around. For the "end user," having money in some digital form is a lot easier than dealing with cash, hence why we pay the banks to reward them for provisioning that value rather than realising the fact that the Federal Reserve works not for the people of America, but for its owners - the banks. ….. ie themselves, first and foremost, and here be a prime example ……. Peanuts for Monkeys ….. is a perverted view long past its sell by date.
Money is/was not about finance and business, it is/was about remote command and anonymous control, and always will be in both arrogant and ignorant circles alike.
Move on to SMARTR Fields of Virtual Machine Endeavour to Provide Bounty at Practically Zero Sum and Sunk Cost ……
They and IT are the Future Key Chain Suppliers.
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