Saturday, 9 April 2016


Hi, alaska3636,
Regarding ....
"So the Panama Papers, stripped to the bone, may reveal themselves essentially as an infowar operation by the NSA – targeted mostly against “enemies” (as in the BRICS nations) and selected disposable pawns; a weaponized psyops posing as an 'activist leak', straight from the Hybrid War playbook."
..... in a world where nothing is at it seems because of fictions and factions into mainstream media corruption and misrepresentation of facts, is the truth an object of Great Gamesplay and subject to being disguised with many faces designed to discombobulate ......

Re: Ethics @CrazyOldCatMan
Indeed. I've been in both and my current Public Sector job is with some pretty sharp people. Plus, I like working for an organisation that's actually trying to do something useful rather than just trying to enrich a few already-rich people and banks.. .... CrazyOldCatMan
Do you not realise, CrazyOldCatMan, the Public Sector job is sub-primarily to enrich a few already-rich people and banks. And if SIS/GCHQ do not realise that, then is that particular and peculiar Intelligence Community fundamentally lacking in that which is required to provide, monitor and mentor advanced creative commanding control systems leadership via remote virtually anonymous and practically autonomous leverage ....... and they will always be playing second fiddle to events which they are reacting to/stories which they have discovered and which may, or may not, be activated/self-actualising.
Deny that words create, command and control and collapse worlds and be as a paying spectator in the Great Game and Great Games which abound and surround you.

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