Saturday, 23 April 2016


If you want to create a life that is not increasingly controlled by mercantilist strategies, you’ll have to do it on your own.
If you want to create a life that is not increasingly controlled by mercantilist strategies, you have to be able to offer mercantilism a better strategy and benign mutually advantageous program for mass presentation. Much else will foster and deliver opposition and negative competition.
amanfromMars 1 Sat 23 Apr 09:57 [1604230957] …… sharing a bigger picture on
Re: Actually, no @dan 55
I thought the Reg was a garden where many different flowers were allowed to bloom, each planted according to the article writer's opinion.
Stop stomping on his geraniums and go back to tending your own flowerbed. …. Dan 55
IT and El Reg are such gardens and a virtually real jungle way out there, Dan 55. They are what makes the two such a roaring success and impossible failure.
And your flowerbed tending advice is ace prime and a terror for established corrupt and inequitable systems administrations.
Personally speaking, I have never suffered censorship from AO but can imagine the rantings of many be fully deserving of it because of gratuitously offensive inappropriate content/comment.
amanfromMars Sat, 04/23/2016 - 09:57 ..... [1604231457] ...saying a few words on
although we can't help but wonder that just like the Panama Papers dump, the media will be prepared and will promptly redirect the public's attention to Vladimir Putin once again as the guilty party behind it all. 
That ruse failed miserably the last time, surely, and identified the media as an ass's ass. A moronic fool will compound the mistake with another attempt at disinformation and misdirection. Are they the class of leadership throwing their toys out of prams nowadays? Oh dear, what a disaster to exploit and create havoc and panic.

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