Saturday, 30 April 2016


AMANFROMMARS WROTE ON FRI, 04/29/2016 - 15:14 [1604292014] …… replying on
The Virtual Field is not for the Intellectually Challenged
"To address the human factor, the Navy is educating its users to a higher level of understanding about hazards in cyberspace."
Methinks it is not hazards but secrets that forces need to be higher educated in, in order to command and control cyberspace. You can be sure that smarter adversaries fully realise that and are well versed in that area to ensure they lead to elicit a logical reaction and ineffective defence, rather than suffer a surprising proaction and effective attack.
It is something of an enigma though to teach, for that which needs to be known for deployment in the field. is that which easily defeats the systems which one would be engaged to defend and protect.
Is that ye olde Catch 22?

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