Friday, 1 April 2016


When journalism is lazy, AI and IT are dangerous internetworking things ‽ .
As I said, lazy journalism. However, having watched the BBC for many years, almost all their correspondents have little idea of what they're talking about. They regularly misidentify and misreport almost everything under the sun. ..... Mad Mike
Hi, Mad Mike,
Is not all news, stories spun subjectively to micro/macromanage a greater median perception with hidden agendas/secretive plans/politically incorrect projects …..  Governments Admit that Much of Modern History Has Been Manipulated By False Flag Attacks ….. educating, entertaining and informing one of another existence/virtual reality/fearful state/crazy space?
Who and/or what does the truth hurt, whenever news is tall tales which mislead, misidentify and misreport almost everything under the sun?
amanfromMars 1 Fri 1 Apr 10:16 [1604011016] …… pondering on a enterprise outed on
Surely nothing new to see there? Everyone's doing it, with some good, and many more bad at IT
As Pennycook told us, the CDE was seeking out “anyone with an innovative idea that has a potential defence or national security application. In focusing on innovative technologies our investments in science and technology research are high risk with high potential benefit.”
Hmmm? ....... An InQTel/DARPA/IARPA clone and remote controlled drone for fantastic programming? ..... InQTel DARPA / IARPA
And who and/or what do the MOD CDE work for? Are they Puppet Servant or Master Puppeteer?

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