Tuesday 1 October 2024


amanfromMars 1 Tue 1 Oct 04:33 [2410010433] ..... declares on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/09/30/world_wide_web_foundation_closes/

Cometh the hour, cometh the man*

Pods stands for "personal online data stores," which can be hosted by an individual or provider.

Are they going to be a great deal different or very similar to the likes of Google blogspot.com pages or live interactive reader generated content/post a comment threads available for deep see phishing and the free radical phorming of future leading commentary and virtual realities/remotely controlled existential treats?

Either way, whenever the aim is to make the internetworking of things a great deal better everywhere for everyone and everything, I'm in and captured, hook, line and sinker, and all for it.

It is just exactly what is currently needed in these dire present day times of dark and dismal voids which invite the weak and meek and the psychotic and unwary and greedy and lairy into work, rest and play in confused and conflicted spaces rather than destroying them and rendering them unavailable for systems administering corrupted operations/DoDGI SCADA SkunkworX

* ........ https://www.phrases.org.uk/bulletin_board/28/messages/517.html?utm_content=cmp-true


amanfromMars 1 Tue 1 Oct 14:07 [2410011407] ....... airs on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/09/30/iran_spearphishing/ for further afield free radical sharing

One sure way to get things started working correctly ....

..... is to avoid the smoke and mirrors of past troubles echoed in present mistakes supplying future possibilities with the fear of the unknown, the uncertainty of ignorance and the doubt rabid and rampant because of the stellar absence of critical tested prior experience and vital virtually shared self-belief/humbling after the fact knowledge aforethought/blessed hindsight.

And well worth a try any day and in any 0day and new space, Clausewitz4.0, although such as may call upon the utilisation and weaponisation of imaginanation may prove itself a bridge too far for the masses to realise and thus be it up to just a precious few to organise and administer at their leisure and pleasure.


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