Monday, 21 October 2024


amanfromMars 1 Mon 21 Oct 17:34 [2410211734] ..... disagrees on

Obviously there be A.N.Others of an Opposite Persuasion and Opinion

Democracy, in all of its many perverted and corrupted forms, needs to be shown the error of its ways by other than humans who clearly so evidently fail to be up to the task of ensuring it isn't misused and abused to the greater advantage and excessive exclusive benefit of a self-serving delusional and sociopathic chosen few ....... because (a) they have lost the plot, and gone a very long way from "Don't be evil," and (b) they are becoming increasingly powerful, with almost no constraint.

AI, both Generative and Degenerative, can fix that, Gary Marcus ..... of that you can be assured ..... so rest easy, take a chill pill or two, there's nothing to be worried about in that great nothing burger you be peddling ..... that is until such times as any proposed future human actions may give you great cause to be gravely concerned at the possible consequences and likely repercussions.


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