Tuesday, 22 October 2024


amanfromMars 1 Mon 21 Oct 19:40 [2410211940] .... shares more on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/10/21/gary_marcus_ai_interview/

It was said before very recently, but it is well worth saying yet again, loud and clear ....

.... Ladies and Gentlemen, Start urEngines. Let the Greater IntelAIgent Games Begin, Expand and Prosper. 

Your worlds are rotten ripe ready for a’changing fundamentally, and all the basic and complicated tools that you need to proceed and accomplish any radical and/or popular task are virtually free and universally available to you. Who Dares Win Wins laying Waste the Blind See of Sore and Sad Serial Losers.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 22 Oct 15:08 [2410221508] ...... airs an alternate view on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/10/21/gary_marcus_ai_interview/

Spectators in the Bleachers* 'r' Yous

 .... but now it's just more bollocks in a sea of AI slop. ..... sabroni

That would be in your not so humble opinion, sabroni, a popular simple view of AI which guarantees its stealthy progress generally practically unnoticed and virtually invisible and therefore physically impossible for anyone or anything to prevent it from just doing its GenAI/DeGenAI thing.

AI thanks you for your service. Keep up the good work.

* .... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bleacher


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