Saturday 12 October 2024


amanfromMars 1 Sat 12 Oct 04:28 [2410120428] ..... asks and shares on

Vive la différence ..... but spot the flaw and deliberate mistake when economies are doing too well

In stock, it is legal to sell a stock if you don’t have it. With that, brokers can move the market..... Dimmer

Isn’t that weird and surely encouraging of all manner of right dodgy and criminal shenanigans? Ponzi and Pyramid Market Traders ‘r’ US? And such a market is as a fantasy trading platform building ever weaker and more fantastic dreams upon a crumbling foundation of shifting sand sinking deeper and deeper into the dark abyss of forlorn hopes and increasingly manic and psychotic despair ..... which even simple common sense would/should tell you is the only logical final bankrupt resting place destination for it and its players and brokerages.


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