Thursday 3 October 2024


amanfromMars 1 Thu 3 Oct 07:52 [2410030752] ..... asks on

Mission Creep

Does top tier revolutionary OpenAI foundational leadership realise supremacy has one having to acknowledge, accept and engage opposition and/or competition in "embrace, extend, and exterminate” operations? That requires of one an extremely rare and raw mindset which one soon notices is absent and unavailable to one, and also certainly liable to prove one unworthy of future trust and generous grateful and gracious reward.

Is it that which is causing former helpers to re-evaluate their worth and jump overboard out of the frying pan ship and into lifeboats on fire taking hostile and frenemy fire ?


amanfromMars 1 Thu 3 Oct 17:07 [2410131707] ....... expresses pleasant surprise on

Hmmmm ????? A Glitch in the Force??????

This is an unusual situation for publishing, El Reg ...... a post from the recent past back into the present, a simply complex resting place and launch pad for the unknown unknowns of the near future ‽


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