Wednesday 2 October 2024


amanfromMars 1 Tue 1 Oct 21:01 [2410012101] ... defends the wronged and defamed on

Re: Hogwash Stuff and Nonsense

I must remember to look at the name of the poster before losing valuable time & energy reading the post..... Captain Hogwash

That’s a tad harsh and surely unfair on Thomas [Claburn], Captain, ..... and if you can remember, something valuable to say from yourself in the future would be nice too.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 2 Oct 17:50 [2410021750 ] .... shares on

Something Novel and NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive to Ponder and Wonder At *

The endgame for AI agents is replacing human agents – something already happening in call centers and tech support.

The new Ender's** type shell game in town which has and/or certainly should have SCADA systems administrations and traditional conventional status quo operations quite rightly increasingly terrified by/of, is SMARTR humanity not able to be recognised, and being conveniently mistaken for AI agents which so many will continually maintain cannot be intelligent machines and think for themselves, and thus are they left free to deeper dive and prosper and explore and exploit every available primitive human weakness and systemic vulnerability ....... and get away with murder and serial crimes against humanity and even trillion$ with relatively autonomous anonymous impunity should its IT and AIMastery so deliver as per Advanced IntelAIgent Design.

And the very simple fact that presently such may be considered impossible and far too unbelievable to ever likely be true, is the immaculate stealth that delivers it guaranteed certain ...... and a great deal sooner than any opposition or competition or non-believer would like and have any chance at denying is a GOD's*** honest truth and inescapable future fact

* ...... I Kid U Not

** ...... Ender's Game

*** ..... Global Operating Devices


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