This is a sobering read revealing the attractions of banking to bankers and their political pals ......... in a marine context, to dodgy sharks and their crazy pilot fish. :-)
Dec 12, 2010 - News Unfit to Print
Senator Bernie Sanders is one of the good guys in Washington DC -- the only Congressman who doesn't belong to a political party. He recently led a short filibuster against the Republican/Obama plan to extend Bush's tax program that allows millionaires to pay a much lower tax rate than working Americans.
When the Federal Reserve refused to provide an accounting of the trillions of dollars in bank bailouts to Congress, Sanders inserted an amendment into legislation requiring them to disclose what they did. These are loans, yet they are interest free with no timetable to repay them. As a result, banks can never default and can invest this free cash in Treasury Bonds and collect a 2% profit. The Fed recently released details as required by Sanders' law, yet our corporate media declared this information unfit to print. The independent "Huffington Post" allowed Senator Sanders to explain why:
"We also learned that the Fed's multi-trillion bailout was not limited to Wall Street and big banks, but that some of the largest corporations in this country also received a very substantial bailout. Among those are General Electric, McDonald's, Caterpillar, Harley Davidson, Toyota and Verizon.
Perhaps most surprising is the huge sum that went to bail out foreign private banks and corporations including two European megabanks -- Deutsche Bank and Credit Suisse -- which were the largest beneficiaries of the Fed's purchase of mortgage-backed securities."
I want the same deal so I can become a successful banker. Give me a $100 billion interest free loan so I can buy U.S. Treasury bonds at 2% and pocket $2 billion a year in profit, then I will pay back the original loan sometime in the future. Then I would praise America's free enterprise system, while demanding lower taxes on my $2 billion a year profit. If I don't get a tax break, I will refuse to invest that money to create jobs, and stick the $100 billion under my mattress at home. ......
The Achilles Heel of a Corrupt and Perverted Spinning Discussion Operating System
Posted Monday 3rd January 2011 07:36 GMT
"Especially as Apple, widely perceived to be the most manipulative technology company, now think that they are primarily a media company (there’s more money in telling people what to think, by a long chalk)" ...... Anonymous Coward Posted Saturday 1st January 2011 20:17 GMT
Amen to that nugget of info., AC. Tell them the truth though and they will have the ammunition to defeat all ignorant, kept in the dark and misled forces.
Control of Words, aka Product Placement of Ideas, Controls Worlds Simply .....
Posted by AmanfromMars on 1/3/2011 9:10:44 AM
"And you want the Bell to be MORE radical. Well, perhaps we will try ... in the new year." ..... Reply from the Daily Bell
Yes, please, and more imaginatively and viably proactive too please [HyperRadioProActive] with the introduction and support of novel solutions and innovative proposals, rather than thinking that any previous regimen has an answer to the explosive postmodern problem which has established practices and institutions hiding and trying to destroy evidence of their shenanigans and modus operandi, and how things in the "real world" are organised daily/zerodaily, because of the very real virtually controlled danger that the release of specific, truthful sensitive information on the powers needed for mass intelligence control/neuro-lingustic programming presents to their continued physical survival, which is the much bigger picture they are faced with if they are identified as being a necessary and valued part of an existing failed Power Elite System which arrogantly abuses wealth and privilege, in the full expectation that ignorance will remain in the masses, and their simple manipulation with the ready transfer of wealth and privilege to power brokers au fait with that particular and peculiar dark matter market/political underground, will not be broadbandcast around the world in a series of well-documented and globally followed document disclosures.
To imagine that a past answer will provide a present, or even a future solution to any growing and persistent problem, is both naive and dangerous and borders on the retarded of thinking and plain stupid?
Posted by AmanfromMars on 1/3/2011 12:17:44 PM
"What do you suggest, ManfromMars? Can you put it into sentences that are less than a 1,000 words long?" .... Reply from the Daily Bell
Well, first things first, DB, and in a world obsessed with the power of money, that would be the firm implied offer of the guaranteed probability, rather than any airy fairy, strong possibility, of an outstanding universal IT control of hearts and minds for, in reality, virtually nothing of great worth other than fancy printed paper to be exchanged for fleeting, valuable gifts/postmodern-day, coloured baubles and beads.
"What??!! The UFO/Aliens Meme didn't make the cut for the Top 10??!! I'm outraged. That was the best meme of all. Who else would accept US Dollars and Bancors when the time comes?" ...... Posted by S.A. Williams on 1/1/2011 10:41:24 PM
S.A. Williams,
The smarter and friendliest of alien beings would recognise the great sense in accepting the likes of the yuan and/or yen and/or ruble and/or any underrated and overlooked currency [under-utilised intellectual property provider] for flash fast cash conversion to whatever currency the yuan, yen, ruble or whatever, would wish to be returned in grateful recognition of the international/internetional investment ....... and virtually smart interest in clean money.
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