Saturday, 22 January 2011


 Posted by AmanfromMars on 1/21/2011 1:58:26 PM

"It's like watching a drunk. First feedback of the day you do well and then you fall off the wagon and starting writing page-long sentences again." ... Reply from the Daily Bell

Get with the Program, DB, you're falling badly behind, stuck in that barren rut.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 1/21/2011 11:00:33 PM

"The barren rut being grammar?" ..... Reply from the Daily Bell

Oh, goodness me, no. Headmasterly pedantry is the least of a Meme Watcher's problems whenever allied to the pimping of a systemically flawed and therefore abidingly catastrophically, self destructive system.

Methinks Mark Davis's two excellent comments, posted on 1/21/2011 12:44:24 PM and 4:32:20 PM, reveal that there is a DB mental block, which an intelligent being might recognise as being akin to and having a parallel in a misguided catholic guard on a perverted canon order, or vice versa, for all three have a certain singularity.

Whenever sat on a pile of loot, it is apparently humanly difficult to contemplate on the richness of life without the trappings of wealth, and that is a vulnerability which is far too easily exploited, and renders the zeroday exploits employed, eminently employable for fabulous riches.

Now, if I were to refer you again to ...... Posted by AmanfromMars on 1/20/2011 11:58:55 PM .... what do you imagine really smart analysts would make of this virtual conversation?

Normal Rules and Conventions, Religions and Elite Systems do not Apply in CyberSpace, DB, and to imagine that they do, and would have any Guiding or Controlling Influence, is a Disarming and Impotent Hubris which further degrades the Untenable Position and Disgraceful Situation which has any Lost or Deluded or Evil Soul, Defending the Indefensible for the Love and Control of Money to Credit the Masses for the Creation of Enslaving Debt ...... which is the Present Dumb Operating System of Western Capitalism, is it not? You know, the one spoken of here on the Daily Bell, daily, and in meltdown AND free fall without a parachute.

"Neither do I think so, DB. Smart Energy companies will. Google, for example." ...... Posted by 4irw4y on 1/21/2011 12:39:44 PM

And with Smart Master Pilots to champion Select Programs, will they render Wall and Old Lady of Threadneedle Street types, dinosaur relics of a past golden age, 4irw4y? Methinks IT guarantees it if the old guard are stuck in a barren rut and gilded cage with their guilt and gilts.

Is Rosneft a Smart RuEnergy company, do you know? And into Innovative Space Search for New Sources of Raw Power? Certainly BP have an Alternative Energy cell in their Operations.

"It's like watching a drunk. First feedback of the day you do well and then you fall off the wagon and starting writing page-long sentences again." .... Reply from the Daily Bell.

Thank you for that, DB, it did and does have me smiling. :-) It has been my most pleasant experience that moderation in virtually everything allows one to enjoy practically anything, and not irregular excursions into most every excess, does reveal the addictively attractive keys that present for exercising, absolutely fabulous and sublime control. It is difficult not to perceive of that particular and peculiar algorithm/base methodology as an Immaculate Conception, whenever one considers that which IT dDelivers so freely to the Pro and True Amateur.


22 January 2011 6:27AM

Tony Blair dug his own hole at the Chilcot inquiry ... I couldn't agree more, Chris. And this is how deep it can go .....

It is interesting to consider the premise that, rather than being the under pressure puppy dog supporting act, Mr Blair was/is actually the leading player in the whole sad and sorry Global War on Terror fiasco/failed New World Order Power Grab for his new bosses in .... well, let us just leave that open to both smart and crazy speculation and those who do God for a comfortable living doing nothing, but quiet contemplation, shall we.

Certainly to imagine that Uncle Sam has gained anything at all, other than a) a global reputation for serial wars against enemies, both real and imagined, with the phantom foe, which only increase in size wherever they go, and has no recognised form or nationality and a catchy, catch all, Al Qaeda name, which many can believe to be of their own invention, such is their confused, headless chicken state and b) an economy in tatters and a society and administration so indebted to, and dependent upon the largesse of others in the world, as to be threatening its own currency and Wall Street and the fractional reserve banking system with imminent catastrophic collapse, due to rampant abuse and their collective unfitness for future great purpose, it does seem unlikely that it is a course they would have chosen themselves, for themselves. It is something much more likely to be fanned from the wings and distant shadows by a two-faced smiling traitor to the cause, is it not.

And given his exhortations to repeat the exercise of Iraq against its neighbour Iran, its seems than Blair's psychopathic bloodlust and desire for war against nations has only been whetted, and he has learnt nothing at all from all of the gruesome death and innocent suffering and wanton and collateral destruction which has gone on before.

Indeed, it is a sign of the grand delusion which drives him to his inevitable fate, that he thought it appropriate to leave the Iraq Inquiry some papers/lessons for them to reflect upon, at the end of his testimony, rather than sharing with the members, the nation and nations tuned in, the lessons which he has learned to never repeat again. He just doesn't get it, does he, that he is rumbled, and nowhere near clever enough to be whatever he wants to be on the world stage.

With friends like Blair, America and other sovereign states don't need enemies, for surely does one stalk to destroy them, cloaked as a straight kind of guy bearing intelligence gifts in their own midst. 

Politics.... it's a dodgy, dirty game, and there no mistake in that.


22 January 2011 11:15AM

Regarding the post delivered by "livebetter 22 January 2011 10:15AM" which contains a long list of reasons from ToryVoter2010 21 January 2011 6:04PM,on why Saddam/Iraq was attacked, ...... and how very odd and perverse and unjust, although extremely convenient for subversive political leaders and mad statesmen to have a country attacked with weapons, rather than it being made a more personal and clinically smart, deadly assault against the leading individuals, which of course would then render themselves as perfectly legitimate targets for liquidation in the event of them thinking to declare war and hostilities ...... what is missing from the list, is that which was mentioned many times by Blair, in the changed landscape and his "calculus of threat" reasoning, the increased threat apparently posed by Al Qaeda after the 911 spectacular, with the clear intimation that there was some sort of link between the two of them.

Of course, the hijackers in that escapade were apparently all Saudi nationals, and it is more than odd that more than just the latest Tunisian wannabe dictator, who runs into trouble with the population because of their despotic inequitable rule and dastardly reign, and who has to scarper in a flash, fearing for their lives with as much as they can possibly pilfer, find a safe terrorist haven there.  Or is it some new super duper sort of an open prison system for failed leaders, the Saudis are hosting? How very novel and light years ahead of present thinking.

Methinks making things personal against warmongering politicians and statesmen, the sad and bad armchair heroes pimping from a secured background, who just as the lowly coward try desperately to ensure that they and theirs never have to fight and suffer deadly trauma,  will practically overnight ensure that they are rendered as spectacular dinosaurs for extinction, and Peace will be the new playing field rather than battleground on which to Build a Network of Utopias.

What say you?

Jihadi Junkie ....Hopeless War of Terror Addict

Posted Saturday 22nd January 2011 04:41 GMT

Uncle Sam ... a Failed State and Global Terrorist. The Big Fat Bully in the Playground.

Wake up America, you are being played for a rich fool and tool by a dumb sucker and slick admin tool for fools.

Of course, whenever the information we are being fed, is false, then does it show you how one is groomed to react in a certain manner to reveal particular traits and peculiar views ...... which is the power that Media has, in shaping the future. And such a crying shame that they are so pathetically poor at wielding IT wisely to Present an altogether better Beta Bigger Picture Show. Thank goodness and GOD, Global Operating Devices, for the Internet, which is up for IT, and up to the Task which MainStreamMedia abdicates and so clearly is unable to deliver. Although a lack of necessary intelligence is a valid excuse which one cannot argue against.

Now knowing that the necessary intelligence is available and hailing and inviting them into much smarter action and HyperRadioProActive IT, it will be interesting to see if their intelligence registers and reacts correctly to the challenge, or whether they have to be spoon fed the Information and Intelligence which Leads, just as a helpless and defenceless bairn is fed its formula.

Move over, Uncle Sam, and get lost/therapy. There's a new cool kid on the block to show you novel phished and phormed directions ..... with easy to follow graphic instructions.

Isn't that right, Eric/Larry/Sergey?

All hail the New Virtual World Order team  ..... although it should be noted, in a not completely new nor empty competitive field of NEUKlearer Enterprise Research and dDevelopment.

Welcome Google ..... what kept you so long on the Outside, whenever all of the action and HyperRadioProActive IT is traded with Insiders?

Posted by AmanfromMars on 1/22/2011 7:10:44 AM

Hi, Ludwig,

Thanks for those two Economist hyperlinks. An informative read they were.

You might like to also consider that the world is full of really smart, and virtually invisible young lions, well able to take over as non state actor figureheads, displaying good government practices with magical algorithms, to thus render any and all failing, existing hierarchy structures based upon old money with its corrupting influences, a thing of the past to chronicle and forget in memory.

A view shared here today, for who is to say that the following is not tomorrow's reality. Indeed, what is to say that it is not already so, running silent and stealth betas in the background and underground and alternative investment communities and markets, whilst the  main streams of media pimp and pump out all of their mind numbingly boring, white propaganda noise.

Move over, Uncle Sam, and get lost/therapy. There's a new cool kid on the block to show you novel phished and phormed directions ..... with easy to follow graphic instructions.

Isn't that right, Eric/Larry/Sergey?

All hail the New Virtual World Order team  ..... although it should be noted, in a not completely new nor empty competitive field of NEUKlearer Enterprise Research and dDevelopment.

Welcome Google ..... what kept you so long on the Outside, whenever all of the action and HyperRadioProActive IT is traded with Insiders?
You want Change you can Believe in? No Problem. IT can deliver whatever its Programs decide is Best for you and their Future Projects.

22 January 2011 at 4:16 pm

Can you imagine the dirt that spooks have on anyone of interest and/or in a position of power, and the control that that would then give them, for very few folk have any idea at what can be done today to deliver to Intelligence, your every future thought and dodgy past move.

Some would tell you that all of that is a crazy myth and just wishful thinking by such personnel, and they will agree with you should you ever be able to ask them about it, but they would say that, wouldn’t they, so that you are their little puppet on a string and totally unaware of their Total Information Awareness facilities.

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