Tuesday, 18 January 2011


If the evidence now gathered by Chilcot points to the sad and bad fact, beyond the shadow of any doubt, that Parliament and the nation were misled by Blair, [who may wish to blame and conjoin close cohorts in his panic, but he is the main man with whom the buck stops] and the war was in reality a vanity exercise with Bush to save the failing US economy's Military Industrial Complex model, which requires serial military conflicts to survive, and fuel the Grand Ponzi, then for there not be his detention by the forces and forces for Law and Order and Justice, and a freeze on his ill gotten assets, in a similar treatment as was so easily afforded to Julian Assange, can we then accept that the UK of GB and NI is a failed state and safe haven for the most despicable of beings .... the smiling pariah and economical with the truth, warmonger.

And if Chilcot has such grounded suspicions as would warrant such an unprecedented action, and would share them with the present coalition government, and whoever else they would know would need to be advised of their concerns, so that the most proper and correct of actions can be arranged, then is the buck passed from them and the pressure to act appropriately, based upon the evidence which the Inquiry has seen, [and there does appear to be some cables/information/notes which have been denied them, which is always suspicious and disturbing for the national security interest] is placed upon others, who will then be accountable for their actions or non actions.

If it's going to hit the fan, share it around, so that those who deserve it most, get covered in the glory.


 Long-standing procedures also prevented serving ministers from seeing documents relating to the work of previous administrations, he said.
Asked whether the Prime Minister was minded to change the protocol so that the documents could be published, the spokesman replied: "No." 
So present coalition government ministers have no idea of the deals, dodgy or otherwise, which Labour ministers made with whoever whilst they were in charge? Are you serious?

And Cameron thinks that that is acceptable? Can you imagine the abuse that that will allow?


Posted by AmanfromMars on 1/18/2011 11:43:40 AM

"Debt can only be incurred when both parties to a transaction offer something of inherent value in consideration. By continuing to refer to the debts supposedly owed to banks by the citizenry of the world we are numbed into believing we actually are dealing with valid contracts. We are not. The people of the world offer labor,intelligence, creativity, sweat, not to mention the years of their lives-----while the banks offer bookkeeping operations. Hardly a fair swap..." ..... Posted by Acudoc on 1/17/2011 1:56:11 PM

DB, Acudoc returns with an excellent practical point too, which is being widely shared around the world, for ignorance of the debt issue is that which enslaves the planet to usury and false prophets who would act as tin pot gods and self-serving dictators.


We're OK . Thanks for asking, AC
Posted Monday 17th January 2011 19:24 GMT  

Anyone thinking that Stuxnet is as a Son of Promis? Step into that field, knowing what you're doing and it's Holy Grail territory, without the unnecessary ancient baggage.


New World Order Players for Sale* ...... Open Source Market Leaders BetaTesting the Virtual Waters

Posted Tuesday 18th January 2011 10:20 GMT   

"The best talent in the security field can do significant to catastrophic damage to almost any system." ..... Anonymous Coward Posted Tuesday 18th January 2011 09:42 GMT

AC, I agree with practically everything in that post except the above sentence which should read, to be deadly accurate, and a true reflection of the talent freely available to make a billionaire's fortune seem like small change ... The best talent in the security field can do significant to catastrophic damage to any system.

* LeaseLend/Temporal Hire, for just like LOVE, is IT something you can Sell and/or Offer for Invest, but one can never ever Buy it, or Purchase it Outright, even with ITs Might.

18 January 2011 at 9:50 am

DC, If you think it is bad in Europe, it is worse in the USA, …… http://detnews.com/article/20110112/SCHOOLS/101120356/Without-aid–DPS-may-close-half-of-its-schools …..and the dollar is in a much more precarious position than the euro, although that doesn’t tell you much, other than they are both teetering on the edge of the Ponzi abyss, …… with nowhere else to go with the present regimes and has-beens at the levers of slave control with currency candy.


Posted by AmanfromMars on 1/18/2011 4:23:53 AM

Harvesting the local view. To find out the grassroots take on matters which the natives mightn't even be aware of, one has to present it in a manner which strikes a chord, or rings a bell, or rattles a cage and takes their fancy and speaks their language or winds them up.:-) Ergo.....
18 January 2011 at 8:38 am

Well done, Biffo, now you've really fcuked up the System ...... and it is just what the System needed. Bravo, again, Squire. ....... http://thedailybell.com/1690/End-of-Euro-Ireland-Prints-Own-Notes.html

And you'll always find the comments on stories there, much more enlightening than anywhere else where the mainstream media would be trying to maintain the status quo with all of its inequalities and inequities, rather than building a utopian future to engage and expand upon the virgin imaginations of the newly born and easily susceptible to remote control/neuro-linguistic programming.

For those who may not know, Biffo is the nickname for Brian Cowen, the current Irish Prime Minister or Taoiseach, and so beautifully typical of that endearing and humourous Irish irreverence to everything pretentious and false. Brian, despite his exalted office position, still enjoys nothing more than downing a couple more pints than is probably good for anyone, and carousing with the best of them at the bar whilst doing so, and he's probably great craic too, which makes him a star almost everywhere and anywhere. 'Tis the knack of Irish, although somewhat at the macho end of the scale, which has one pondering as to whether, as good as it feels, is it really anything to be so proud of, and shouting about. :-) Oh, and Biffo? ..... Big Ignorant Fat F***er from Offaly. In the depths and heartlands of Ireland, they're not frightened to call a spade, a spade, and then get on with dealing with, and celebrating the honesty.


Facebook don't have their Sorrows to Seek .... and who need Enemies whenever you have Dodgy Friends

Posted Tuesday 18th January 2011 11:52 GMT  

Although posted elsewhere, and relating to another matter and dark matters, this is quite relevant, and relative, and exposes more data than Facebook, the Great Phish, would probably approve of and allow.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 1/18/2011 6:35:12 AM

George Sign, Hi,

It appears to be a race to the bottom for the top prize of junk currency status for both the Euro and the Dollar, and these two comments on a tale of dodgy dealings here ...... http://www.wired.com/epicenter/2011/01/goldmans-facebook-offering-americans-need-not-apply/ ..... hit the nail right on the head, and would not disagree with the above
Posted by: Jdhanc1 | 01/17/11 | 8:58 pm | .....

Why in the hell would they allow the investment of U.S. currency? Since they know it’s about to collapse….why let it touch them? (besides the free stuff of course.)

Posted by: jaraluce | 01/18/11 | 12:36 am | ..... the us is going to lose its status as the reserve currency of the world and we will face hyper inflation. within the next five years. 

Although it is probably more months than years away, the way things are progressing so rapidly. Who ever heard of a $50billion float/IPO refusing to accept dollars before. Proof positive of their zero real worth, methinks, whenever you can just call up the printers for more.

And Facebook and its valuation are relegated to the level of being another one of those funny peculiar and crooked Sub Prime, Collateralised Debt Obligation in a Structured Investment Vehicle things, which is going nowhere but downhill to the bottom of the hill and the scrap heap/junk yard?

IT's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World and you have to be Pretty Crazy to Live Well in it? :-) ...


Posted by AmanfromMars on 1/17/2011 11:48:45 PM

The Payola stripped Naked.
Quantitative Easing & The Fed Scam
Submitted by David B. (Jul. 14, 2010) on November 5, 2010 - 12:33pm.

The U.S. Federal Reserve is running the largest Ponzi scam in history. How would you like to own a business (the Fed) who gets money free from the U.S. Treasury so they may buy the debt of the same U.S Treasury who then pays the Fed interest on the money the Fed got free? You think you could make money if you were the Fed? Even an quangocrat like Bernanke, who never had a real productive job, can. As this is a zero sum game, who is the loser? The U.S. taxpayers as they, first of all, are paying interest on their own money and then they have to pay, again, the principal on the loan when it comes due; with what? Also the savers, retirees, social security beneficiaries, life insurance beneficiaries, and many hard working honest citizens are losers.

I won't even get into the profits the investment banks make by using the fractional reserve system and using the manufactured fictional assets to invest abroad and arbitrage again the taxpayers money. Only the elites, privileged collectivist would have the arrogance and audacity to call this non-job producing Banana Republic scam helping the working men and women. Shame!

Sadly does the Council on Foreign Relations also pay its lip service to the rotten capitalist system by thinking to charge a subscription for information/words. In all such cases, is that which is supplied no better than tithed propaganda, pimping and pushing invariably, dark hidden and selfish agendas, rather than being any constructive beacon of transparent enlightenment which edutains/educates and entertains/sublimely programs.

Which sort of has one looking at the London Times in quite another way, for it has very recently followed suit and fallen into that trap, too.

Is that the discovery of a mad elitist conspiracy which invents news and views for a monied few? How very unimaginative and short sighted.

And is John Blenkins, Ms Sorcha Faal in drag, or just a devoted fan?


Posted by AmanfromMars on 1/18/2011 7:19:14 AM

Cheap mileage doesn't interest me, John, whenever the present truth drivers the future journey, with past trips a memory to either savour or forget/build upon or dismiss as unnecessary.

And I came across this today, and it struck a chord .... "Present a bold front to conceal unpreparedness" ... Sun Tzu, the Art of War.

I'm more of a Proper Preparation and Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance Permitting Prime Protocol Positioning with a Sane Disregard of Haste type myself though, but then Sun Tzu was a little while ago now, and one can quite naturally expect things to improve and progress and change for the better with age, otherwise what is the point of existence?


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