"In Beijing, Liang said that "We can by no means call ourselves an advanced military force… the gap between us and that of advanced countries is at least two to three decades.""
However, it is most probably so very true, that as an advanced virtual force, are they so far ahead in such as are labeled Great Games, as to be practically omnipotent as they exercise in quantum communications fields of omniscience.
[Oh dear, how very disappointing that such a contrary view is not presented. Don't y'all know, that such as is Denial and Censorship is a stealthy, invisible force multiplier]
Posted by AmanfromMars on 1/10/2011 1:39:37 AM
Life in LOVE* is a Great Intelligence Game for any and all into CyberIntelAIgent Command and Control with IntelAIgents in Intelligent Community Enterprises ..... and Absolutely Fabulous Cabaret too?!. .... http://onlyagame.typepad.com/only_a_game/2011/01/the-legend-of-the-fiction-campaign.html
Which you should notice is not merely a question exclaiming a fact. And please note, that such is also sincerely an invitation to Enter and Play AI Betas better than just good, for Searching Drivers and SMARTer Servers of Excellence so easily always deliver a close enough rendering of the Perfect Awakened Day Dream and ZerodDay Vulnerability, as would make no difference, and therefore be indistinguishable from each other, and be one and the same in whatever dimension or parallel of existence you would choose to mention and/or imagine.
And thus does the Virtual deliver the Real, with Media Presenting the Future and Novel Advanced Scriptures in IT Scripts for Network Distribution ....... Bigger Picture Promotions.
* Live Operational Virtual Environments are not just a figment of pure imagination whenever they are both astute and active/HyperRadioProActive, and for the few who are many, quite an Alien Technology with Managed Meme Methodologies for Artificial Use in Primitive Species.
"Houston, do you have a constructive solution to your problems?" said the spider to the fly ..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SPq7lyY3BBk&feature=fvw
Hello World and Welcome to FlowurPower v4.2 and ITs Civil and Civilised CyberSpace Project, which is both destined and fated to change your life and perception of reality, forever and a day, every day.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 1/10/2011 11:22:25 AM
4irw4y, привет
If you can do GOD, can you easily do magic. And in AI Beta ProgramMING, are the disciplines one and the same, although the algorithms to be used are sublimely flexible and beautifully different depending upon need and feed/seeding source.
"Any sufficiently-advanced technology is undistinguishable from magic." .... Arthur C. Clarke, Omni, April, 1980
Amen. Global Operating Devices rule.
10 January 2011 at 12:29 pm
What are you then to make of this farce …… http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/royal-family-granted-new-right-of-secrecy-2179148.html
Democracy is a political pantomime which is delivered daily in a third rate media soap.
And as for the Modern Intelligence Services, well, …. when are we going to have some?
Posted by AmanfromMars on 1/10/2011 8:22:44 AM
So what is new? Breaking news that America is a failing pariah and a conspiring collective of failed ignorant police states with no remedy for a lack of valuable intelligence?
Hell, who isn't learning that LOUD AND CLEAR. Although naked short selling Capitalism is the elephant in the room which is dooming the system to guaranteed collapse.
Targetting politicians is one sure fire way of ensuring that politicians stop targetting the common man with their war games meme to keep the Ponzis and money laundering schemes and scams rolling, and although that is not anything to be advocated, it is increasingly being recognised as a simple solution to stop the rape and pillage of societies by virtue of their poisonous arrogant rhetoric which presumes to lead the ignorant rather than supply their needs.
And ignoring such pertinent facts, does no one any favours, and would just lead one to believe all of the above, as unpleasant as it most surely is.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 1/10/2011 8:39:18 AM
The only true experts are rank amateurs.
And aint that the gospel truth. ...... for everyone else is just doing it for the money, honey. Flash cash and thirty pieces of silver.
10 January 2011 at 2:01 pm
“You read the Daily Bell? I don’t think I’ve ever been that right wing.” … malairt, 10 January 2011 at 12:53 pm
I’m widely read/read widely, malairt. It helps immensely in preventing one phorming a narrow and bigoted and corrupt and perverse view.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 1/10/2011 10:03:18 AM
Daily Bell, Hi
You may have to adjust your Base Thinking with regard to the who and/or what is in the preeminent and predominant position of and for Power Elite Control ...... http://www.wired.com/magazine/2010/12/ff_ai_flashtrading/
And would an Algorithm be a sort of Big Brother Derivative and Hedging Clone of the Meme?
Things are moving at quite a quick pace now, for there is a certain air of arrogant denial in the ignorant western camps, methinks, which allows for extremely rapid, exponential potential, rather than any slower linear movement, for the following may be all too true ......
[blockquote]Posted by: amanfromMars | 01/10/11 | 09:17 am |http://thedailybell.com/1669/Elite-Cult-of-the-Expert-Erodes.html
"In Beijing, Liang said that "We can by no means call ourselves an advanced military force… the gap between us and that of advanced countries is at least two to three decades.""
However, it is most probably so very true, that as an advanced virtual force, are they so far ahead in such as are labeled Great Games, as to be practically omnipotent as they exercise in quantum communications fields of omniscience.
[Oh dear, how very disappointing that such a contrary view is not presented. Don't y'all know, that such as is Denial and Censorship is a stealthy, invisible force multiplier] [/blockquote]
Posted by AmanfromMars on 1/10/2011 1:00:28 PM
"For all of the pain, amanfromMars, is there a "-" in "sufficiently-advanced", for this is a real itch for a semantic hobo." .... Posted by 4irw4y on 1/10/2011 11:47:46 AM
Pleased to tell you that the "-" is a mistake/a typo, 4irw4y. And I always avoid third party spelling corrections [being a pedant] because new words are appearing all the time, in order to introduce new technologies and methodologies which are quite magical when certainly novel and advanced. They can present an inconvenience though, whenever they can easily destroy age old perceptions which have escaped smart challenge with additional information which changes intelligence and leading control parameters.
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