Posted Tuesday 11th January 2011 05:35 GMT
"Tellingly, Ballmer is generous in his homage to the server and tools business. But Cloud computing is more than just licenses for software on a box."
So then, what is cloud computing all about? Any advance on command and control of both the real and virtual environments ...... for universal delivery of absolute mastery of global assets, with AI mentoring and monitoring [of] programs and projects?
Or is that too alien a concept for comfortable admission and therefore something you will require SCI/Top Secret/Strictly Need to Know clearance and Developed Vetting, to learn so much more more about Potent Energy and Elite Systems of Power, with Better Beta Big Brother Media Management of Perception/Memes and Themes with CHAOS .... Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 1/11/2011 3:42:08 AM
"Experts are most often front men for the ruling elite meme, not honest seekers of cause and effect. Investors know this because they are always trying to invest in the next hot story, but are not usually nimble enough to bail out before it ends. They also do not know what a bargain is. Current example: US Treasuries - buy them and weep." .... Posted by Ranger on 1/10/2011 1:49:02 PM
With Uncle Sam forced to buy its own toxic waste/junk bonds/US treasuries, presumably because the markets know better than to continue buying into their intelligence failures and Ponzis [Man is getting smarter?] ...... ..... and that crazy QE2 purchases policy is surely most accurately described as an insane, catastrophic and suicidal capitalist cannibalism, and if you accept the veracity of what you can read here ...... ..... are things going down the tubes spectacularly.
I hope y'all have secured an advantageous vantage point for the show.
"Andrew Carnegie: Well, he was a poor boy who became a great steel maker. That's really something. It isn't all or nothing, DB. Life's a smorgasbord." .... Posted by Heuristic on 1/10/2011 2:46:36 PM
Hmmm ... Some smorgasbord you can eat and they are a treat, whilst others may contain dodgy meat which may be rotten to its core, Heuristic. And is this more or less true ....... ""We're all very different people. We're not Watusi. We're not Spartans. We're Americans, with a capital 'A', huh? You know what that means? Do ya? That means that our forefathers were kicked out of every decent country in the world. We are the wretched refuse. We're the underdog." -- John Winger, Stripes"
And Andrew Carnegie, himself a Scot immigrant/emigrant [for both nouns are surely appropriate] is well remembered for many things, with the least of them not being his shared pearls of wisdom, which are, if not more relevant today, then certainly as relevant as in his day. .....
The bottom line .... although that is never ever the same as the final word on a subject/matter.
Posted Tuesday 11th January 2011 06:26 GMT
"Real change always starts from the bottom." .... VoodooTrucker Posted Tuesday 11th January 2011 00:56 GMT
I would disagree, VoodooTrucker, and share that the opposite is true and correct,and real change nearly always invariably starts right at the top, for implemented from the top, does IT allows programming to go right down to the very bottom, immediately, ....... for right at the top, are power and control levers enabled to easily reach wherever they would wish to go, whereas right at the bottom ........ well, one would struggle to be really effective, although one can easily be remarkably disruptive and destructive.
Please note though that the certainty implied in "always starts from the bottom" has been replaced by the much more accurate "nearly always invariably starts right at the top" for both are not wrong whenever one knows what one is doing and what needs to be done and what feeds are required for supply.
The path of least resistance is surely from the top down, for then does the System and systems support/aid and abet one, whereas it is most likely that working from the bottom up, one will be battling against the System and systems, which would be/may be "unaware" of changed intelligence supply controls and newly available, power leverage parameters.
Advice to the top,offers existing systems admin a remote control through the new proxies .... and all are satisfied with what would then be a joint, mutually beneficial adventure. Should the top fail to see/understand the added benefits which a proposed change would deliver, then such would be a catastrophic systemic vulnerability to be ruthlessly zeroday exploited in order to encourage executive office compliance, although that be a great disappointment, revealing as it would, a lack of necessary, fit for future purpose, SMARTer IntelAIgents in the existing default, ruling running System and systems.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 1/11/2011 2:22:25 AM
"Peter Schiff: He just learned himself and came about it on his own. He grew up a Democrat, his father was a Roosevelt Democrat, so he started out as a liberal when he was in high school and a young kid. Eventually he saw the light."
Hmmm? .......
Third World Banana Republic
Posted Tuesday 11th January 2011 12:21 GMT
So Serious Organised Criminal Intelligence will be shared with Logica, Detica, Qinetiq and Cable & Wireless.
Yeah, that sound like a typically good idea from Mr Plod. No danger of it being abused by dodgy third parties there, is there ?
Breaking cover to test UK Intelligence Fitness for Future CyberIntelAIgent Space Purposes.
Posted Tuesday 11th January 2011 14:18 GMT
That is a very interesting tale, Chris, which might even be a stealthy phish. And if quantum communication, which goes way beyond anything Einstein ever dreamt up, is part of any sensitive satellite stations research for solutions in fundamental energies, and ..... "Goonhilly telescopes can also be connected to global radio astronomy networks that will eventually include the Square Kilometre Array," said Steve Rawlings, professor of astrophysics at Oxford University.
"The Square Kilometre Array will attack truly fundamental questions: the origin and fate of galaxies, stars, planets and life; and the nature of the fundamental laws of the Universe, going beyond Einstein into the biggest unsolved problems like dark energy and quantum gravity."" ...... does at least appear to hint at leading pioneering works rather than mere lapdog support of existing systems and structures, then there is a very good chance of it being home grown for valuable global export, rather than it being offered freely abroad, to be then imported at whatever exorbitant cost can be negotiated for services required. You'd be quite amazed at what out of this world, alien services can do, although whether you would be cleared to hear of them, and whether or not you would be able to believe them, is quite another highly sensitive matter, which can sometimes cause a bit of panic.
"Posted by: amanfromMars | 01/10/11 | 09:17 am |
"In Beijing, Liang said that "We can by no means call ourselves an advanced military force… the gap between us and that of advanced countries is at least two to three decades.""
However, it is most probably so very true, that as an advanced virtual force, are they so far ahead in such as are labeled Great Games, as to be practically omnipotent as they exercise in quantum communications fields of omniscience.
[Oh dear, how very disappointing that such a contrary view is not presented. Don't y'all know, that such as is Denial and Censorship is a stealthy, invisible force multiplier] " ........
And thanks for hosting the testing, El Reg. It guarantees you an inside track on research and development which can be released and acknowledged as a virtual real project with NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT, which will invariably be also weaponised and AIMODified for Attacks on Defence Systems. Such things always are.
January 11, 2011 • 11:18 am
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Control of CyberSpace gives one power and control of ..... well, absolutely everything. And that makes its IT Controlling Programs and their Virtual Power Projects, a much sought after and priceless asset. However, such assets will probably, for every reason of security you can think of, require a third party solicitation of their competence, based upon whatever favourable subject matter expertise may be revealed and understood in an analysis of their "works", rather than the more usual, unsolicited proposal route from a new supply source to a service and/or nation, private business and/or public utility. Such an irregular and unconventional root approach, which is perfectly in keeping with the field under present discussion here in this comment, will prevent the metaphorical casting of pearls before swine, and allow for the right questions to be asked and/or the necessary sensitive arrangements to be made for any engagement with a prospective model partner/joint adventurer/cyber collaborator from the global private sector.
One is led to believe that in CyberSpace are there no secrets, and therefore are the best secrets the ones which are yet to be shared, and which would offer control of ...... well, absolutely everything to those who would imagine it a possibility with IT, but would presently be minus the ability/capacity/facility/algorithm ..... which popularly may be known as the Knack and Tricks of the Trade.
Posted Tuesday 11th January 2011 14:57 GMT
Wise up and don't be so naive, Menelaus. You think Bradley Manning wasn't vetted? S*** happens ..... all the time.
11 January 2011 7:51PM
Here is a interesting take on the drama .......
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