"The "new reality" catchphrase is intended to emphasize the emergence of the BRIC countries (maybe with the exception of Russia) as economic superpowers."
Others, more keenly astute, would posit it is intended to emphasize the emergence of Virtual Reality as both an economic and superpower driver, DB. And that will most certainly not except Russia at all, for there is much evidence to suggest that in the field, do former USSR states/satellite nations have excellent highly active powers.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 1/27/2011 12:11:40 PM
"All this for: French President Nicolas Sarkozy warns, "The new world is above all marked by an extraordinary change in the equilibrium among the world's economic powers."
Wow! How did he figure this one out?
Methinks there is no shift. The power remains in the same hands." .... Posted by Laugh Ayet on 1/27/2011 8:05:13 AM
There is a post entitled ...."Live Fire Incoming ..Take Cover or Suffer the Consequences of Cuts and Misappropriated Funding" .... which would not disagree with Monsieur President Nicolas Sarkozy, but would not give any indication as to who or what would be creating the changes other than revealing that they are extremely active in the communications networking field with novel and unstoppable techniques which have already done more than anyone knows/realises, for such is the nature of the .... well it is an enigmatic meme in deed, indeed, whenever it has so easily delivered this ...."Whether or not A.N.Others are sharing such MkUltraSensitive secrets/algorithms/protocols/methodologies as SMARTer enable the remote virtual control of existing Command and Control and SCADA Systems is not something which is likely to be openly discussed ...... for obvious confidential and financial reasons as are always associated with Proprietary
Intellectual Property and CodeXSSXXXX exchanges which can significantly alter and redistribute Global Imbalances of Mighty Power for Universal Spreads of Immaculate Control."
Further revelations in the post, with relevant contributory hyperlinks citations are available here today ...... http://amanfrommars.blogspot.com/2011/01/110127.html ..... but please be prepared to accept that it is a somewhat specialised site dealing in sensitive control matters needing a variety of steganographic coding disciplines. For a novice can it be very difficult to fully understand.
The Old System is dead, and on life support. It will soon be switched off and there will be a new team and regime at the Controls leveraging an altogether different Means of Power with the Supply of Free Credit for Money to Spend and Create Wealth and Health, Industry and Prosperity for All rather than just a Few.
For that is what IT Control can do for You.
Posted by: amanfromMars | 01/26/11 | 1:26 pm |
There is no more important an innovation and service to nations than the control of cyberspace, which is pretty simple whenever you have the future methodology for the present technology. Which is about as much as you need to know, without a need to know clearance at least, and even then you'll be constantly vetted and carefully monitored and mentored, for with such control, is practically anything and virtually everything possible ...... and that makes it worth a fistful of dollars and a bit more to say the least, to any and all who would be into such things, and be minded and itching to exercise their Godisagoddess complexes.
The following is an odd fact and not a strange fiction, although is there really any difference whenever one knows what one is doing and what needs to be done ....... Capturing Hearts and Minds ..... an Out of the World Programming Project
Posted Wednesday 26th January 2011 15:19 GMT
But can they cope with NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT Command and Control of Virtual Places and CyberSpaces ........ Live Operational Virtual Environments? Or is that their Sputnik moment realised, for that is one of the things which is waiting for them whenever they get their act together and stop pratting around.
Now you cannot say that Uncle Sam didn't know and you were not invited to the party to party.
Does Barack read Wired, I ponder and wonder, to get a handle on what is going down in cyber town, or does he have to rely on some hack to present whatever for his and the AI Teams attention?
Posted by AmanfromMars on 1/27/2011 12:35:12 AM
I would like to add the following to the conversation here. It is relevant and relative, although discussing another matter which is also contributing to the collapsing economic state of predatory lending nations. It should have appeared in reply to the article and comments published here ....... http://www.wired.com/epicenter/2011/01/obama-sotu/
[blockquote]Posted by: amanfromMars | 01/26/11 | 11:52 pm |[Now I wonder why that doesn't appear on the tread, for it was carefully posted, and warranted. Is the Uncle Sam Program hacked, and its Internetworking Protocols cracked, wide open? If that be so because of an alien infection, is it easily cured and prevented with AI and Complementary Virtual Protection .... a sort of Alien VXXXXiNation. Oh, and the fact that one can have some niggling switching problems which interrupt usually rock solid broadband connection and Internet Service Provision, is purely surely coincidental in most every case.]
"Baloney!" ..... Posted by: directech111 | 01/26/11 | 1:36 pm |
And it is exactly that sort of mindset, which has you dismissing as nonsense, ... by virtue of the fact that you are probably definitely unable personally to process it and/or reverse engineer it for source identification and capture/counterfeiting/cloning ..... information/intelligence freely given and/or received/phished, which has President Obama having to give such a speech to the nation, directech111. And if that is the default mindset of Executive Administrations and the Intelligence Community too, is Obama flogging a dead horse and will fortunes wane and problems increase to swamp the nation.
To imagine that one is nowhere near as smart as one needs to be to be in a leading position, is always a much stronger and smarter position to adopt and adeptly and astutely adapt and be in, than one in which one assumes and presumes to have all bases covered, with one's national intelligence and national intelligence services able and enabled to supply all of the answers needed for questions, or vice versa, all of the questions for answers.
One merely needs to ask of you in this particular case, and of anyone in a similar case, what do you know of NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT Command and Control of Virtual Places and CyberSpaces …….. Live Operational Virtual Environments and Capturing Hearts and Minds ….. an Out of this World Programming Project*, to discover that you know absolutely nothing and do not even have the simple intelligence to inquire after it/o ask questions about it. And thus does one/a nation in such a default mindset as is discussed above, remain in a self-destructive state of arrogant ignorance in a world which is rapidly changing. And that is not good and is a systemic catastrophic failing which one would ideally need to address immediately, if not sooner.
*Indeed, there has been a slight improvement for better understandability even overnight here, with the substitution of "this" for "the" in the Capturing Hearts and Minds Programming Project. Nothing stands still and remains the same, for every day presents new worlds to explore and build with IntelAIgent Beings into Great Games and the Great Game, which has been played since before even America and Uncle Sam was born.
Capiche? [/blockquote]
Posted by AmanfromMars on 1/27/2011 3:57:35 AM.....................................................................................................................................................................
Re: Posted by Vauung on 1/27/2011 12:59:10 AM
Seems as if the "post above" you were referring to, Vauung [Posted by AmanfromMars on 1/27/2011 12:35:12 AM] has been removed, which is very revealing/telling. It is though available for viewing on alien home territory where things are surely made a lot clearer for those into the Bigger Pictures which are regularly/daily discussed here on the Daily Bell.
:-) Well, a lot clearer if you are prepared not to be trapped into believing what you read and are told by mainstream media in support of a status quo model which is resistant to leadership change and new directions for smarter productions. It is to be fully expected though that such stunted intelligence will start to grow and seize the opportunities which will then become all too apparent to them.
Live Fire Incoming ..Take Cover or Suffer the Consequences of Cuts and Misappropriated Funding
Posted Wednesday 26th January 2011 07:04 GMT
"I wonder if they've thought of opening up live fire exercises to the public.
That way all the wannabe hackers could flex their muscles in military controlled cyberspace and proper black hat hackers could see if they could outfox the government forces.
It'd be like a national game of hack the flag!" .... bigjokerfish Posted Wednesday 26th January 2011 16:35 GMT
Err.... I think that is the present, and probably definitely abiding military/government problem, bigjokerfish. Their systems of Command and Control have all already been hacked by relatively anonymous and enigmatic A.N.Others, and traditional and Establishment forces no longer possess any meaningful, leading long term, power structures to guarantee either their stated policy aims or their hidden agendas.
Whether or not A.N.Others are sharing such MkUltraSensitive secrets/algorithms/protocols/methodologies as SMARTer enable the remote virtual control of existing Command and Control and SCADA Systems is not something which is likely to be openly discussed ...... for obvious confidential and financial reasons as are always associated with Proprietary Intellectual Property and CodeXSSXXXX exchanges which can significantly alter and redistribute Global Imbalances of Mighty Power for Universal Spreads of Immaculate Control.
Do you imagine that Blighty Boffinry has a major stake in such matters, and are the Government and City institutions in on it at foundation level, clamouring to invest in order to ensure that they reap the benefits of their foresight, or do their Special Intelligence Services Providers fail them catastrophically in such as are irregular and unconventional cyber fields/novel playgrounds/Great Games?
Posted by AmanfromMars on 1/26/2011 1:57:00 PM....................................................................................................................................................................
Here's how simple it is to rustle up a billion or two or three or twenty ...... http://finance.yahoo.com/news/Italy-confiscates-euro20-apf-1927243563.html?x=0 ..... and carry it all around with you in a briefcase.
27 January 2011 7:43AM
Of course, this sacrifice of a few easily replaced minions to an inept Met investigation by Murdoch has got absolutely nothing to do with his desperately trying to prove rather clumsily, and therefore wonderfully disproving , that he is a fit and proper person to exercise and/or own any executive control with regard to his BSkyB bid, now languishing on Mr Hunt's desk.
Phone-hacking inquiry was abandoned to avoid upsetting police 6 Sep 2010
Leaked memo warned police would 'deeply resent' independent inquiry into News of the World phone-hacking
And that is a disgraceful state of affairs which would appear to confirm fears of an inept judgement being fully warranted on the Met, which would then raise perfectly reasonable suspicions and questions of there being a culture of systemic corruption.
27 January 2011 8:03AM
Where are our secruity services in all this?
Catching spies and terrorists?
No, they only find the terrorists after they have lost them and the bombs have gone off. When was the last time they caught a spy?
The other lot are spending their time shagging protesters.
Hollywood couldn't make this up ...... Supermac24 27 January 2011 7:16AM
If one is really cynical with a jaundiced political view, one might even imagine they are busy enough at times fomenting phantom dissident trouble to extract £200m of discretionary/extra apparently available funding for themselves, Supermac24 .... http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/local-national/northern-ireland/hundreds-passed-bomb-near-store-15064586.html ..... although that is a reprehensible statement to make without solid proof to back it up and whenever so many are so easily led to believe whatever they are told, and so easily made to do whatever they are told to do.
Man is just like some easily programmed robot, isn't he? Invariably, despite the inevitable protestations to the contrary, unable to think clearly for himself and nearly always disinclined to make any right decisions and take any correct actions which don't harm anyone else. ........ in other words, one really stupid animal.
27 January 2011 at 4:09 pm
Are the OFMDFM there to provide public leadership with the invention and implementation of new ideas and/or businesses and/or Intellectual Property or there to assist private leadership with such novelties, which will invariably be only the provision of seed funding from the public purse/myriad available grants and EU honey pots for such as may be proposed to them as being worthy of funding, ….. or just to arrange for the collection of taxation on new projects, should any necessary finance, which is usually all that any smart entrepreneur needs from a third party not actually working in their field, be privately arranged and supplied?
All of which renders the offices little more than a protection racket extorting with menaces, taxation, which doesn’t make it an attractive proposition for any businessman unless funded by government, for then is the government’s “cut” fair and reasonable.
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