Friday, 7 January 2011



    “They’re pragmatic,” he said. “They have a game plan that deals in decades.”

Of course they do. Doesn't everybody? ........

    More troubling is the dexterity that China has “clearly” shown in cyberwarfare, said Dorsett, who called it the area he is “most concerned about.”

Ah yes, the neuro-linguistic global programming space ..... MkUltraSensitive Mind Control

Posted by: amanfromMars | 01/6/11 | 11:09 pm |

However modest, though, it’s the first declaration from a senior national-security official that the huge spy apparatus built after 9/11 doesn’t have to be permanent.
What a very odd thing to say. It does have to be permanent and a whole lot better than it presently is.
And some would tell you that presently American Intelligence Directors are failing catastrophically in their provision of information and actionable intelligence into the field.

7 January 2011 at 5:17 am

Ah now, don’t be talking about prices. Didn’t you know there was a draft Budget on?” …. Mick Fealty, 7 January 2011 at 1:36 am

Having trouble sleeping, MIck, or are you fortunate enough not to need so much of it?

There’s not much talk on Slugger about the failure of the government to provide the public with the detailed spending/budget proposals for review/consultation, as was promised by them and Sammy Wilson some time ago.

And is there no one working for the Stormont Assembly who knows how to generate money for the necessary public projects which the ministers and MLAs are responsible for? Does the OFDFM not have a masterly plan or is that plan to gurn to Whitehall for more money [a bigger block grant] and to support the further screwing of the natives with the imposition of more and/or higher taxes and new service charges?

Are they waiting on the private sector to provide a white knight on a champion charger to deliver what they need?
7 January 2011 at 5:23 am

Oops…. please ignore that MIck typo. I didn’t mean to provide any notion that this site is a dodgy new virtual intelligence gathering program for newbies in Loughside, Hollywood.

7 January 2011 at 1:09 pm

Nationalise the banks as you suggested in another thread? – we’ve already done that.” ….. malairt, 7 January 2011 at 11:00 am

Oh, which banks would they be then, for none of them are listening to government instructions about bonus payments to themselves after having to be rescued with a £100,000,000000 injection, which apparently then has been billed to the likes of simple Joe Public to pick up the tab. ……

7 January 2011 at 3:17 pm

Oh, and can you reference the post which suggested nationalising the banks, please. Thanks.

Far better methinks for the government to create a completely new bank for all of the money which has been gifted from the Public Purse, and let all those other ones, which lose billions, fend for themselves/find themselves another scam to run?

7 January 2011 at 6:32 am

Just thought you might like to know that you cannot now watch that little video. …… which was also carried here……

This video has been removed by the user. Sorry about that.

Obviously far too much sensitive information ….. and we can’t have the masses knowing how they are enslaved to a crooked rigged system, can we. That would never do.

And whenever you do not know the truth, is your life just living a lie and your existence, a virtual program you think of, and call reality, but it is just a program you are to follow in ignorance?

And shared as a question for no other reason than you should be thinking about that, for there are some fabulous and/or crazy new programs being aired for some serious change to humanity.
7 January 2011 at 3:59 pm

Please send me a pair of those rosy spectacles, malairt, and let us all know what you think of the animated tale which was referenced above, [6 January 2011 at 4:25 pm/7 January 2011 at 6:32 am] and which can now be viewed here …….

A true reflection on the present human condition or a work of novel fiction?

30 years on, and I’m still not convinced that there’s a conspiracy to rob the masses and keep them down in the mire to which they belong. I am one of the masses and don’t feel particularly mired.” …… Err, thanks for that. It tells me everything I need to know.

7 January 2011 at 5:28 am

Thought for the Day ……. “A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves.” – Edward R. Murrow
amanfromMars said...

"BTW - The link put up by Clark now reads that the video has been removed." .... J. Slater said 01/6/11 4:38 PM

If you saw the video, you would understand why it might make a lot of very vulnerable and greedy people, rightly and extremely frightened, J.Slater, for what it reveals is totally unacceptable and indefensible in this postmodern age of instant communication with the world.

01/6/11 6:43 PM

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